Jeremy 73

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While Gio and Gavin argued I sat off to the side playing Cookie Jam, I could get mad and keep trying to fight Steve but I didn't see the point..... I mean I've already beat his ass so I really didn't need to keep fight him unless he wanted to keep coming at me. I looked over at Gio who was beyond pissed and I was almost afraid him and Gavin were going to come to blows, which I really didn't want to see. I got up and started getting myself together so I could go back to my dorm because clearly they needed to have a family discussion and find Paul and since I didn't like Paul that's something I was going to take part in. I said goodbye to everyone and walked out the door remembering that I didn't drive here Gio picked me up...... fuck it I'll walk because I need some time to clear my head. When I got about three blocks away Gio pulled up next to me, jumped out his car and started walking beside me.

"I'm sorry for all that, I don't know what Steve's problem is but I'll handle it........ why didn't you wait for me though? You know I would've taken you home, you're not mad at me are yo......." I pulled his tall ass down to me and kissed him.

"I'm not mad Gio........ I just felt you and your brother had a lot to talk about and I figured if I wasn't there Gavin would speak more freely." I said and I got dizzy all of a sudden and started to feel sick.

"Come man I'm taking you to the hospital, Gavin can wait a couple hours and I need to calm down." Gio said leading me to the car and driving to the campus hospital. We were there until almost midnight and they said I had a slight concussion, I was really over this day and I just wanted to go to bed, Gio had to get back to the house because Gavin had been blowing up his phone but Gio didn't want to leave my side.

"Gio I'm fine, go home and take care of your business and I'll see you in the morning." I said kissing him and getting out his car, I wasn't ten feet away when Gio jumped out and started walking next to me. "Aww you're going to walk me to the door." I said laughing and Gio gave me a half grin.

"I just wanna make sure you don't fall down the stairs or walk into any walls." He said putting his arm around me. When we got to my dorm Gio looked at me and shook his head. "I really think I should stay....." He said, I gave him a quick kiss and opened the door and saw Matt sitting on the bed with two of the Sigma's I met the other day Harper and my sponsor Benny.

"Wassup Jer....... DAMN WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR NOSE!?" Matt asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Long story......" I said sitting on the bed.

"Matt can I talk to you?" Gio said and Matt got up walking out into the hallway with Gio.

"So what's this long story?" Benny asked, I really didn't feel like explaining to them so I gave them a quick recap and I couldn't gauge their expressions. "Next time you get into something call me." Benny said, I nodded and drifted off to sleep........ The next morning I woke up with a bangin ass headache, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost noon and Matt leaning against his bed sleep.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked throwing my pillow at him. "Damn what time did you go to bed?" I asked looking at Matt who looked like he'd been up all night.

"About seven...... Gio asked me to keep an eye on you. Speaking of Gio you should call that nigga because he's been blowing up my phone almost every hour." Matt said rubbing his eye and climbing into bed. I checked my phone and saw I had a bunch of missed calls and text that I had to respond to but first I needed to check my nose and take a shower. I walked down the hall to the bathroom and stared in the mirror, thankfully my nose wasn't too swollen but it was still pretty bad.

"Fuckin bitch....." I mumbled talking about Steve, I showered and walked back to my room but Gavin was standing there trying to figure out if he wanted to knock. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah I wanted to talk to you..... you mind putting some clothes on." Gavin said, I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Aight I'll be in my car..." Gavin said walking away. I got dressed and called Gio letting him know I was good before going to meet up with Gavin.

"Wassup?' I said, Gavin didn't say anything he just got in his car and opened the passenger door. I got in and the entire ride was silent until we pulled up to The Waffle House.

"I'm hungry...... let's go eat." Gavin said getting out, not even ten minutes with him and I was ready to leave but I was hungry. "I'm sorry for Steve punching you yesterday..... I didn't know he would be on some bullshyt when I brought him over there. I thought Julian and Carlos were going to talk and that's it."

"I don't hold that against you, Steve is a big boy which means he can make his own choices and unfortunately for him he fucked with the wrong one..." I said looking through the menu. "But I gotta ask how can you pick them dudes knowing Gio is going to ride for Jayden and Papi, and I know you won't go against your brother?" I asked.

"I've known Julian and Steve since I was little, we've been around Carlos and Jayden almost their entire lives..... I see us all as one big dysfunctional family, but those are Gio's friends and yeah I'm cool with them but Steve and Julian are to me what Jayden and Carlos are to Gio....." Gavin explained.

"Even knowing Julian obviously did something he doesn't want you to know about?" I asked.

"Julian......... thinks I don't know what it is but I do. Him and Ezra have been talking and I have a feeling Ezra is the one manipulating Julian, he's always had this control over him that I never understood." Gavin said.

"So you think Ezra......." He said and I remembered Darius's phone call the other day. "What's Ezra's deal, why is he so damn pressed over me and Quinton dating Gio and Papi?" I asked.

"I don't know but that's what I plan on finding out........ I just wanted to apologize for the actions of my friend because I know he won't man up and let you know I have nothing against you ot Quinton. You make my brother happy, which makes me happy." Gavin said. "So we good?" Gavin asked.

"Yeah I have no problem with you..... or Steve for that matter, he messed up my nose and  chipped his tooth the way I see it is we're even so long as the rest of the Que's stay out my way, I'll stay out theirs." I said and Gavin chuckled quietly.

"I still can't believe your little ass can fight." He said just as the waitress came over.

"So is this going to be together or separate?" She asked after taking our orders.

"Separate." Gavin said looking at me. "What you date my little bro let that nigga pay for you food." He said laughing and I just shook my head, like I said I didn't have a problem with anyone...... but there was one person who seemed to be at the root of all this and I knew there was someone I needed to speak to who could help me figure out why..........

"Why didn't you tell me you were going out of town?" Gio asked pissed. After Gavin dropped me off I knew exactly who I needed to speak with, but I also knew it was extremely dangerous which is why I had Quinton with me as backup.

"Because I'm just going to get me something to wear for this New Years Party..... I didn't think it was going to be a big deal and I don't want you to see me until some of the swelling goes down." I said.

"I don't care what you look like Jeremy..... but do what you gotta do and when you get back stop by the house so you can tell me what you and Gavin talked about. I love you." Gio said.

"I love you too...." I said hanging up.

"Now why are we going to see this nigga again?" Quinton asked irritated.

"Because I need to talk to him, don't worry ten minutes tops." I said as we pulled up to Darius's dorm just as he was walking out, I got out the car and as soon as he saw my face he got pissed.

"What the fuck happened?" Darius asked, I gave thirty second recap and Darius nodded. "I think I know what's going on...... just give me twelve hours and I'll call you with what I find out." Darius said walking off.

"You sure about this?" Quinton asked and I nodded, Darius was the only person who I knew that could do this and I knew he would do anything to protect me no matter the risk..........................

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