Quinton 21

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Thankfully my roommate was gone, he was probably off somewhere getting drunk or hanging with his annoying ass friends. I was glad too because Julian never came over if my roommate was here, I quickly showered and made sure my room was clean just as Julian knocked on the door. I opened the door and smiled this dude was so damn sexy, even though he wore a hood I could still make out his beautiful face; he quickly walked in the dorm and locked the door behind him before taking off his hood. Damn I couldn't breathe his warm brown skin and deep waves had me stuck on lust, the smell of the rain mixed with his cologne had me ready to drop my short shorts right there in the middle of the room. Julian stood there looking at me, while licking his lips.......... Jesus keep me near the cross.

"Why you just standing there staring at me like that? Are you going to keep staring or are you going to give me a hug." Julian said taking his jacket off and tossing it on the chair. I walked over to him and let him pull me into his arms. "I've been thinking about you all day." He said rubbing my ass.

"Yeah right.......... so rumor has it there is a huge Halloween party that your frat is throwing, why is it that I haven't been invited? We boys aren't we?" I asked sitting on his lap and through his jeans I could feel his dick starting to get hard.

"That's because I'm not going to be there...... I'll probably be in Detroit visiting my family that weekend. But you can still go if you want to, I'll get you a wristband tomorrow right now I wanna focus on us." Julian said kissing me.

"Hell yeah I want to go, I'm going to miss you though and what's all the us stuff? I thought you just wanted to chill and be friends." I said messing with his ear.

"I do want to chill and as us being friends yeah I wanna be friends but I also want to fuck every now and then instead of leaving with a hard dick." Julian said. "Your ass is just too damn fat for me not to be fucking." Julian said and I rolled my eyes.

"Boy is that the only reason you come over here is because you're expecting to have sex? Well sorry to disappoint you but I'm not having sex with you until we make things official." I said and Julian laughed quietly.

"Man you've seen me jacking off in the name of art and dancing naked on stage for money, sex is the logical next step but if you wanna make things official we can do that once I feel like you worth dating....... no disrespect but I gotta make sure you can deal with my lifestyle." Julian said quietly. We sat there quietly looking in each others eyes, when Julian pulled his phone out and I caught a glimpse of his text.

TANK: WhtC 3k 2hrs.

Julian quickly responded and put his phone away, I could tell by the look in his eyes he was getting ready to leave but didn't want to.

"Umm look I gotta go handle something with my frat brothers, but I wanna take you out this weekend maybe we could leave Friday night and go chill on Lake Huron until Sunday?" Julian asked standing up and putting his jacket on. I nodded and turned on a movie, Julian walked over and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll call you later tonight." He said quietly and when I didn't respond he walked out the room, leaving me confused.

The next day me and Jeremy were sitting in his dorm, discussing what happened with him and Gio. I needed details but Jeremy wasn't the type to kiss and tell, which I respected. But honestly he didn't have to say anything because his body language gave everything away, he just seemed so much happier without saying a single word, his aura just seemed brighter.

"Gio wants to know if you want to ride to East Lansing for the game with us next Saturday and if you're coming to dinner on Sunday?" Jeremy asked and I noticed he was losing his voice a little.

"Jeremy that boy must've had you screaming to the heavens if you're losing your voice." I said laughing and Jeremy started blushing. "Dinner yes, the game I don't know it depends on what me and Julian have planned." I said and Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"That dude just seems like a snake and I'm sorry for coming across as blunt but I've only met him a few times and each time he does something that makes my skin crawl." Jeremy said and I laughed nervously.

"Look at Gio's friends Jayden s messing with a........ I'm not even about to go there and Carlos this is a self proclaimed man-whore they're no better, and I'm sure if you dig deep enough you'll see that Gio is probably the same." I said.

"I doubt that, the thing about all of them is they are all extremely true to who they are; Jayden likes transsexuals, Papi likes sex, and Gio is perfect. Julian is just.........." Jeremy said and I really wanted to change this subject.

"I thought you weren't going to the game? Aren't you afraid that you'll run into Darius?" I said and Jeremy shrugged.

"Gio wants to go and I'm not thinking about Darius, if we see him we're just going to smile and keep it moving." Jeremy said and I sat there quietly for five minutes. "Quinton I'm sorry for being so blunt about Julian, but as your friend it'll be worse if I didn't say anything and if you don't want to talk about it all you have to do is say so." Jeremy said sincerely.

"Thanks Jeremy and I know you're just trying to be a friend........ I just don't want to talk about it until me and Julian figure out what the next step in our relationship is............. now let's talk about this trip home, because I know a couple people who might throw a party for my return." I said laughing.

"Probably at the beginning of November, I really want to see just how fast my car can get from Ann Arbor to Columbus." Jeremy said with a light in his eyes, not many things scared me but Jeremy's driving was definitely on that list. We sat there talking about what we planned to do during the winter break when there was a knock on the door, Jeremy answered it and before the door was fully open Gio started kissing him and I could see where this was going.

"Hey Gio." I said disrupting their flow. Gio looked up finally noticing me and I couldn't tell if he was mad that I stopped him or surprised that I was even there.

"What's up Que......... oh Papi wants to know when you want him to look at your car and you......." He said turning to Jeremy. "Go get dress I'm taking you out tonight, so hurry up I'm not trying to lose our reservations." He said kissing Jeremy. Before I could blink Jeremy was racing around the room getting ready and Gio stood by the door smirking, I sat there watching and it was so adorable how they could just look at each other and see the love in their eyes.

"Well I'm getting ready to go y'all have fun." I said getting up and walking out because honestly from the way Gio was looking at Jeremy, I really doubted that they would make their dinner reservations. As I was walking out I noticed a cherry red Camaro pulling into the parking and I knew instantly it was Carlos, I stood there and watched as he walked up to the door and looked at me, now I just had to figure out which Carlos I was getting today the arrogant Carlos that made me want to cut his dick off or the calm Carlos that gave me a ride yesterday.

"Wassup........" He said smiling as he got towards me, I guess it was the cool Carlos today and I couldn't help but notice how amazing he smelled (I got a weakness for me who smell good, sue me).

"Umm getting ready to head to the library I've been putting off my homework and I really need to get it done. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"My dude stays in the building and I was about to go see him but........ if you need help with your homework I could help you out, I'm pretty sure he's not even here because I've been calling him since I left the house and he hasn't answered." Carlos said and I smirked.

"Unless you know something the German language I doubt you could help." I said and Carlos rolled his eyes.

"Man könnte denken, dass , aber Sie wären überrascht, wie viel ich wirklich wissen , sexy .. (One might think that , but you'd be surprised how much I really know , sexy)." Carlos said smirking and I stood there both confused and impressed.

"How.... what....... where...... what did you just say?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, look I'm about to go see if Drew is here and if not I'll help you with your homework then maybe...... if we have time I could look at your car." Carlos said and I nodded as he ran inside, I don't know what was happening but I know for a fact I could make out a least one word, my question is why would he call me that?.....................................

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