Papi 72

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It was an all out brawl, Julian got me with a few good hits but for the most part I was beating his ass, I saw Jeremy holding his own against Steve which was impressive, but the thing that confused me was why Gavin was holding Gio back. I went back to fighting Steve then the next thing I knew the door flew open and I was being pushed up against the wall by Paul, while Donny pulled Jeremy and Steve apart and Denzel told Gavin to let Gio go. Finally there was nothing but silence and Gio rushed over to Jeremy and led him to the back, probably to take care of his bloody nose. I looked at Julian and blew him a kiss, naturally he tried to get at me again but Gavin pulled him back...... I listen closely and Gavin pretty much told Julian to calm down or risk getting knocked out, Julian walked out the house with Steve just as Gio was coming from his room with his shirt off. Even though Gio looked calm I've seen him fight enough times to know that he was pissed, every vein in his arm and neck was clearly visible hell even the veins in his v-cut were exposed.

"Gio stop....." Gavin said blocking the door. "I'm not about to let you go out there and fight that nigga, this is all just a big misunderstanding."

"I understand everything perfectly well Gavin, Julian came here to talk to Papi and Steve thought it would be a good idea to touch my dude..... and I started to jump in but Jeremy handled himself and now I'm going to beat his ass." Gio said trying to walk out again but Denzel and Paul grabbed him, giving me plenty of time to walk out the door and start beating Julian's ass again then Steve's bitch ass decided to jump in which cause my bro Jay to start putting in work, Gio tried to get out the house but Paul held him back. Jayden was beating the fuck outta Steve until he slipped on some ice and Steve started to get the best of him, then outta nowhere Donny stole on Steve knocking him out cold.

"DONNY WHAT THE FUCK?!" Gavin said running out to check on Steve who was laying face down in the snow. "Take y'alls ass in the house NOW!!!" Gavin yelled and me and Jayden started laughing.

"NOW!!!!" Jayden said laughing as the three of us walked back inside.

"Paul go with Gavin and make sure nothing happens to him, Donny sit down somewhere before me and you end up fighting, Gio relax and check on your dude, Jayden go get cleaned up and Papi........ tried not to cause anymore riots while I go deal with the police." Denzel said and I looked out the window and saw two patrol cars pulling up. I walked over to Quinton who was standing off to the side with this far away look in his eyes.

"This is all my fault." He said quietly and I started laughing.

"Nah bae this........" I said putting his hand on my dick. "This is all your fault, but that fight it's been building for months and if it didn't happen now it would've happened later so don't blame yourself." I said kissing him. "You know we gotta have angry sex later right?" I said and usually he would've said something smart but he just turned his head and continued to watch Paul talk to the cops.

"I'm about to take Jeremy to the hospital..... I think his nose might be broken." Gio said and I could see the fire in his eye.

"Let me go check on him...... can ya'll behave for five minutes?" Kyrese said looking us, then followed Gio back to his room.

"Donny why did you jump in? Not that I'm complaining but I know how you feel about jumping people...... matter fact where did y'all come from?" I asked trying keep Quinton from moving his hand off my dick.

"We were coming to see Gio and heard all the yelling, the reason I jumped in is simple Jayden's about to be a member of Alpha Phi Alpha...... I got look after him, besides I've been owing Steve an ass whoopin for over a year and I didn't appreciate him touching my cousin's dude." Donny said looking at his fist.

"You know Paul and them are going to be pissed right?" Jayden asked putting a ice pack over his eye.

"They'll get over it...... they better be lucky it was me and not Gio though." Donny said laughing, I let Jayden and Donny talk for while I pulled Quinton back to my room, I could tell this was really bothering him.

"I'm sorry..... but that nigga Julian had no right to come to your dorm and start spreading lies about me. On top of that he put his hands on you and I don't play that shyt." I said looking into his eyes.

"Papi I didn't come to college to be doing all this fighting and deal with all this drama..... I came to get my degree and party whenever it called for it." He said and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Me too..... but Julian just doesn't know when to stop. You made your choice and he needs to respect that." I said. "So can I ask you something? I couldn't help but notice you just called me Papi........" I said smirking.

"That's because there was something sexy about seeing you fight, even though you shouldn't have been fighting in the first place it kinda turned me on....." I didn't need to hear anymore, I picked him up, carried him to my bed and started pulling his shirt over his head.  About two hours later Quinton was laying across my chest, breathing heavy and smiling hard as fuck.

"When we get married I was thinking we could have three surrogates at once that way our sons are all in the same grade, then we could do the next three all together and finish off with our daughter." I said kissing him.

"Carlos we can have four boys and a girl." Quinton said laughing and I shook my head.

"Nah it's gotta be six boys and here's why......." I didn't get a chance to explain because Gavin had walked into my room and tossed me my shirt.

"Come out to the living room." Gavin said walking away, I looked at Quinton and rolled my eyes.

"Stay here just in case." I said kissing him and getting up. I got out into the living room and everyone was sitting around, I guess Jeremy was fine since he didn't go to the hospital, but he looked about 300% over this whole situation.

"What the fuck is going on with you and Julian? Y'all used to be cool before Jeremy and Quinton came into the picture....... no offense." He said looking at Jeremy who flipped him off and kept scrolling through his phone.

"Put yourself in my position Gav, what would you do if Julian put his hands on Whitney?" I asked and Gavin's nostrils started to flare. "I honestly wouldn't have a problem with Julian if he stopped trying to talk to my dude...... I don't even know why you're defending him especially since he obviously did something that he doesn't want you to know about, maybe you should be over there trying to figure what that is." I said knowing Gavin was getting pissed.

"Why would you bring them niggas over here Gavin? You know Papi and Julian are beefing and you pretty much led the lambs to slaughter." Gio said standing up.


"Here's my thing Gavin..... I'm going to choose Papi and Jayden over Julian and Steve every time." Gio said taking a step towards his brother.

"And I'm going to choose Julian and Steve so what, that's going to come between us little brother?" Gavin asked seriously, they stood in the middle of the room looking at each other until Denzel and Donny pulled them apart.

"Nah.... as long as you keep you boys in check Jayden and Papi won't have to beat their asses again and we won't be caught in the middle........" Gio said. "Tell Steve I'm still going to beat his ass though."

"Yo where's Paul?" Denzel asked looking around.

"I don't know I thought he was here." Gavin said never letting his eyes leave Gio.

"I told him to go check on y'all, but that was right after y'all left he should've been back with you." Denzel pulling out his phone. If Paul didn't go with Gavin and he wasn't here then where the fuck was he and why did I have a feeling that he was more involved in this than anyone knew......................................

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