Jayden 70

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For real this was my first time in Kyrese's room, the last few times I was here we mainly stayed in the living room, the kitchen, the stairway, the bathroom multiple times, and the third bedroom, but Kyrese's room was nicely decorated in old gold and black, he had a lot of pictures of him and his frat brothers but there was a few with him and someone who looked a lot like him...... this must be his brother Kyle, I put the picture down and crawl back into bed wrapping my arms around his waist. Even though we agreed to be friends it didn't stop us from messing around whenever we got the chance on top of our long conversations and amazing sex Kyrese was quickly becoming my best friend. Which is why I've made my decision to pledge Alpha Phi Alpha, I've already submitted my application and met all the requirements I knew my GPA was nothing less than a 3.5 (I know a lot of people think I dumb but I don't play about my grades), I had just finished my first semester, and I had my sponsor who just so happened to be waking up.

"You're still here? I thought after I had you in here crying last night you wouldn't wanna show your face around here again." Kyrese said turning and kissing me.

"Okay first I wasn't crying.... I just started tearing up a little. Second it should be illegal for you to give head that damn good and finally if you want me to leave........." I said standing up and Kyrese's eyes went straight to my dick which was throbbing.

"You know I think it's best if you got back in bed." Kyrese said and I shook my head, he got up, walked over to me and started stroking my dick......... "You sure you don't wanna get back in bed?" He said sucking my neck.

"As fun as that sounds...... I really can't I gotta go meet you with my grandparents but we can move this show to the shower." I said kissing him then we spent the next two hours trying to fuck each others brains out.......................

I got to my grandparents house and saw Samuel's car sitting out front, great now I had to deal with his ass for god knows how long. I walked into the hose and like always my granddad was sitting in his favorite chair watching the news, I said what's up to him and walking into the kitchen where my grandma was making a big ass meal which meant something was wrong because it was a holiday at least not until tomorrow night.

"Dang granny what's the occasion?" I asked going through all the pots and it was all my favorites.

"I'll let your dad tell you." She said looking at Samuel. "Well I'll let you two talk, Sammy don't let my food burn." She said wiping her hands and walking out the kitchen.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush with you Jay, I'm going to talk to you man to man........ my job transferred me to Japan for about six months and it starts immediately so I'm going be leaving tonight........" Samuel said and for some reason it hit me harder than I expected, I started tearing up and quickly turn my head this bastard wasn't going to see me cry.

"So I guess this is your why of saying you're going to get some milk and you'll be right back? So am going to go another five years without seeing you?" I said looking in his eyes.

"Jayden I'm going to spend the rest of my life regretting the fact that I walked out on you, your mother and......... Jamal?" He said his voice cracking a little. "But I wanna continue to rebuild our relationship, it's not going to be easy but I think we should at least try..... you're all I have left of the love of my life and your brother......" Samuel said staring into my soul.

"Go to hell Samuel." I said getting up and leaving, I couldn't sit in there with him without snapping. I got in my car and started to pull off when I got a text from Samuel.

DEADBEAT: I'll be at the airport at 7 I really like to see you before I leave but I'll understand if you can't make it.

I looked back at my grandparents house then pulled off I couldn't go back in there because I was still pissed and I didn't want to disrespect my grandparents by punching this nigga in the face. When I got home Gio and Papi were in the middle of a push-up contest and from the sounds of their counts Gio was winning until he mistake of looking up and Papi swapped his arm making him mess up.

"You a bitch for that Papi." Gio said starting over from one, I sat on the couch and waited until they were done before explaining to him everything that happened with Samuel. "So do you need us to drive you to the airport?" Gio asked and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm not going....... fuck that nigga. I've made it this far without him so if he gets to Japan and catches......"

"Jay cut the bull we get that your mad at that nigga for leaving, hell we are too but you can't spend your entire life hating that nigga. Samuel isn't a bad dude and ever since he's come back he's been trying to make things right with you and in terms of dad's go you could always have worse........ just ask Gio." Papi said smiling at Gio.

"Thanks Papi that means so much........ but that idiots right, you really need to go talk to that nigga let him know how you feel because something could happen to either one of y'all and this isn't how you want what could be your last time seeing to end." Gio said, I looked at both of them and shook my head.

"I hate both of y'all........ let's go." I said getting up and grabbing my keys. "I'm going to talk to him before he leaves for the airport because I have a lot to say." We got back to my parents house and Samuel was still there and I was kinda hoping his wasn't, when we walked in Samuel was talking with my grandparents... his parents and they all looked at us.

"Hey Gio baby....... Carlos." My grandma said looking at them.

"Granny I'm going to be real with you if your still mad about someone knocking your wig off that wasn't me it was Gio." Papi said pointing at Gio.

"Nobody like a tattletale Carlos, Gio baby are you hungry let me go fix you a plate." My grandma said pushing past Papi playfully.

"Umm can I talk to you?" I said looking at Samuel who nodded and followed me to the basement with my granddad. "Uhh Pop-pop I kinda wanted to talk to him alone." I said respectfully as possible.

"That's just too damn bad Jayden, I'm going to stand right here in case he says something that requires me to punch him in the mouth. So talk and pretend like I'm not here." He said leaning against the wall.

"I take it Gio and Carlos convinced you to come back........ I've always like them two, they're great friends." Samuel said and I nodded.

"Yeah those are my brothers........ why didn't you come back? After Jamal died..... or after my mom died?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Because I was heartbroken and scared and a coward.......... that's no excuse but you weren't the only one grieving Jayden, I needed to......"

"I NEEDED MY DAD! YOU JUST FUCKIN LEFT AND DIDN'T COME BACK WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST! Pop-pop I'm sorry for cussing but this bastard doesn't know what I've been through." I said looking at my granddad.

"It's fine Jay, get your anger out." My granddad said shrugging.

"I can't make up for not being there for you Jay, but I've been trying to start over." Samuel said quietly.

"And now you're moving to Japan because of work...... so who knows when I'll see you again or if I'll see you again for that matter...... I feel like if you leave I'll never see you again." I said looking away.

"Jayden we can make this work..... I'll call you everyday if that's what you want and during the summer if you want I'll fly you out and you can spend some time with me." He said putting his hand behind my neck and pulling my head close to his. "You have my word..... I'll never leave you again Jay, I'm sorry for everything but I'm not going anywhere....... I love you son." He said tearing up a little.

"I love you too dad....." I said quietly, brushing the tears from my eyes.

"Aight enough of all this crying shyt, let's get back upstairs and eat before Gio the Giant and Rico Suave eat all the food." My dad said putting his arm around my shoulder and leading me up the stairs.............................................

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