Jeremy 19

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When Gio's parent's walked through the door I felt the atmosphere change drastically. Gio became a lot more reserved and unsure of himself it was almost as if he was trying his hardest not to piss off his dad, Papi changed as well his cocky bluntness turned into something I had never seen or heard from him; it was like if I was just meeting him I would've thought he was a nerd or something.... he even put on glasses which I didn't even know he wore, the only person who remained the same was Jayden who continuously cracked jokes that only I could hear. Gio introduced me to his parents and for the most part his mom was really nice his dad pretended as if I wasn't there and to be perfectly honest I didn't care but I'd be respectful as long as he was. They walked through the house checking everything and Gio followed behind them pulling me along with him.

"Giovanni these walls are filthy and the carpet needs to be cleaned." Gio's dad said and I looked around the walls were spotless and the carpet still looked brand new. This dude was just nitpicking, with his short ass..... I swear Gio's dad was ever bit of 5'9 but his personality added another three feet. "So your brother tells me you haven't made up your mind if you are going to pledge or not......."

"Yes sir....... I'm still deciding, I've never really understood the whole Greek Life and if I'm going to join a fraternity I want to make sure it's something I want to do and not something I'm forced into." Gio said with a little defiance in his voice. I saw Gio's dad getting a little pissed but thankfully Gio's mom intervened.

"Senior let him be....... Giovanni is going to be his own man. Now Giovanni walk me outside I need to get something out the car." Gio's mom said leading him outside.

"Carlos how are your classes coming along?" Gio's dad asked walking past me.

"Really good sir I'm pretty sure my grades are going to be perfect." Papi said politely, I looked at him and he gave me a looked that said not to say a word. "Actually next semester I'm thinking about taking more classes." Papi said and Gio's dad nodded approvingly.

"And what about you Jayden? Are you content with just chasing skirts and joking your way through college." Gio's dad asked and I was becoming more and more annoyed with every word he said.

"I got something lined up Short Stuff....... in fact I need to be leaving pretty soon." Jayden said looking at his watch and getting up. "Papi don't eat my Oatmeal Pies, Short Stuff I'll catch you later and Jeremy............" Jayden said turning towards me and smirking mischievously. "Tell my bro Gio I got plenty of condoms in my room if he runs out or if his are expired." Jayden said laughing as he walked out the house. Gio's dad looked at me and shook his head.

"Jeremy is it? So where are you from? Where do you see yourself in five years? What do your parents do for work? What are your intentions with my son?" Gio's dad asked and the Sagittarius in me wanted to answer every question with none of your damn business but I held back because I didn't want to disrespect Gio's dad on our first meeting.

"I'm from Columbus, Ohio. I'll have to get back to you on where I want to be in five years because I'm not exactly sure yet. My dad is a teacher and my mom is a banker. As for my intentions with Gio, right now we're getting to know each other but I really like him and......" Gio's dad held his hand up stopping me and I swear I almost cussed his ass out.

'"Are you sure you're not with my son because he's a boxer and you see him potential becoming famous and making a lot of money? The last thing I want is for my son to end up with a gold digger." Gio's dad said and I had just made up my mind to cuss him out when the fire alarm went off scaring me. I turned around and saw Papi standing there shaking his head.

"Hmmm we're going to need some new batteries for this thing." He said and Gio's dad walked away. Papi had just saved this man from a verbal ass-whoopin because I was about to unleash on his short ass. Gio and his mother walked back in the house and Gio could sense my anger, he walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

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