Giovanni 22

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After much convincing from Jayden and Papi I decided to have a little kick back in this weekend with my family, friends and of course Jeremy...... that dude had me feeling invincible, I've never had anyone who was able to touch my soul the way that he did and just being with him made me happy. I had just left the gym and was about to take a shower when I saw a box wrapped on my bed, curiously I walked over, opened it and couldn't help but laugh; Jeremy had got me a big box of Hersey's Cookies and Creme bars knowing they were my favorite thing to snack on. It was little stuff like this that made me love him and I know a lot of people think that I should enjoy my freshmen year by playing the field but to be honest I didn't see the point, I did that in high school and right now I just wanted something more solid, something more real and Jeremy was that for me. After showering I threw on some sweatpants and tried to figure out the rest of my day, my classes were done for the day and I had already went to the gym, shyt I might as well take a nap I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and just as I was walking back to my room, I heard a key entering the door and Gavin walked in with two people right behind him.

"WASSUP PIGGY!!!!" My cousin Paul said walking into the house smiling, I fucking hated when they called me that shyt. But I hug him and my other cousin Denzel, then dapped up Gavin. My cousins Denzel and Paul both used to go here but they graduated last year.

"Chill out with that Piggy shyt, I'm not that same fat little kid y'all three us to pick on. I'm pretty sure I can take all three of y'all with my hand tied behind my back." I said smirking.

"Yeah right Piggy....... you may have grown a couple inches and lost that waist but you ain't ready for one of us let alone the three of us together." Denzel said punching me in the chest lightly.

"What are y'all doing here? Don't y'all have other stuff to do instead of coming over here bothering me?" I asked sitting on the arm of the couch.

"We wanted to see if you wanted to come have dinner with us, when was the last time we all hung out together?" Gavin said and I looked at him confused because we had just seen these two about a week before school started so I knew there was more to it.

"Aight let me put some clothes on." I said walking away. Thirty minutes later we were all sitting around the table at Applebee's and they were telling their craziest frat stories, I knew where this conversation was going and I was prepared for it.

"Piggy when are you pledging, I mean being a Q is your birthright. You are almost guaranteed a spot in, hell you hazing process might not even be that hard." Paul said and I rolled my eyes.

"Man can I at least get through my freshmen year without being asked this question? I want to make this decision without being pressured into it....... just like I told Gavin, so please just give me one year before y'all get your answer." I said, Gavin started to say something but Denzel put his hand on his shoulder stopping him.

"Gio has a point, we can pressure him into this it has to be something he wants to do. Gio we'll give you a year to make your decision but I want one day to convince you of why you should do we got a deal?" Denzel asked and I couldn't think of a single reason why I couldn't at least give him a day. I shrugged and Denzel seemed satisfied with that. "So Gav, how are things going with Whitney?" Denzel asked and they all started talking about there relationships and I kinda tuned them out and started texting Jeremy.




"Piggy what about you? Are you still messing with dudes or have you seen the light?" Paul asked smirking and I looked up from my phone and stared at him, his bitch ass always had something to say.

"Why does it matter to you? But yeah I'm actually seeing someone right now." I said getting pissed.

"I've met his dude Jeremy he's actually pretty coo, he's got a little heart to him." Gavin said and Paul smirked.

"I'm just asking. I'm just concerned about him. Gavin didn't you tell me that Gio got into with some dude over Jeremy a couple days ago?" Paul said and I got really pissed, how the fuck did Gavin know that me and Darius got into it? "I wouldn't be surprised if Gio was getting cheated on right now."

"You know what Paul fuck off, you always got something to say. And I know Jeremy isn't cheating on me, how about you stop worrying about me and start focusing on some of you frat brothers." I said heated.

"What?" Paul asked pissed and I looked him in the eyes.

"Don't act so surprised we both know a few of your frat brothers are gay. In fact when I was still in high school a couple of them would try to talk to me on the low but I never went for it. So that makes me think that maybe the real reason you're so worried about me is because you're probably hiding something. So tell me Paulie what exactly have you done when the doors are closed and the lights are off?" I said getting up and walking away. I don't know why I went off on him like that but that dude was always fucking with me and I was tired of it. I stood outside trying to gather myself when Denzel walked out and stood next to me.

"Paul didn't mean anything by it Gio, he really does worry about you. I mean you are the youngest boy and we feel like we have to protect you." Denzel said quietly.

"Look..... I didn't mean to go off like that, but Paul needs to learn to keep his opinions to himself." I said.

"True but did you have to question his sexuality? We all know Paul is the furthest thing from gay........ and what was he talking about you getting into it with some dude?" Denzel asked and I told him about what happened with me and Darius. "So we need to make a trip to East Lansing?" Denzel asked and I shook my head.

"Nah I'm not going to let that dude get to me, besides I think he gets the point. Jeremy doesn't want anything to do with that dude." I said confidently.

"You really love this dude don't you?" Denzel asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I know I've only known him about two months but when you feel it, you feel it." I said thinking about Jeremy's smile. "So listen I didn't want to say anything around Paul, but I'm having a little get together this weekend and I really would like for you to meet Jeremy." I said and Denzel nodded.

"I'll come but you should invite Paul, I know he's a dick but I really think it'll hurt his feelings if he's not invited." Denzel said. "I'll keep Paul in line, you have my word." Denzel said and I thought about it, if there was anyone who could keep Paul in line it was Denzel him being the oldest and most level-headed.

"Aight but the first time he says something smart I'm beating his ass. Now go tell those dudes to come on I'm trying to get back home." I said calmly. Denzel nodded and walked back inside, a few minutes later we were heading back to my place in awkward silence.

"Giovanni look I'm not going to apologize for what I feel but I just need you to know that I'm looking out for you." Paul said and I ignored him, because that was as close to an apology as I would get from him.

"Whatever." I said as we pulled up to my building. "Just don't bring that shyt to my party and we won't have any problems." I said getting out the car, as I was walking up to the door I heard the unmistakable sound of a Mustang coming down the road. I turned around and saw Jeremy pulling into the parking and just like that my mood had shifted, Jeremy got out and walked over to me I wasted no time pulling him into my arms and kissed him.

"I'm staying the night." Jeremy said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"And what makes you think I want you to stay the night?" I said smirking.

"Because I know you're dying to get a rematch in 007 and I also know your dying to......." Jeremy started whispering in my ear and instantly my dick was so hard it could cut through diamond. I kissed him again and he walked inside, I looked out to the parking lot and saw my brothers and cousins arguing about something before pulling off quickly. I didn't know what they were arguing about but it wasn't my problem right now I just wanted to focus on Jeremy...................................................

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