Papi 48

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After yesterdays dinner fiasco I was still on ten, that nigga Julian really pissed me off. I didn't even know why he was there other than probably to stalk Quinton, but he really needed to get over it..... he had his chance and he blew it now Quinton was with someone who actually wanted to be with him. I sat in class trying my hardest not to stare at Quinton but he looked too damn good, and it sucked that I couldn't chill with him afterwards but I had to take Angelo to the damn doctors because once again he was being careless with his dick. Quinton turned around slightly and saw me looking at him and rolled his eyes but I could tell he wanted to smile and after the show I put on this morning he had a lot to be smiling about. When class finally let out I wasted no time pulling Quinton to the side and started feeling on his ass, he the softest ass in the world and I couldn't wait until I was finished doing what I had to do so I could get another taste.

"Umm don't you have somewhere to be?" Quinton said offering little to no resistance.

"Yeah but his ass can wait..... I wanted to run something by you real quick though. As you are very much aware of, were taking a trip during winter break and I was thinking maybe we could skip it. Gio and Jayden will be gone and me and you can chill at the house without any distractions." I said sucking on his neck.

"Is it that you want to be alone with me or that you don't want to be around Julian?" Quinton asked grabbing my dick.

"That never even crossed my mind but now that you said something, wouldn't it be hilarious for him to hear me fucking you every night and morning..... and sometimes around noon." I said smiling.

"Hey Papi..... this must be the reason you've cancelled all of our study sessions. I kinda miss my favorite tutor." This dude named AJ said walking over to me and Quinton, I looked at him and then at Quinton who looked pissed.

"Don't you see me with my dude? If you're struggling that bad in math I'm pretty sure there are a hundred other people that can help you." I said and AJ walked up on me and started rubbing my dick right in front of Quinton, I smacked his hand away quickly but Quinton had already started walking away.

"It's not math I need help with." AJ said smiling and as badly as I wanted to cuss him out Quinton was more important. I chased after him and caught him just as he was walking out the door.

"Que hold up.... my bad, I didn't think he'd pulled some shyt like that." I said seriously.

"This is the third or fourth time some shyt like that has happened Carlos, one of your old hoes walking up on you and flirting with you right in my face. Then that nigga had the audacity to grab you dick like I wasn't even there." Quinton said pissed.

"I'm sorry but I can't control them nigga, you knew when you got with me I fucked around with a lot of dudes and some of them are going to test the waters to see just how strong our relationship is and by you walking away just shows them that we're not as strong as I would like us to be." I said looking in his eyes.

"And how strong do you want this relationship to be Carlos?" Quinton said stubbornly.

"I want us to be able to laugh shyt like this off because that the end of the day you and I both know nothing can break us up. I want us to be at a place where I shouldn't have to shut them niggas down because they already know you got my heart and if they even step to me wrong you'll read them faster than Michelle's verse on a Destiny's Child song...." I said and Quinton started laughing.

"You are so stupid." He said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"True but I'm honest, cute and my dick is big." I said smirking and he punched me in the chest gently. "Do it again." I commanded and he looked at me like I was crazy. I pushed him roughly against the wall and stared into his eyes. "Hit me again Que, you know I like that rough shyt." I said and he smiled.

"Maybe later Papi..... right now your brother is probably at home going through it." He said coyly and I started laughing.

"He deserves it, I told his stupid ass to use condoms every time now he better be glad that all he got was Chlamydia. But look I'm going to be by your dorm when I'm done so tell your roommate to be gone." I said kissing him one more time before walking out the building.

As soon as I pulled up to my parents house I heard my mom yelling at someone in Spanish, most likely at Angelo and I decided right then and there I was going inside that house. The last thing I wanted was my mom cussing me out for something I didn't do...... plus I was lowkey scared of her when she was angry. I sat in my car playing Candy Crush when Angelo stumbled out the house holding his face...... I told you the boy was stupid, he got in the car and I could tell he was pissed.

"You want some gum." I asked holding up a pack of Juicy Fruit and Angelo sat there staring at me like I was stupid.

"Yo just take me to the damn clinic so I can get back, I got stuff to do." Angelo said pouting and I tried not to smile because I found this shyt to be funny.

"I'm just sayin little brother you know how mommy gets when she's pissed so explain to me what you did to get on her bad side." I asked looking at him out the corner of my eye.

"She may have caught me with a girl in my room like an hour before you got there....." Angelo said and I had to stop my car in the middle of the road.


"Man I wasn't even fucking that girl........ I was just eating her pussy." Angelo said and I had to put both my hands on the steering wheel to keep from choking him. How did I get cursed with such a stupid ass sibling?

"I hope your dick falls off.... and I pray that you have girls and when they grow up they meet a dude just like you." I said quietly.

"You know damn well if I do have girls you'll be right there with me ready to fuck up any little nigga that tries to step to them....." Angelo said looking at me.

"True shyt...... but I still hope your dick falls off." I said shaking my head. After sitting with him for about two hours he was finally done and now we were sitting out in front of my parents house quietly.

"So what are you going to do Angelo? You got two kids on the way and at the rate you're going you'll probably have about four more by the time you graduate and you know I'll help you any way I can but at some point you're going to need to step up."

"I don't know, I mean I still got a chance to go to college and play soccer.... if I can get my grades back up, but this whole pregnancy shyt has been stressing me the fuck out."  Angelo said messing with his braids.

"Look if you need my help studying and shyt I'll me more than willing to help but you're smart, smarter than me...... at least when it comes to books and school you just gotta focus." I said and he nodded. "Aight now get the fuck out my car and tell dad I'll be over tomorrow to help him with that thing, he'll know what I'm talking about." I said opening his door and pushing him out the car.

"Aight I'll talk to you later big bro...... luv you man." Angelo said.

"Yeah yeah I love you too little bro now get in the house and handle that little problem of yours." I said laughing before I pulled off. I got back to the house and decided to call Quinton I was missing his crazy ass and I really needed to relieve some penned up stress. As I was walking back to my room I heard a loud noise coming from Jayden's room, normally I wouldn't just walk into his room but something told me to check on my boy. When I opened the door I found myself getting pissed, this nigga Jayden couldn't be this week but I knew my eyes weren't deceiving me this nigga Jayden was in bed fucking Taylor's smut ass, he looked at me and knew he had fucked up royally............

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