Quinton 52

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The ride to Columbus was scary as hell, Carlos and Gio thought it would be a good idea to race there and I was nervous the entire ride the only thing that brighten my mood was the memory of Carlos saying he loved me last night. I honestly didn't expect for him to say it first but when he did, I've never seen him more sincere and that's saying a lot since he usually said whatever he wanted. I glanced over at him as he weaved in and out of traffic with a deranged smirk on his face, god he was so sexy, smart and blatantly honest which scared me a little considering that he was about to meet my parents. I really hoped my parents didn't embarrass me, I thought to myself as Gio swerved in front of the car and I noticed Jeremy making weird faces at me.

"Do you think your parents will be mad if I decide to walk around naked?" Carlos asked and I spit out my drink. "Man chill, I'm just fucking  with you..... but when we get our own place trust and believe it's going to be no clothes allowed." Carlos said never taking his eyes off the road.

"Our own place?" I repeated and the words seemed so natural.

"Yeah somewhere in the future during our senior year or when I'm some famous soccer player and you're doing whatever it is you wanna be doing since you change what you wanna be every couple days. But I'm serious we're going to get our own place, by then will have been dating for about four to five years and once I sign my multi-million dollar contract we'll get married and after about a year of newly-wedded bliss we're going to start building a family. Preferably six boys....... all named Carlos or some variant and one girl also named Carlos." Carlos said.

"I think you should get that helmet from Gio, I mean I was with you up until you started talking about having seven kids where all the boys are named Carlos and what makes you think I even want to marry you? I can barely drive three hours without you pissing me off." I said laughing.

"I know all of this will happen because my maternal great-grandmother could supposedly see into the future and I think I inherited that gene, I see us going all the way together......and you definitely wanna marry me because my dick is too good to give up." Carlos said confidently and I rolled my eyes because he was annoyingly cocky, which was a turn on. The rest of the ride I couldn't stop thinking about everything he just said, he wasn't the type of person to say something recklessly so I knew he was dead serious which kinda scared me.

We got to Columbus and decided to get something to eat before going our separate ways until later tonight. When we got to the restaurant Gio looked pissed and I figured Jeremy had told him about Darius's birthday present, honestly I didn't see what the big deal was Jeremy wasn't in to Darius at all and it's not like Jeremy 'asked' him to do it Darius did it on his own. Besides Jeremy was so in love with Gio that I doubt something as simple as some Starburst and a rose would make him leave Gio for Darius.

"Nigga you almost fucked up my car." Carlos said pushing Gio playfully.

"It's not my fault you suck at driving, hell we would've been here and hour ago if Naomi didn't want to stop." Gio said cutting his eyes at Naomi who was texting away.

"Don't blame me...... Matt sent me a picture that required me to change panties." Naomi said and I shook my head that girl was crazy as hell. I noticed Jeremy standing off to the side sulking so I decided to go check on my boy.

"You aight?" I asked and Jeremy nodded but I could tell he was lying. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Fucking Gio....... he's mad about Darius and I get where he's coming from but at the same time Darius gave me that stuff as a friend..... he thinks this is some plot to get me back but I don't, I believe Darius when he says he only wants to be friends. It's like he's paranoid that I'm going to leave him for Darius and that's not the case." Jeremy said.

"He'll get over it you and Darius have history and I'm not saying y'all should become best friends but y'all can be cordial and....." I was cut off by Carlos complaining loudly about being hungry. "We'll talk about this some more later." I said looping my arm through his and leading him inside.

After lunch Gio and Jeremy took Naomi home while me and Carlos went to my parents house and every inch we got closer to my house my heart rate sped up, this was not going to be good I just felt it in my bones. Please if there is a god let my sisters be there already that way I can at least save myself from being alone with my parents and Carlos. We got to my street and I saw my house off in the distance and thankfully my sisters car were both in the driveway.

"Damn your parents house is massive." Carlos said letting out a low whistle. We pulled into the driveway and I almost wanted to leave but Carlos grabbed my hand. "Let's go in meet the parents and if things start getting awkward I got Gio on standby with an excuse for us to leave." He said and I laughed, I loved that he had an escape plan ready.

"Okay.... remember don't look my dad in the eyes he takes that as a challenge." I said kissing him before getting out the car. We walked up to the house and I already heard arguing. "That would be my sister Liv and..... my mom." I said opening the door before my nerves betrayed me, I walked in and my mom and sister stopped arguing for a second to look at me. My mother gave Carlos the once over and since she didn't say anything smart I took that as a good sign and my sister Priscilla shot me a wink letting me know she approved (not that I needed her approval).

"Your mom is sexy as fuck." Carlos whispered in my ear and I elbowed him right in the diaphragm.

"Hello mom this is my boyfriend Car...." Before I could finish my sisters pulled Carlos away probably to interrogate him leaving me with my mom.... here we go.

"He's attractive." She said and I heard a hint of disdain in her voice.

"He is but that's not why I'm with him. Where's dad?" I asked and right on queue my dad walked inside with my brothers in-law Rick and Steve, which caught me off guard because last I check my dad hated them. "Hey dad." I said avoiding his eyes.

"Where's you friend? I want to show him my gun collection." My dad said smiling and I tried not to roll my eyes as Carlos walked back in with my sisters. Again before I could make introductions my dad put his massive hand on Carlos shoulder and steered him away most likely to scare him with my mom, Steve and Rick trailing behind.

"Where did you find him and where can I get one?" My sister Olivia said smiling and I shook my head as I sat on the couch. "He says that people call him Papi.... my question is does he earn that title?" She asked and I nodded slightly, yeah he definitely earns that name. We sat there for about an hour catching up when Carlos came back with my dad and me and my sisters looked at each other in disbelief my dad was....... smiling.

"Quinton why don't you take Papi up to your room while we get dinner ready?" My dad said smiling, did he just call him Papi? I didn't want to think about it, I just grabbed Carlos's hand and pulled him up the stairs.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!" I asked as Carlos started laughing.

"Your dad is from Texas all it took was for me to be able to speak guns, Cowboys and politics and BAM! Instant friends." Carlos said laying on my bed. "Come're..." He said pulling me close to him.

"I'm just having a hard time wrapping my mind around that, the last two dudes I brought here didn't make it out the living room." I said seriously.

"That's because them dudes don't have my charm....... but I gotta ask because your bed is stiff as fuck have you ever......?" He asked and I punched him in the arm. "I'm just saying Que I can tell that this bed has never seen my action and I'm trying to break it in." He said kissing my neck.

"You must have a deathwish." I said trying my hardest not to submit to his will. "My parents are right down stairs." I moaned quietly.

"I know..... I'm just fucking with you babe let's watch a movie." He said getting under my covers. "Come on down be shy." He said pulling me with him, I turned on my tv and about five minutes into the movie my pants were down and Carlos's fingers were teasing my hole....... Please god keep my parents downstairs, I said to myself as I fell victim to his trap yet again.............................

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