Jeremy 15

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I had told my dad so much about Giovanni that I think my dad was more nervous about meeting Gio, than Gio was of meeting him from what he said that why I described Gio you would've though he was 'the second coming'. My dad offered to take us both out to eat and Gio agreed and I just hoped my dad didn't start telling him embarrassing stories about when I was young. I've always been closer to my dad than my mom, me and my mom were close but not as close as me and my dad he didn't seem to care that I dated men as long as I was happy.  We got to the restaurant and Gio told my dad about his life and family, how every male in his family were Omegas and how they were pressuring him to pledge and how all the females were deltas. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly my dad warmed up to Gio but then again Gio was one the type of person who was hard to dislike.

"Giovanni at some point, you need to start making your own choices you can't let your family pressure you into doing something you aren't comfortable with. I come from a long family of doctors and lawyers so when I told my parents I wanted to be a teacher they stopped talking to me for about three years but eventually they accepted my choice." My dad said and I just stared at him because this was something new to me.

"I get that sir but my family they expect the most from me because I'm the youngest, it's hard enough being the only gay person in my family........." Gio said quietly. "Umm I got go to the restroom, excuse me." Gio said getting up, kissing me on the cheek and walking away quickly.

"He seems nice, I like him a lot more than the last one......" He said referring to Darius, I just shook my head because I knew my dad despised Darius after what happened between us.

"So what made you come to Ann Arbor dad?" I asked looking at him.

"I can't come and check on my only child?" He said smirking, I started laughing because I knew my dad never did anything without there being more to it. "Okay you caught me, I was actually coming to take you car shopping....... but since your going to Detroit tomorrow I can always come back at a later time." He said.

"Well we're not leaving until later in the day so I think I can squeeze you in." I said already picking out the make and model of the car I wanted. "How are things going with mom?" I asked.

"I don't know...... she was over early this week but that was probably because she wanted some dick." He said and I shook my head because the last thing I wanted to is picture my parents doing 'that'. "Me and your mom will always love each other but I think she never liked being married, she was always more of a free spirit..... we were always better boyfriend and girlfriend than husband and wife." He said sadly.

"So what y'all are going to get a divorce but still keep messing with each other?" I asked confused and my dad just shrugged. Gio walked back over to the table and I almost forgot my dad was sitting there.

"Are y'all two being safe." My dad asked and I felt my face turn beet red but Gio just chuckled quietly.

"Umm well sir we haven't really got to that point in our relationship." Gio said and I wanted to melt into shadows, this wasn't a conversation I wanted to be having. The rest of dinner went well and after my dad left for his hotel me and Gio sat in front of my dorm quietly. "Your dad is mad coo, do you know what kind of car you're getting?" Gio asked.

"Of course 2017 Mustang, it's gotta be dark blue though." I said just imagining myself driving.

"Really Jeremy a Ford? I figured you had taste....." Gio said laughing.

"You drive a Chevy so you're one to talk." I said rolling my eyes. "We'll have to race one day to see which one is faster." I said.

"I you really don't want that, me and Gavin rebuilt that engine and not to brag but I'm willing to put my life that you won't beat me. Can you handle that?" Gio asked and I put my hand on his dick.

"There's something that I do think I can handle." I said kissing him. Gio pulled me to the driver seat and I was ready to pull his clothes off. "You wanna come up to my room?" I asked.

"I would love to but I can't....." Gio said quietly. Even though I was disappointed I respected his decision, I kissed him and got out the car like always Gio waited until I got inside before pulling off. When I got up to my floor there were a lot of people standing around while two people argued and I didn't even have to see the people to know that it was Matt and Darius.

"Look bruh you better leave before campus security gets here, Jeremy doesn't want to see you so why can't you just take the hint and let him go." Matt said calmly.


"Dude I told you he's not here, why is it so hard for you to understand that he doesn't want you? Didn't you realize that once he change his number?" Matt said and I knew Darius was getting to his boiling point, I decided to step in before my roommate ended up in jail. I walked through the crowd and when Darius saw me his eyes lit up.

"What do you want Darius?" I asked standing by the door.

"I just wanna talk to real quick, five minutes please......" Darius begged.

"Nah we have nothing to talk about besides it's really disrespectful to my boyfriend for me to even be talking to you out here." I said.

"FUCK YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Darius said, I started to cuss him out but I noticed two things the first being campus security walking from one end of the hall and the second was Gio coming from the other direction.

"What did he just say?" Gio asked getting there first, I pushed him into my room because I knew Gio would hurt him. Darius gave me one more painful look before walking away. While Matt talked to security, I walked into the room to find Gio pacing around. "I really want to go out there and beat his ass." Gio said punching his hand.

"Don't worry about him Gio, I'm not he'll eventually take a hint and move on....... but what are you doing here?" I asked pulling him to my bed.

"I can't explain it...... something just told me to turn around and I'm glad I did." Gio said looking into my eyes. The door to the room opened and Matt walked in and began to pack a bag.

"I'm going to stay over my girls, that nigga got my blood boiling and I need to blow off some steam. You're going to be outta town tomorrow right?" Matt asked and I nodded. "Aight well be careful bro." Matt said walking out.

"You and Matt seem to be getting close." Gio said laying back against my pillow.

"Yeah he's becoming like the brother I never wanted........ but he's going to be gone all night and since you came back I take it you're staying the night?" I asked kissing his chin.

"Hell yeah can't have my baby in here by himself, just in case that nigga decides to come back." Gio said looking into my eyes. "Now let's go to sleep I got be up early and you gotta go pick up your whack ass Mustang." Gio said laughing, I punched him in the arm gently and then laid across his chest and went straight to sleep.

The next day when I woke up Gio was gone but he left me a note; 


    I really wanted to wake you before I left but you were just too damn cute. Have fun in Detroit and don't do anything too crazy. Miss you already and I you better come over so I can see your whack ass Mustang.

                                - Gio

I smiled at the letter and started getting ready for the morning with my dad, we picked put my car and had lunch before I had to go and start getting ready for my trip to Detroit with Quinton. I felt bad that he drove all the way up here to spend some time with me and I was just abandoning him to have fun, I really wish he would've called before hand but I'd make it up to him soon now that I had a car I could visit whenever I got ready. Quinton was at my dorm at exactly noon and when I opened the door he was standing there with a envelope.

"Jeremy this was taped to your door." Quinton said handing me the envelope with my name written neatly on it. I tossed it on my bed and decided to read it when I got back, I was ready to go and test my car out on the highway.

"Aight let's go..... oh and I'm driving." I said grabbing my bag and walking out my room. Even though I didn't know what Quinton had planned I was excited because I knew whatever it was we were going to have a great time............................................

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