Jeremy 39

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This has been the longest week of my life, normally I'm not this sex-crazed but there was something about Gio's sexy ass that just drove me to do things I wouldn't normally do, I swear he was like Chocolate Cocaine. Maybe this trip will help me get my head on straight because there was no way in hell anyone should have this much control over me, I glanced over at Quinton who has been quiet for the majority of the ride. I was really worried about my boy because ever since Halloween he's been out of it maybe he needed this trip more than I did. Our first stop was my house since I needed to drop my bags off plus Quinton wasn't ready to go home and I walked inside and it was eerily quiet, this was weird my mom's car was out front so I figured she was home. Me and Quinton walked up the stairs and were almost to my room when my mom stepped out wearing........ what the fuck was she wearing? It looked like a leather dominatrix outfit that she was way to old to be wearing, before she could react my dad walked out wearing nothing but a dog leash...... okay my parents were freaks.

"JEREMY?" My mom said covering up and I quickly pulled Quinton into my room and shut the door, that was something I could never unsee and I was pretty sure I was going to need therapy.

"Jeremy not to be rude our anything but your daddy got a big dick." Quinton said smirking and I hit him with my pillow. "Seriously though I'm digging this room." Quinton said looking around and picking up a picture of me and Darius that I forgot was here.

"Eww throw that away, I don't want anything to remind me of his ass. I don't know why it's still in here. Do you wanna take your stuff to your house? I can't stay in this house while they're......." I shook my head and Quinton smirked.

"Yeah let's go...... hopefully I can get a pic of your dad before we leave." Quinton said and I shook my head. As we were walking out the house my parents were sitting down stairs waiting.

"Jeremy hold up." My dad said and I shook my head.

"Dad I'll be back in a couple hours so y'all can go back to doing....... I'll call you when I'm on my way back." I said walking out the door. We got to Quinton's house and I couldn't close my mouth his house was massive you could probably fit my family's house inside and still have enough room to throw a birthday party, bat mitzvah and concert. "Why I'm I just finding out you got money?"

"Because I don't, my parents have money...... let's go inside and make this as painless as possible." Quinton said quietly.

Honestly I wish my my parents treated me the way Quinton was treated, don't get me wrong my parents were amazing but Quinton was treated like a king, his parents kept coming to checked on us asking if we needed anything until Quinton finally asked them not to come back.

"Quinton why don't you talk about your parents much? They seem great?" I asked.

"Because there's nothing to tell...... they're great but I don't want people to think I got to where I'm at because of my parents, I want to build my own legacy separate of them." Quinton said and I kinda got his point. "Do you know why Carlos isn't talking to me?" Quinton asked as if it wasn't a big deal but I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I'm not sure want me to call and ask him?" I asked and Quinton shook his head.

"Nah it's cool, I mean I was just wondering because he's been helping me with German and now it's like he's avoiding me, like in class earlier this week you know how him and Jayden usually sit behind us but this week they sat as far away from us as possible." Quinton said and I nodded slowly honestly I didn't even notice. "But it's whatever...... what's the move for tonight I'm not trying to stay here and I know you don't want to go back to your place yet."

After much debate we decided to go meet up with some friends from high school, Quinton's friends were cool as fuck and they seemed to get along with my friends. Finally the subject of dating came up..........

"So Jeremy who is that stallion you've been hugged up with on Snapchat, Twitter, IG and Facebook." My friend Diamond asked and I couldn't help but blush.

"Gio....... he's my boyfriend." I said blushing just saying his name made me happy. Diamond took my phone and started going through my pictures, thankfully I didn't have anything too graphic on there.

" He's cute but Darius looks better........ wait a minute and stop the presses...... who is this?" She asked pointing to a picture of me, Gio and Papi from Gio's birthday party. Quinton looked at who she was pointing to and I saw a hint of jealousy.

"That Papi...... but umm what about y'all? Are y'all talking to anyone." And they started talking about dudes they were messing with and Quinton was quiet for the most part. "Ayy Quinton let's go get some more food." I said pulling him with me.

"We had a table full of food." Quinton said.

"I know I wanted to talk about what's going on with you, you've been acting real distant lately and I'm worried." I said looking in his eyes.

"It's just....... first I cut Julian off then outta nowhere Carlos stops talking to me. I honestly miss me and his friendship and I didn't think I would........." Quinton said quietly.

"Quinton you just need to ask him what's going on, we both know if you ask him he'll tell you the truth." I said and Quinton started smirking.

"He might be a little too honest." Quinton said and I had to agree that boy had no filter. My phone started ringing and I looked down and saw that it was Gio. "I'm going back to eat, tell Gio I said wassup." Quinton said walking away.

"Yo I'm missing you like crazy right now. When are you coming home?" Gio said and I heard a bunch of people in the background.

"I miss you too baby. I'll be back late Sunday...... how's the game?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"It's coo..... I'm definitely gonna have to come see another game preferably with this sexy little dude I know." Gio said and I couldn't stop smiling. "Ayy but listen the games about to start back up, I'll call you tonight. I love you Jeremy." Gio said.

"I love you too Gio." I said afraid to hang up.

"Umm..... so I'll call you when I get back to the hotel." He said and I nodded as if he could see me. "Bye...." He said and I could tell he didn't want to hang up either. After standing there for about five minute of listening to each other breathe my phone dead.......

"Fuck...." I said mad I didn't have my charger.

"Wassup Jeremy it's been a while." Someone said from behind me and I looked at Darius's ex-best friend Isaac. "Damn you still sexy as fuck." He said smirking at me.

"Why are you talking to me?" I asked calmly even though I wanted to stab him with a rusty nail.

"Because I thought we were friends..... I mean I figured we could still be friends even though you and Darius aren't together anymore." Isaac said and I rolled my eyes. "So you seeing anyone?" Isaac asked and instead of answering I just walked away, I wasn't about to give that bastard that satisfaction.

"Quinton you ready? I'm not feeling so hungry anymore." I said and walked away from the table. While Quinton was saying bye to his friends Isaac walked over to me and I decided if he said one thing to piss me off I was going to beat his ass.

"Jeremy...... look I'm not here to start anything I just wanted to talk to you real quick." Isaac said and I looked at him. "Damn you done got mean...... but here's the truth I convinced Darius to break up with you because........" He said and my heart started to pound in my chest, I swear if he said he liked me I was going to lose it. "I've been in love with Darius since 9th grade." Isaac said and after I got over my shock I started laughing.

"I guess I should be thanking you then because if it wasn't for you then I would've never met the man of my dreams." I said walking away still laughing, thank god that was something I didn't have to deal with. I got in my car with Quinton and pulled off, I guess I had to face my parents now hopefully it didn't last too long because there was the tall, dark and sexy man I had to call.................................

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