Giovanni 46

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This was probably the most boring Saturday I've ever experienced in my life..... this is how bad it was; Jayden was sitting at the dining room table separating M&M's by color, then mixing them all back up and doing it all over again. Papi was sitting on the couch watching Jeopardy reruns and answering every single question correctly but I could tell he was bored because usually he'd be bragging about how he should go on that show but now he just sat there looking at his phone every few seconds. As for me I was so bored I couldn't even sleep if that makes sense......... Why did Jeremy decided to go with Quinton and Matt to some comedy show in Detroit and better yet when was he coming back because I was really starting to miss him. I couldn't go because I had to make sure everything was set up for tomorrow's dinner but now that I was done I was really starting to regret my decision. I was getting irritated and that was never a good thing, just as I was about to suggest we do something, anything there was a loud knocking on the door. We all jumped up and rushed to the door until I finally opened it and saw my cousin Donnell standing there, I instantly pulled him into a hug, my night had just got a lot better.

"Damn nigga I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow." I said smiling and he smirked, damn he looked so much like Denzel they could pass as twins.

"That's what I wanted you to think.... knowing you, you probably told Gavin that I was coming tomorrow and I always want to be one step ahead of my opponent. Wassup Jayden, wassup Papi." Donny said turning to them.

"I thought it was somebody important." Papi said walking back to the couch while Jayden went back to doing what he was doing. "So Donnell what brings you to Ann Arbor?" Papi asked sarcastically.

"Your mom just won't stop calling me..... so I had to go blow her back out a few times, before coming to see my cousin." Donny said and I tried hard not to laugh. Papi sat there for a second before shrugging and turning back to the tv. "Damn no witty come back? I'm disappointed Papi, I figured you at least say something smart." Donny said trying to get a reaction out of Papi.

"I would reply but something tells me I'm going to need to save my smart comments for dinner tomorrow." Papi said laughing and Donny nodded.

"So whose room am I crashing in tonight? Not you Papi, your bed is probably covered in a bunch of stuff I rather not lay in..... I can only imagine the type of dudes you done brought through here." Donny said laughing.

"Fuck you...... sleep in Jayden's room since he's probably going to be staying with Ky......" Papi started to say but Jayden started yelling from the kitchen.

"AYY CHILL!! Don't be putting my business out there." Jayden said looking at Papi. "But it's coo, I'm about to leave here just don't be doing anything in my bed or I'll fuck you up. I'll see y'all in the morning don't start the show without me." Jayden said grabbing his keys and M&M's then walking out the door.

"Well I'm about to go take a cold shower......." Papi said getting up and walking to his room.

"Wassup Gio, why aren't y'all out partying enjoying your freshmen year?" Donny asked pulling out a bottle of whiskey.

"Because the last time we went out my dude got into a fight, I just want a couple weeks to let things die down before I go back out. Wassup up with you though Donny is everything good in Chicago, I know we really didn't get a catch up when I came to see you." I said.

"Everything is good now that I don't have to deal with certain people....... but I wanted to talk to you about something, it's a lot so try to keep up." Donny said laughing. "Okay so you know the girl I'm talking to Asia right? Well her cousin Alejandro is dating this dude named Ricardo and Ricardo's cousin is get this........ Lorenzo Gonzalez." Donny said smiling.

"Okay....... wait Lorenzo Gonzalez? He use to play for the Bulls and the Spurs right?" I asked getting excited.

"Yeah but here's the best part Asia has been telling me that him and Alejandro have been looking into starting there own Sports Management Company and I may have dropped your name....." Donny said and I froze. "Look there's no deadline on it, all you have to do is do a couple of amateur fights, get your name out there and Asia will take care of the rest."

"I don't know man....... I really wanna focus on school and I......"

"Gio how long have you been saying that being a professional boxer is your dream? Since we were kids right? And I know you better than anyone except maybe Gavin, school isn't something you wanna do..... hell the only reason your in school now is because Gavin Sr. is making you and I know your hearts not in it. But it's like I said the offer will be there whenever you wanna take it....." Donny said and I nodded. We spent the next few hours catching up and it felt good to have someone to talk to other than Jayden, Papi and Jeremy.

"Donny I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you sooner.... if I would've known what happened I...."

"I'm going to bed, I feel like I'm going to need my strength for tomorrow." Donny said getting up and walking to Jayden's room leaving me with a lot to think about.

The hours leading up to dinner, I became more and more anxious. It didn't help that Papi wasn't making things better by moving furniture around, while Jayden kept checking his camera to make sure he had the right angles in case they started fighting. Jeremy and Quinton were talking quietly in the corner and from the looks of it Quinton was trying to get Jeremy to tell me something..... this was starting to feel like a bad idea. Finally after a couple minutes Jeremy walked over and pulled me outside.

"I need to tell you something...... the other day I talked to Darius." He said and I tried to hide my anger.

"About what?" I asked trying to keep myself from getting to pissed.

"About you and Ezra. I felt like you were hiding something from me and I knew Darius was there for the conversation....." Jeremy said trailing off because he could tell just how pissed I was.

"I have my reason's for not telling what me and Ezra talked about..... but for you to go behind my back let's me know that you don't trust me." I said keeping my voice as even as possible.

"That's the thing Giovanni, I do trust you.... you've never kept anything from me which is why it made me nervous once you kept that conversation from me. If you didn't want me to know fine just say that but don't lie about it...." Jeremy said and I knew this conversation was going to have to wait because Gavin had just pulled up with Denzel, Paul and Julian.

"We'll talk about this later, let's just get through this as peacefully as possible." I said kissing him. They got and walked over to us and I couldn't help but notice how nervous the seemed which made me nervous, yeah this was a really bad idea. "Look before I let y'all go inside, I need to tell y'all the only reason y'all are here is to talk." I said.

"They know...... I'm going to make sure things go smoothly, what we did to Donny has been eating away at me and I really want to make things right with my little brother." Denzel said.

"Julian I'm telling you this now if you say anything to Quinton, Papi is to beat your ass..... he's already mad that you keep calling Quinton so it's best if you stay invisible this whole time." I said and Julian nodded but I could see he was trying hard not to laugh, aight I tried to warn him. I walked inside and everyone was sitting around talking until Donny made eye contact with his brother and cousins.

"Wassup Donny?" Denzel said quietly and it was the longest ten seconds of my life before Donny charged at his older brother...........................

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