Jayden 34

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I'm happy as fuck all I had on was boxers and a mask because it was hot as hell in here, but other than that this party was off the chain, I'm glad they rented out a club instead of using their frat house because there was no way in hell this many people would fit. This party was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of Taylor..... stop Jayden you're not suppose to be think about that person, you're supposed to be moving on. I let some girl pull me to the dance floor and watched as she started grinding on my dick, normally I wouldn't even get turned on by someone grinding on my dick but I was a little tipsy and this chick was sexy. I looked around and saw Gio and Jeremy up against the wall kissing, yeah they wouldn't be here too much longer.... noticed Papi standing off to the side looking uncomfortable which wasn't like him at all then I followed his eyes and saw why he looked so miserable Quinton was dancing with some nigga in a royal blue and pure white toga probably a dude from Phi Beta Sigma.

"Ayy let me go holla at my boy real quick." I whispered in the girl's ear and she nodded before letting her hand trace the outline of my dick. I walked over to Papi who was sippin on a beer. "You just gonna stand here and let that nigga dance with your dude or are you gonna go claim him?" I asked and Papi looked at me like I was stupid.

"Hold thisss....." Papi slurred before handing me his beer and walking over to Quinton and the dude, he cut in between them and wrapped his arms around Quinton's waist, the dude backed up, watched for a few seconds before walking off salty.

"You always were the one that held the three of y'all together, Gio and Papi would be lost without you Jayden." Taylor said and I felt my voice get caught in my throat........ damn she looked good, dressed as a Greek goddess. "Can we talk?" She asked and I stood there trying to find my voice.

"Nah I'm good....." I said finishing Papi's beer and walking off with Taylor right on my heels.

"Jayden Maurice Walker if you don't stop walking so I can talk to you I'll make a big ass scene and you know I will." Taylor said and I froze, I really didn't feel like getting kicked out especially since we just got here.

"Man what?" I said and she grabbed my hand pulling my out to the back patio, for the most part we were alone except for some dude getting his dick sucked by some chick. "Aight talk and make it quick I'm trying to get back inside." I said wishing I had on more than boxers.

"You really can't still be mad about what happened with me and Paul, Jayden we're not in a relationship so I'm free to fuck whoever I want." Taylor said and I smirked a little.

"It's not about us being in a relationship, it's about the fact that I invited you to a party AT MY HOUSE AND YOU WERE SUCKING THIS NIGGA'S DICK! DO YOU KNOW HOW DISRESPECTFUL THAT SHYT WAS?!" I yelled but then I brought it down a little, I wasn't going to let her know I still cared. "But nah you don't get it because it's all about you right? Whatever Taylor wants she gets right?" I said.

"Look Jayden me and Paul have history, I got caught up in the moment and I'm sorry but you can't stand here and tell me that you haven't been fucking other people because you'd be lying." Taylor said and I smirked again.

"Yeah I have but I would never fuck someone in your house...... and trust me I've had plenty of opportunities. Do you know how many of your friends have tried to get me to fuck them? How many of them tried to suck my dick in YOUR HOUSE?! But I didn't because I had respect for what we had. But like I said I'm good...... you do you." I said and Taylor was livid.

"Who was it? Which one of them bitches tried to fuck you?" Taylor asked and I shook my head.

"Whichever one you told how good my dick was......." I said walking away as Taylor started to flip out. I got back inside and was instantly pulled to the dance floor by some chick and just like that I had completely forgot all about Taylor, I came here to have a good time and that's what I was going to do.

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