Jayden 25

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I was super drunk, I didn't usually drink but when I did  I got pretty fucked up. As I stumbled down the hall to the bathroom I stopped just short of the bathroom, somebody was in there moaning like crazy and I didn't want to be stop whoever was in there from having a good time so I walked to Gio's room so I could us his master bathroom but when I walked in Gio was going crazy on Jeremy's ass. I crept out the room closing the door carefully behind me. Fuck I hated to do this but I really had to piss, I went to the other bathroom and knocked loudly and was surprised when I heard Taylor saying hold on; that's when I lost it. I opened the door and saw Taylor on her knees with Paul's dick in her mouth. Now here I was walking around our apartment complex devastated, but that's what I get for putting my heart out there with someone who made it extremely clear they didn't want a relationship. I heard someone calling my name and turned around to see Papi, Gio and Angelo walking towards me but I didn't feel like being bothered I just needed some time to clear my head. I got to the playground not to far from our apartment and sat on the bench, when they finally caught up to me.

"Nigga I'm too drunk to be chasing after you, I know you heard us calling you." Papi said looking at me pissed. "Angelo go back to the house we'll be there in a second." Papi said and Angelo walked away leaving me Gio and Papi.

"Go on and say it Papi because I know you're dying to." I said looking at him blinking the tears away from my eyes.

"I told you that bitch wasn't no good, now look at you sitting there crying over someone who was never yours." Papi said and Gio shook his head.

"Damn Papi show some compassion can't you see this nigga is hurting?" Gio said and Papi shrugged.

"Nah I can't because I told him a million times about falling in love with Taylor but he's so damn hardheaded, maybe now he'll start treating these hoes like I do fuck'em and leave'em." Papi said.

"I'm sorry, that's not how I am....... I can't just go around fucking everything moving. I can't go around acting I don't have a heart, that's not me.... I love too damn hard. Because after everything I've been through I fucking deserve it and if you think I'm stupid for loving Taylor then fuck you Carlos." I said standing up.

"I'm not telling you not to love Jay, I'm telling you to be smarter about who you fall in love with. I've been telling you since you met Taylor that he/she was probably sucking and fucking any dude that let him/her, and you wanna act surprised because you finally caught her. Taylor said she didn't want a relationship and now you know why." Papi said crossing his arms.

"Papi chill out man you're being a dick right now." Gio said looking at him.

"So........ I have to be, I love both of y'all like brothers, when y'all hurt, I hurt and if I can stop it before it happens you best believe I'm going to say something and if y'all don't listen then I'm not going to hold back when I'm right because I now y'all would do the same for me...... hell y'all have done the same." Papi said.

"Whatever Papi, I didn't come out here to debate with you we're suppose to be checking on Jayden. Bro what do you wanna do? We can go home and shut the party down or we can sit here, it's up to you." Gio said and I shrugged. "Jayden.........."

"Aight we can go back as long as Paul and Taylor are gone because I might try to hurt one of them." I said seriously and they nodded. "Thanks for coming to check on me." I said looking at them.

"Man you knew we would, but I'm serious you need to forget about Taylor once you get on the football team you'll have hella people throwing themselves at you so fuck her." Papi said and Gio stopped walking and looked at us.

"Football team? What is he talking about?" Gio asked confused and I forgot he didn't know.

"It's nothing major, I'm just on the practice squad for now but if I can impress the coaches I might be able to start next year." I said and Gio shook his head.

"So this is your master plan? Join the football team now everything is starting to make sense, you leaving at random times, how you keep talking about leaving school early......... I got complete faith in you Jay." Gio said pulling me into a brotherly hug.

"Okay that's enough of that, Gio I'm sure you wanna get back to eating Jeremy's ass." I said laughing and Gio smirked before walking off quickly.

When we got back to the house Gavin was standing outside with Paul and Denzel, Paul looked at me for a split second before turning away pissed. I started to say something but Papi pulled me into the house where Jeremy, Quinton, Angelo and Whitney were sitting there looking at Taylor.

"Bitch why are you still here?" Papi asked and Taylor looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Jayden can we please talk?" She asked and Papi started to say something but Drew walked over and whispered something in his ear. I pulled Taylor back to my room, closed my door and sat on my bed.

"Aight talk." I said trying to keep my anger in check.

"Jayden you really can't get mad at me, we aren't together...... we're just friends so it's not like I cheated on you or anything like that." Taylor said weakly and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You were sucking this niggas dick in my house...... regardless if we're in a relationship or not that is disrespectful as fuck. So I have to ask..... how many other niggas are you fuckin with?" I asked.

"I...... I'm not...... Jayden it doesn't matter we aren't together, you can't be mad at me for fucking with other dudes when you're probably doing the same." Taylor said and I started laughing again.

"See that's where you're wrong....... I haven't been with anyone because I made it clear you were the one I wanted to be with but now...... you can just keep doing you because I'm not going to keep letting you play me. You know the way out." I said getting up and opening the door.

"Jayden if I go out there he's going to try to fight me. Can I please just wait here until he leaves?" Taylor said.

"Not my problem........" I said not meeting her eyes.

"I rode here with you, how am I supposed to get home?" Taylor asked and I shrugged.

"Ask Paul........" I said slamming the door in her face, fucked up I know but what Taylor did was a lot worse and she better be glad that me slamming the door in her face was the only thing I did. I sat on my bed and a few minutes later there was a quiet knock on the door, I jumped up expecting Taylor but it was Papi. "Taylor leave?" I asked sitting back on my bed.

"Yeah Drew took her home after I broke up with him, so it looks like neither one of us is getting any ass tonight." Papi said laughing. "Look Jay I know I said some fucked up shyt earlier which I tend to do...... but I love you like a brother and I say the shyt I say because I want you to be happy and I want to see you with someone who makes you happy."

"I hear you Papi thanks man but I really wanna go to sleep, that Henny is giving me a headache." I said laying in my bed and covering my head.

"Aight...... if you need me for anything I'll probably be up for a while." Papi said walking out, I waited until I was sure he was gone to do the thing I've been wanting to do since catching Taylor with Paul....... I guess building a life with Taylor wasn't in the cards for me, but I wasn't going to give up hope I had to believe there was someone out there for me because if there wasn't what was the point of living...............................................

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