Jeremy 69

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Quinton had been gone for an hour and a half much longer than it should've took for him to run back to his dorm and he wasn't answering his phone so naturally me and Papi were getting nervous, but it was kinda hard to take Papi seriously when he paced around the living room in a banana hammock. Gio was the only one who was calm though, he called Matt to go check on Quinton since Matt was the closest and after waiting ten more minutes I knew from Gio's expression something was wrong. He told Papi to put some clothes on and within two minutes we were leaving out the house and driving over to Quinton's dorm. When we pulled up the first thing I noticed was a police car and ambulance pulled up front and a bunch of students standing around, Matt saw us pulling up and waved us over to him. As soon as we got out me and Papi went looking for Quinton while Matt explained what was going on to Gio.

"Ayy where's Quinton?" Papi asked Quinton's roommate Chris, who looked really scared.

"Carlos man..... I'm sorry Julian told me he had to drop some things off for Quinton and I was in such a rush to get to this party I didn't stop to think about it......." Chris said shaking.

"If you don't answer my question I'm going to........" Papi said struggling to find the words, Chris nodded and started walking away I guess he wanted us to follow him. He ended up standing next to a police car where Quinton was sitting in the backseat looking  utterly bored. "Why the fuck are you in a police car?" Papi asked his voice somewhere between anger and amusement, Quinton started to say something but his voice was muffled by the windows.

"They said it was because he attacked Julian." Gio said walking over to us. "He'll probably sit in there until they figure out what happened."

"So that was Julian in the ambulance?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"I guess..... but I gotta go call Gavin and let him know what's going on." Gio said kissing me before walking off. After waiting for like an hour they finally let Quinton out the police car and when we got back to the house Quinton went into details about what happened.

"When I got to my room this crazy ass nigga was waiting in my fuckin dorm, he threw me on the bed talking about 'we need to talk' and started going on about how I had to break up with Carlos and the only reason I was dating you, to make him jealous. When I told him to fuck off he got mad and I got nervous and hit him over the head with my lamp........... someone called the police and I was sitting in the car for like an hour before y'all got here." Quinton said rubbing his wrist. "I'm pretty sure he was drunk." But I could tell there was more he wasn't telling us.

"I really don't care when I see him I'm going to beat his ass, one thing I can't stand is a desperate ass nigga and then he had the audacity to fucking touch you nah I'm not letting this go." Papi said pacing around heated. Gio tried to calm him down but Gavin walked in with Steve and two other dudes looking pissed.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Gavin asked pissed.

"Your bitch as friend was fuckin with my dude so when I catch him I'm going to beat his ass." Papi said looking at Gavin. Gavin stood there quietly but one of the other dudes spoke up.

"Papi you ain't gonna do shyt..... flat out, now where's the nigga that hit my boy me and him gotta hit the street." The dude said and I stood up. "What you trying fight too?" He said looking at me,

"Man y'all trippin Jeremy sit down, Gavin why the fuck did you bring these niggas to my house?" Because I know one thing for certain and two things for sure, y'all aren't going to touch Quinton, y'all aren't going to touch Papi and y'all damn sure ain't going to touch this one." Gio said pointing at me. "Now maybe y'all should go ask your boy what the fuck his deal is and stop worrying about what's going on over here." The dudes looked at Gavin as if waiting for his instructions.

"Let's go...... Gio we need to talk about this later." Gavin said walking out followed by the two dudes while Steve stood there looking at me and Quinton before walking out.

"Well that's enough drama for one night, let's get some sleep." Gio said pulling me back to his room, we laid in his bed and he started laughing. "You must really want to see me knock somebody out?"

"I could've took them..... look I'm sleepy will talk about this more later." I said turning and kissing him and rolling over. The next morning when we woke up Papi was replaying last night's events while eating breakfast.

"Hell nah I'm mad I missed it..... then again after last night I'm not too pissed." Jayden said laughing. "Jeremy you just need to go ahead and join the boxing team since you're always trying to fight someone." Jayden said looking at me as we sat at the table.

"HELL NO!" Gio yelled scaring everyone. "Sorry just the thought of you getting in the ring is too scary to think of......" Gio said quietly.

"Whatever, but look I gotta get going. I have a lot stuff to get done, Quinton are you coming?" I asked getting Quinton nodded and followed me out to my car. "Gio is soooo overprotective." I said laughing.

"Yeah so is Carlos but I'm kinda mad at myself for not letting him come with me last night." Quinton said quietly.

"I think we all should've come with you...... I just never thought Julian was that crazy." I said and Quinton tensed up. "What else did he say? I'm not stupid Que and neither is Papi you left out something....." I said and Quinton shrugged.

"I don't really remember..... when you and Gio went to bed we got drunk and last night is kinda foggy." Quinton said lying but I wasn't going to pressure him. "You mind stopping by my dorm real quick so I can shower?" Quinton asked, I nodded and drove him to his dorm. When we got there, someone was standing outside his door and I could tell Quinton was nervous but I was ready. The dude turned around and I kid you until this moment Papi was the prettiest dude I've ever met (Gio was the sexiest) but this dude was other worldly.

"Ayy Que you good? We heard what happened last night and wanted to make sure you were okay." The dude said and I tried my hardest not to stare, I loved Gio but if I was single............

"I'm good Meeche..... umm Jeremy this is Meeche he's one of the Kappa's that's been showing me around, Meeche this is my best friend Jeremy." Quinton said looking at his phone. "Thanks for checking on me but we're kinda in a rush, I'll bring that application by later." Quinton said walking in the dorm.

An hour later later we were back at my dorm getting ready to go drive to pick up Naomi with Matt's dumb ass. I swear I really don't see why he needed me and Quinton to drive with him to Columbus, he's made that drive by himself before.

"Really Kappa's Que..... I thought you would go the Sigma route like me and Jeremy, you get the best of The Que's and the Kappa's plus their hazing process is only like a week long." Matt said and I hit him in the arm.

"I haven't decided yet..... what I wanna know is why I'm driving with you to see the girl you like Matt?" I asked irritated because people can't fucking drive.

"Because she's your best friend plus her dad scares me and if he see's us together maybe he won't kill me." Matt said, I looked back at Quinton who still had that far away look in his eye.

"Shut up Matt her dad is a teddy bear, Quinton are you alright?" I asked worried for my friend.

"Yeah just sleepy can you wake me up when we get there." Quinton said closing his eyes. I could tell this thing with Julian was really effecting him. As we were crossing the state line my phone started ringing with an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked putting the phone on speaker.

"Jeremy where are you?" Darius said quickly.

"Darius why are you calling my phone?" I asked confused.

"Just answer the damn question Jere' where are you?" Darius said pissed.

"On my way to Columbus why?" I asked getting ready to hangup, Darius let out a sigh of relief and quickly got angry again.

"I was just making sure you were....... it doesn't matter is Giovanni with you?" He asked, I looked at my phone confused why the fuck was Darius asking about Gio.

"No, what's going on Darius why are you asking all these questions?" I asked getting worried.

"Fuck aight be safe." Darius said hanging up. I didn't know what was going on but something told me it had something to do with Julian and possibly Ezra..............................

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