CH28: Going Down Hill

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"Emily!" Elena smiles walking to Emily.

Emily's POV

I stop at the bottom of the stairs with Elena grinning. Why is she here? Everyone's face is looking at me, Jeremy looks nervous, why the other's I can't explain.

"Maybe we should go? Yep we should go!" Kya says telling me to come over.

I stand my ground shaking my head side to side. I look at them and then turn back to Elena. He smirk still there, her eyes darted on me, her body standing up right with her left hand on her hip.

"Elena!" I say back putting a smirk on. "What brings you here?" I ask as she starts to walk away.

"Came to check on my favourite Gilbert or Petrova but you preferred Gilbert" she smirked turning her head towards me.

"Oh yeah last time, no actually the first time we met you said I was a spoilt middle Gilbert sister to be correct" I smirked as she glared at me.

"Well we better go" Damon said walking towards me.

"Yeah let's leave this selfish Vampire!" I said gesturing to Elena as everyone looked shocked.

"What?" Everyone muted.

"Well Emily you don't even know what's happening right now! Well let's tell you me and..." He stated before being interrupted by Damon.

"Emily let's get going, you guys stay here" he says pushing me to the door.

As I reach the door I begin to run but Damon catch's me and lifts me up bridal style. He then does his vampire speed to take me home. As we got home I went upstairs and Damon got back to the Salvatore house.

Damon's POV

I arrived home to Jeremy who punched my right in the face. I stood up and pushed him away as I saw Elena smirking as me.

"You told him!" I shouted at the others.

"Damon how could you do that to Emily!!" Jeremy shouted at me.

Jeremy ran up to me with a piece of wood. He's trying to kill me! As soon as he reached me I grabbed him before the wood could touch me and flung him across the room.

"Damon! Stop!" Kayleigh shouted.

"Well I better go! See you later Damon" Elena left smirking.

When she was gone I got Jeremy again and picked him before punching him back. At this moment Stefan grabbed me and pulled him off. With the others with Jeremy I try to get out of Stefan's hold.

"Damon don't!" Stefan demanded but I wouldn't give up.

"How dare you tell him which causes him to kill me!" I shout at him getting angry.

Suddenly I could feel my fangs coming out and veins leaving my eyes which are pure dark.

"Damon don't please" Faith says trying to grab me to.

So I'm pinned down by Stefan and Faith, why am I getting blamed. I used all my mighty to fling both to the wall. I stood up and I could tell they were all scared.

"He promised he won't tell" Kayleigh pleaded but I have had enough of all of them.

I then did my vampire speed and ran out to Emily. She could help me. I need her!

I arrived at the Gilbert house and knocked on the door. Emily arrived at the door and opened it, she smiled and instantly I hugged her. She leads me upstairs to her room.

"Ok this isn't the Damon I know" she smiles at me.

"Yeah, well let's say the others are disagreeing with me and maybe trying to kill me" I smirk.


"Yeah but no knead to worry because Damon Salvatore had it planned" I smirk again.

"Oh really now?" She smirks back at me leaning closer.

"Really" I smirk leaning closer and pecking her lips. "Now we need sleep, so shall we?" I say gesturing towards the bed.

"Yeah I'll take that" she says.

We both lay next to each other in Emily's double bed. I put my arm round her waist pulling her closer to me. The covers keeping us both warm. I can feel her snuggle closer to me. I look down at her watching her sleep peacefully.

"I know your watching me sleep peacefully but I thought we were both sleeping" she smirks still keeping her eyes closed.

"Ok ok ok" I laugh and with that said I lay my head back closing my eyes.

Emily's POV

The next morning I wake up next to Damon which lead to a smile on my face. I try to pull away but I can't because Damon is holding onto me so I stayed and I loved it. Laying here with him. I looked at him. His chest moving up and down slowly and his face turned to me. I could feel his warm breath on me, the scent he had was lovely because I could never get bored of it.

"It's rude to stare" Damon smirks not opening his blue eyes.

"Yes but you did it to me last night" I smirked as he smiled.

I gently sat up and gently kissed his red lips with him retaliating the kiss. Eventually I was able to leave my bedroom, fully changed and dressed and all freshened up. Damon went home to get freshened up to and then meet up once we were free after breakfast.

I walked down stairs and found the house empty, no one was home. Not Kayleigh or Jeremy or even Kya, no one was here. Did they stay over at the Salvatore's house? But let's get the rest of the summer going.

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