Giovanni 38

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I hated Mondays, but after yesterday I was ready to start a new week. Dinner was awkward as fuck; let's start with Papi, something happened to him that he wouldn't talk about but I've never seen him look so defeated in my life but it was like something inside of him changed and he wasn't is usual cocky self. Then we had Jayden even though he seemed to be in a good mood I can tell that shyt with Taylor was really getting to him.... he was a better man than I was because I would still be taking my anger out on Taylor. Julian didn't say too much either but I could tell him and Jeremy were never going to be cool, which was fine by me as long as Julian didn't touch Jeremy then me and him wouldn't have any problems. Gavin was pissed there was no other way to put it, I should've never told him about Nikolas and Ezra because I know how he gets but I also knew there was no point in lying to him anymore. Then there was Jeremy...... god bless his heart he was the only one who was completely unbothered by what had happened and he acted as if everything was normal, honestly he was the only bright spot at dinner. I walked out of class finally done for the day and decided to hit the gym, I got in there and met up with my boxing coach and started going over so footwork drills.

"You feet look sloppy Giovanni." My dad said walking over to us and I saw my coach roll shake his head, my dad was always trying to take over my practices and my coach hated it. "Your upper body is too tense loosen up Gio." He said and I swear I almost snapped, he acts like I haven't been boxing my entire life.

"Carter I'm going to go help some other people out, when you're done here do a couple of speed drills. How's it going Mr. Carter." My coach said nodding to my dad before walking away.

"Wassup dad? What brings you here?" I asked not really caring.

"Wassup? Boy you better quit talking to me like I'm one of your little friends." He said getting pissed. (Well you better quit referring to me as boy) I thought before looking at him in the eyes which was kinda difficult since I had like eight inches on him.

"Sorry dad...... what brings you here, you usually try to avoid midday traffic." I said trying my hardest to remain calm.

"Well I thought I'd stop by see my boys and talk to y'all." My dad said and I knew there was more to it, and he knew that I knew. "Aight boy you caught me, your mother is going out of town this weekend and I just so happen to have tickets to the Bulls/Pistons game." My dad said with a smirk on his face......... confession time I was a die hard Bulls fan, like I've always love the Bulls and Gavin was a Pistons fan, Jeremy was going to be going back to Columbus so the timing couldn't have been more perfect. But I also knew there was going to be a catch........

"What's the catch dad? You hate Chicago more than any other city...." I said and he shrugged.

"I just wanna spend some time with my boys, plus your uncles are taking Denzel and Paul it'll be a mens trip." My dad said and as of right now I didn't see the catch other than them trying to convince me to pledge. "Hurry up with your drills I'm hungry and Junior should be getting out of class soon." My dad said walking way.

The ride to the restaurant was quiet, but that's how it always was with my dad. Me and my dad never really got along but one thing that bonded it was our love for the Bulls, he was always closer to Gavin which made the wheels in my head start to turn.

"Dad I need you to talk to Gavin he found out some stuff and I'm afraid that he's close to turning into 'The Monster' and you know that won't be good for anyone........." I said and my dad started chuckling.

"The Monster...... I started calling him that once he started walking, I never thought he'd use that as his boxing moniker. But seriously Gio, maybe your brother needs to let loose some." My dad said and I started to get annoyed.

"Dad he really doesn't...... considering what he knows I'm afraid he'll end up in jail and you always told us growing up 'if y'all ever get arrested don't call me, because I'm going to let y'all sit there and rot'. I know you don't want him to go to jail so please talk to him." I said and my dad got quiet.

"Okay Gio damn... your ass is always whining about something." My dad said I started to cuss his ass out but I noticed a smirk on his face. We got to the restaurant and Gavin was sitting outside waiting for us.

"Hey dad........ wassup Gio?" Gavin said smirking, I guess he was in a better mood than yesterday. We walked into the restaurant and got led to our table. "So Gio you ready for this game this weekend?" Gavin asked excited.

"You know it...... is Donny going to be there?" I asked referring to Denzel's younger brother Donnell, my dad and Gavin looked at each other and there was an awkward silence between them. Now that I think about it I haven't heard from Donny in a while it was like he dropped off the planet.

"No Donnell wouldn't be joining us..." My dad said with a finality to his voice, but in case y'all haven't realized it I was hardheaded.

"Why not? I mean he lives in Chicago why not invite him, I mean I feel like I haven't seen him in a while. He's never at any family functions or anything." I said.

"Junior your brother tells me that you've been a little agitated lately...... what's going on son?" My dad asked changing the subject. 

"Yes sir..... but I'm good now, Gio asked me to let it go and I'm going to listen. You're not a little kid anymore G', I trust your judgment." Gavin said and my dad nodded approvingly but I wasn't buying it in the slightest, Gavin just knew exactly what to say to placate my dad.

"See Giovanni you were worried for no damn reason, I'm about to go use the restroom." My dad said getting up.

"You know damn well I'm not going to let this go..... when I catch Nikolas I'm going to beat his ass." Gavin said and I shook my head, I really shouldn't have told him.

"Gav please let it go all it's going to do is cause more unnecessary drama........ and what's going on with Donny why aren't y'all talking about him?" I asked and Gavin start to say something but my dad walked back over to the table. "We'll talk about this later." I said and Gavin smirked deviously.

After my dad dropped me back off at my car, I decided to head over to Jeremy's I haven't talked to my baby all day and I missed him. I pulled up to his dorm and he was sitting outside with Matt and some other people, I walked over and Jeremy gave me the evil eye...... okay he was mad about something I did.

"Wassup baby." I said trying to kiss him but he turned his head. "Damn what's wrong?" I asked and Jeremy grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I stood there trying to figure out what I did and honestly I was blanking I knew his birthday wasn't until December so I know I didn't forget his birthday. "Look I know this is probably going to get me in trouble but I don't know what I did to piss you off." Jeremy rolled his eyes and smirked, he got on his tip toes to whisper in my ear.

"I want some dick and you playin." Jeremy whispered and instantly my dick woke up.

"Oh word?" I asked rubbing my chin and licking my lips. "Damn Jeremy if you wanted some dick all you had to do was say so...... I'm sitting here trying to figure what I did to make you mad and......." Jeremy pulled my head to his and started kissing me.

"Stop talking and let's get out of here." Jeremy said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You know what? On second thought I think I'm going to make you wait a couple days, I'll call you later." I said kissing him and walking off. Childish? Maybe, but I had to show his ass he didn't run shyt and that I was in charge. I was about to open the door to my car Jeremy stopped me,pushed me up against the car and started rubbing my dick. "Damn Jeremy I like seeing this aggressive side of you." I said and Jeremy started kissing me again.

"I'm dead ass serious Gio quit playing with me, I'm horny as fuck." Jeremy said quietly and I kissed him again passionately then looked into his eyes.

"Nah I'm good." I said getting in my car and locking my door. I know it's fucked up but I liked messing with him besides I wanted to see how he acted when he was sexually frustrated. I pulled off and decided to head home to take a nap but then a thought hit me, I had a late class tomorrow so I could spare a few hours I decided to make the four hour drive to Chicago. If there was anyone I could talk to about my problems and steer me in the right direction it was my favorite cousin Donny..............

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