Julian 35

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I've been trying my hardest to keep my girl Kendall and Quinton apart all night and honestly it was harder than I thought mainly because I couldn't keep my eyes off of Quinton, I was really feeling the little dude but I also loved my girl add that to my 'job' this was getting stressful. So when Kendall told me that she had to take her girl home because she was drunk I knew it would be the perfect time to speak to Quinton but even that was proving to be difficult because every time I turned around he was smiling up in that nigga Papi's face. Don't get me wrong Papi was coo ass fuck, but I really didn't appreciate the way he was staring at MY dude and yeah Quinton was MY dude. Finally I watched Papi stumble his way to the bathroom and I knew I had a small window of opportunity to speak with Quinton, I found him standing by the bar looking good as fuck. I walked over to him and pulled him off to the side, ignoring his protest we got to a quiet corner and all I could think about was how badly I wanted to fuck him.

"So what's up babe? Why is that nigga Papi smiling up in your face like he likes you or something? Y'all fuckin or what Quinton...... seriously don't get him fucked up." I rattled off quickly and Quinton stood there looking at me like I was crazy.

"Okay you have really lost your mind me and Carlos are just friends BUT...... even if I was fucking with him that's none of your business Julian. What you need to need to be worried about is your girlfriend and leave me the fuck alone." Quinton said heated.

"I..... I'm not..... I mean...... Quinton I was going to tell you...... I just didn't know how to tell you..... I'm sorry for lying but you gotta see things from my perspective. I got this whole other side of me that I can't show to anyone but you.... you're the only person who knows the real me. My family, my friends, my frat brothers..... they wouldn't understand. Look let's just get outta here so we can talk about this in private please?" I asked quietly.

"No Julian, you got a girl and I'm not the type of dude that messes with someone who is in a relationship. If you would've been real with me from the start then maybe I could've understood where you were coming from but....... but I had to hear that you had a girl from my friend, do you realize how stupid that made me look?" Quinton asked tears streaming down his face.

"Baby please let's talk about this......" I pleaded.

"You aight Que." Papi asked walking over with his sidekick Jayden, I looked at how Papi stared at Quinton and knew he was feeling Quinton as well.

"I'm good.... just a little drunk, I get emotional when I drink. I'm probably about to head to my dorm." Quinton said quietly.

"You want me and Jayden to take you? I mean if you're too drunk to drive I don't want you out there on the road......." Papi said and I knew I had to cut him in.

"I'll take him home, I'm about to get out of here anyways and it's on my way." I said trying to find any excuse to talk to Quinton alone.

"No.... it's fine Carlos, I'll call a cab. I know how excited you were for this party and you shouldn't leave on my account. Tell Jeremy I'll call him in the morning." He was close to breaking and I knew it, me and Papi moved to comfort him at the same time and stopped to look at each other. While we were in the middle of our pissing match Quinton walked off leaving us both standing there.

"Ayy Papi let's go find some girls to dance with." Jayden said pulling Papi away. I needed to find Jeremy, it was because he couldn't keep his mouth shut that I was in this position in the first place and now I was about to check him. I found him sitting off to the side drinking a Pepsi and I was glad Gio wasn't around for what I was about to say.

"You need to stay the fuck outta my business, what me and Quinton got going on has nothing to do with you." I said standing in front of him and this nigga had the nerve to smirk.

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