First Semester: Intro

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I had just had the worst summer of my life, I got dumped by my dick of an ex-boyfriend Darius after he convinced me to have a threesome with him and his best friend, claiming he wanted our last time together to be 'something special'. Then I found out that my parents were getting a divorce and that the only reason they stayed together this long was because of me and they wanted to wait until I went off to college before finalizing it. I swear I was ready to get the hell outta here and finally start my freshmen year, somewhere that nobody knew me and I could finally put the events of this summer behind me....... I looked out the window as we pulled into the University of Michigan campus and couldn't help but smile I was far enough away from home where I could make excuses as to why I couldn't come home on the weekends but close enough that if something were to happen I could get home no problem. My parents pulled up to the dorms and I couldn't help but notice all the sexy dudes moving in, I was ready to get rid of them as quickly as possible, after quickly taking everything up to my room I stood there with my parents trying to get them to leave.

"Jeremy are you sure you don't want us to stay an extra night, I saw a hotel not to far from here." My dad said looking at me.

"Nah dad I'm fine y'all hit the road and I'll call y'all later tonight." I said hugging my dad, I looked at my mother who was staring at her watch as if she had some other place she'd rather be. "Ummm I'll see you later mom." I said waiting for here to say something to acknowledge I was standing there.

"I'll see you for Christmas, since you'll probably be with your dad on Thanksgiving. Jason I'll be in the car." She said walking away quickly. I gave my dad one more hug and he left quickly probably so I wouldn't see him cry, I finished packing and laid on the empty bed and started to fall asleep when the door opened and this tall dark skinned dude walked in.

"You must be my roommate? My name is Matt." He said looking at me and I thought to myself, 'if I had to spend an entire school year with him I was going to complain'.

"Yeah I'm Jeremy nice to meet you." I said sticking out my hand, but he just looked at me as if I hand just slapped his grandma.

"Rules...... number one: you see that mini fridge? That's mine and everything in there is mine so don't touch it. Number two: you see that microwave? That's mine as well, don't touch it. Number three: During the weekends my girl will be coming over so I need for you to be a ghost. Finally I don't like messy people so as long as your side of the room is clean we won't have any problem." Matt said looking at me, okay I take that back I really didn't like this dude already. I could've stayed here and cussed his ass out because I've always been told I had a smart mouth, but I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot already so instead I grabbed my shoes and decided to go do what I did best which was dance............


I had just had the best summer of my life and I was kinda sad that it was ending

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I had just had the best summer of my life and I was kinda sad that it was ending. On the other hand I couldn't wait to start school, I had been here a week and it was already live as fuck so I could only imagine what it was like once everyone got here. I was in the gym working out with my best friend Jayden, I was a boxer and I had a full ride for the schools boxing team it was just an added bonus that my big brother Gavin was the best boxer in the school possibly the entire Big Ten so damn near everyone on campus loved him and just being his brother meant I was invited to all the parties.

"Gio man let's go we've been here since 6 and it's almost one, I'm trying to go see some of the mew people moving in." Jayden said looking at me as I finished my last set.

"Nigga don't you got a girl?" I asked pulling my dreads out of my face.

"Nah I'm single today..... besides I'm looking for a different kinda of lady if you know what I mean." Jayden said laughing and all I could do was shake my head this dude loved trans-women and I didn't get it but hey to each his own.... me I preferred something a little more like me. "Yo who is that?" He asked stopping at the door to one of the dance rooms and I would've kept walking but Jayden grabbed my arm and forced me in front of the window.

"Damn." That was all I could say and not just because the dude was sexy as fuck, but because the way he moved was poetry in motion, I couldn't help but stare at this mystery and my whole life with him flashed before my eyes.

"Damn dude is bad ass fuck, I might just have to switch teams." Jayden said laughing as he walked away but I was stuck there, this dude had me in a daze. "Gio come on man we gotta go get ready for this party tonight and I'm not trying to be waiting around for you." Jayden said pulling me away from the door, I didn't know who that dude was but I was going to make it my mission to at least know his name before this day was over with.........................

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