Kyrese 62

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We got back to Ann Arbor and bought a Rapid HIV Test, when we got to Jayden's house he spent at least ten minutes just looking at the box and I could tell he wasn't reading it because his eyes weren't moving and he wasn't blinking. I could tell he was scared and I was scared for him but him sitting here wasn't going to change the outcome of the test results, I grabbed his face and made him look at me, his eyes tearing up and he broke down once again...... I felt sick as he cried on my shoulders. I put my arm around his shoulders and let him cry until he calmed down, once he was done he grabbed the box and walked into the bathroom, he came back a few minutes later and now it was time to play the waiting game. Three minutes into our waiting Jayden started pacing nervously, five minutes in Jayden walked into the kitchen and started cooking but as quickly as he started he stopped, over the course of the twenty minute wait Jayden hadn't sat down once and I didn't blame him I knew he was nervous.

"Jayden you want me to check the test?" I asked and Jayden didn't say anything he just nodded and put his hands in his head while I went and checked the test and I didn't know what I was reading, I walked back into the living room to get the box and Jayden jumped up nervously.

"What did it say?" He said and I sat down and went over the results while Jayden paced around nervously. "Man this is killing me Ky, what's going on?" Jayden said, I stood up walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Negative....." I said and Jayden let out a sigh of relief. "But you should still probably go get checked out, like go see a real doctor because even though it's 99.9% accurate you don't wanna be that .1% that it gets wrong." I said looking in his eyes.

"Yeah I know and thanks Ky.... for everything, you didn't have to come with me but you did and I really really appreciate it." Jayden said looking into my eyes.

"I care about you Jayden and as your friend I didn't want you to go through this alone." I said quietly, then I smacked him upside the head and smiled. "Maybe next time I tell you not to mess with Taylor you'll listen to m......" I was cut off by Jayden kissing me and my vision went blurry.

"I'm sorry...... I'm just so happy and I over reacted..... I'm sor...."Jayden said but now it was my turn to cut him off by kissing him. When we finally broke apart a few minutes later Jayden took a step back and smiled. "That was...... wow, but look we need to slow down at least until I get checked out my a professional. I umm, I gotta go call and let Gio and Papi know they threaten to hurt me if I kept them waiting too long." Jayden said backing up.

"Yeah I should probably head home and unpack. I'll be back later, maybe we can go out and celebrate." I said and Jayden nodded. "Aight well I'll let you call your friends, hit me up later." I said wanting to kiss him so bad but I didn't, I walked out the house and as I was opening my door Jayden ran out, turned me around and kissed me.

"I can't let you walk away, Gio and Papi can wait if it means I get a few more seconds with you." Jayden said kissing me again. Despite the fact that it was below freezing outside my entire body was warm, that's why I liked Jayden because even though he was sad on the inside he still made it his mission to make everyone else happy and I decided right then and there I was going to be the one who made him happy.

"Aight playboy..... I really need to be going." I said backing away reluctantly.

"Later, we're going out I'll be to get you around eight so be ready." Jayden said touching my chin and running back inside. I smiled slightly, got in my car and started counting down the seconds until eight o'clock.

When I got back to my apartment I was glad to be home I unpacked and trying to pass the time until it was time for Jayden to come and get me.  There was still about an hour left when there was a knock on my door, thinking it was Jayden I answered it and came face to face with Ezra.....

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