Jeremy 7

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Sophomore Year

I was walking through the hall with my best friend Naomi when I saw him; Darius Campbell, damn he had really changed since last school year. He had lost a lot of weight or at least grown into it, his hair wasn't the tangled mess that it usually was instead replaced by a low cut fade, and he had a neatly trimmed goatee that made him a million times sexier. Last year he would constantly follow me around trying to get my number and I wouldn't give him the time of day...... let that be a lesson because he went from a 6 to a 10.5 over the course of three months. He saw me staring at him and winked before walking off with his best friend Isaac leaving me stuck, for the next three months I watched Darius from afar waiting for the day he finally approached me. After weeks of waiting nothing happened until a mutual friend's Halloween Party, I was dancing with Naomi until someone pulled me away and led me out to the backyard. Even though he wore a mask I knew it was Darius by the intensity of his gaze and the Cool Water cologne that was coming off of him.

"You've been ignoring me all year Jeremy, wassup? You know I've been trying to get at you and you still won't give me the time of day." Darius said quietly.

"Well you've been running with so many dudes and girls that I thought you wouldn't notice...." I said trying to keep my heart from jumping out my chest.

"Man fuck all them bitches and niggas, you are the only person whose attention I want. So what do you want me to do cut them all off? Because I will. You want me to announce to the entire school that you my dude because I'll do that as well....... just please, please stop ignoring me. I go to bed every night hoping like hell you'd call me and go to sleep every night disappointed, I can't go another night without hearing your voice before I go to sleep." Darius said taking a step towards me. "I put my feelings out now the ball is in your court now Jeremy what's it going to be?" Darius asked. After that night me and Darius were inseparable, I won't say we had the perfect relationship but it as pretty much as close to perfect as you could get.... until I let him talk me into making the biggest mistake of my life..................


We walked out to the courtyard and it took every ounce of self control for me not to swing on him. That little stunt he pulled in BDubs was really starting to piss me off all over again, I looked at Darius and I could tell he was nervous as he should be.

"Jer' I'm sorry for my little outburst earlier, but seeing you with that nigga set me off. It was like my vision turned red and I lost control......... I'm really, really sorry." Darius said and despite everything I knew he was sincere.

"Darius that was the main issue I had with our relationship, you were jealous as fuck. You didn't like me hanging out with Naomi, you didn't like me talking to any dude for more than two minutes and you needed to know every little thing I did. And remember YOU broke up with ME, not the other way around so you have now right to be jealous." I said heated.

"I'm not jealous Jer'... I'm territorial because in my mind, heart and soul you're still mine and I'm willing to do anything to get you back even scare off any dude that even looks at you. And you're right I did break up with you over that shyt with Isaac...... but that was only because I was mad at myself for even letting him talk me into it." Darius said taking a step towards me and put his hand on my face. "I was sick afterwards and I......... I needed to get myself together."

"Darius........ stay the hell away from me." I said slapping his hand away and started walking back inside but Darius stopped me.

"Jer please..... don't...... don't walk away from me." Darius said tears welling up in his eyes. "I fuckin love you and I can't survive without you in my life." Darius said quietly.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before you decided to break up with me, I'm moving on and you should do the same. Lose my number." I said leaving him standing there calling after me......... I walked into my dorm and saw Matt sitting on the bed waiting.

"Yo Jeremy my bad, he told me he was your boyfriend and showed me pictures of y'all together and shyt. I probably should've called and asked you first." Matt apologized.

"Next time he shows up call campus security. Good night." I said turning off the lights and getting into bed.

The next day was the first day of class and I wasn't feeling it at all........ I just wanted to spend the day in bed and sleep but I knew I couldn't. Thankfully Quinton had the same First Year Writing course as me so I wouldn't be completely alone, we got to class and I found myself thinking about Gio...... I honestly couldn't wait for our date, Friday needed to hurry up and get here already.

"Oh look who just walked in." Quinton said pointing to the door where Jayden and Papi walked in and I perked up expecting Gio to walk in behind them but he never did, it was weird seeing those two without Gio. Jayden whispered something to Papi and they both looked in our direction before sitting behind us.

"Ayy Jeremy, Papi wants me to ask you, to ask Quinton, why he keeps mean mugging him." Jayden asked and I could feel the smile on his face without even turning around.

"Well you can tell Papi, to ask Quinton himself especially since he's right here." I said looking at Quinton who was tapping his pencil pissed.

"Aight hold up, Papi Jeremy said........." Jayden started but Quinton slammed his fist down and looked at me.

"Jeremy let's move before I shove my pencil in the dudes piss hole." Quinton said standing up, I started to gather my stuff when the professor walked in telling everyone to take their seats. I looked at Quinton who was beyond pissed as he sat back down, then glanced at Papi who had a satisfied smirk on his face....... Class finished and we started walking out when Jayden ran to catch up with us.

"Ayy hold up, Jeremy. What are you doing Saturday?" Jayden asked smirking.

"Umm..... nothing why?" I asked confused.

"I'm just saying, Gio's really big into sports and there's a game at noon.......... I'm sure you can put the pieces together, I'll see y'all later." Jayden said walking over to Papi. I looked at Quinton who was still pissed about that exchange with them in the beginning of class.

"I really don't like that dude Carlos, smug bastard." Quinton said mostly to himself, the whole way to his ca he complained about Papi. I saw it before anyone..... well probably not Jayden but usually when someone gets on your nerves as much as Papi got on Quinton's there was something much deeper there, I wasn't going to say anything though I was just going to sit back and watch how things unfolded......... The whole day went by without hearing from Gio and I was starting to get anxious, I sat with Quinton as we ate when I felt someone move behind me.

"Why didn't you call me last night?" Gio whispered in my ear and I had to remember how to breath, I turned around and had to blink a few times because I honestly didn't remember him looking this good. He wore a beater and some sweatpants and still managed to look better than every dude in the cafeteria.

"I umm....... I had to deal with Darius, who decided to make himself comfortable in my room. After that I just wanted to sleep, my bad." I said avoiding his eyes.

"Aight well...... don't let it happen again." He said sitting down in my seat and started eating my fries. "You just going to stand there or are you going to tell me how your first day went?" Gio said pulling the extra chair close to his and looking at me.

"Jeremy I have to go do something that's not........ I'll talk to you later." Quinton said getting up leaving me alone with Gio. I looked at Gio and smiled as we started another two hour long conversation until the cafeteria closed we walked outside and Gio grabbed my hand.

"So the night's still young do you wanna chill or do you have somewhere to be?" Gio asked looking in my eyes.

"I'm where I need to be, let's take a walk." I said as smiling.

"Aight coo...... well I wanna take you somewhere special." Gio said smirking and I knew I should be nervous going somewhere with him but I didn't, I decided to throw caution in the wind and take a chance with him.......................................

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