CH34: Time Goes By

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* 3 Days Later Later*

Emily's POV

"Come on mother, it's time to pay a visit" I smirk as we get in the car.

"It sure is Emily, time for payback" Katherine smirks at me.

"It sure is!" I say and as I start the engine.

"You ready?" She asks and I nod.

"Mystic Falls here we come!" I smirk as I'm ready to face for what I'm about to do.

Damon's POV

It was me, Stefan, Kayleigh, Faith, Kya, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler in positions to kill Elena. Earlier Klaus, Elijah and Kol popped by giving us a note saying "I'm coming to end it all" and then left before doing something else. But who wrote the note, I swear if it's a joke I'm going to kill them!

Anyway right now we have vervain darted Elena and she's rooming town somewhere. We have warned everyone to leave town for two days and it's worked, the town is empty. We are walking round town searching for Elena and then we see her. On the side of a building near the window, standing there like she knows it's coming. Good! We all walk round her, blocking every exit.

"Well hello guys" Elena says doing a weak smirk.

"Nice to see the vervain is still in your system" I smirk at her as she glares at me.

"Yeah, now time to say bye bye Elena" Kayleigh laughs.

"Or die die Elena" Faith adds on.

We all stay at least 4 feet away from her. We are ready to make the move but then we are interrupted by a cough. All our heads turn and there we see the three brothers, Klaus, Elijah and Kol.

"Knew you were up to something!" I snap annoyed. "I was just about to kill her!" Gesturing towards Elena.

"Well sorry mate we are under strict constructions for her not to be killed by you" Klaus says stepping forward being followed by his brothers.

"Well no hey love" Kol smirks to Faith as Faith returns with a smile.

"Hi darling" she whispers and then smiles.

"Anyway what do you mean Klaus?" Kayleigh questions.

"Well they should be here in... Right now" Elijah smiles.

We then all turn our heads to hear a car engine. It's a black mustang and then stops on the road beside us. The door swings open and reveals no other then Katherine Pierce.

"Oh thank god! Thought the plan was ruined" Katherine smirks walking past us and to Elena.

"Hey you better not kill her!" Stefan says confused.

"Oh Stefan not be but someone else" Katherine smirks while Elena looks confused.

"Nice to see you too Katherine" Elena smiles weakly.

"Well we better be off" Klaus, Elijah and Kol say leaving the scene fast.

What's their problem?!

"Just excuse me and Elena quickly" Katherine says grabbing Elena's arm and pulling her to the empty park in the centre of Mystic Falls.

"Excuse me!" Tyler says. "What are you doing?!" He snaps.

"Well it's not my blood to spill or yours" she says then turns to Elena. "You need to die from the person you caused hell too!" She smirks.

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