Jeremy 32

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Okay confession time, when Gio's mom, aunt's and cousins separated us I thought they were going to start acting like stuck-up prudes and they were going to acting like I wasn't good enough for Gio........ when I tell y'all they were the coolest and funniest women I ever met. I swear I never laughed so much in under an hour in my life, the way they talked about each others husbands and boyfriends had me literally crying. They didn't pull any punches, they spilled so much tea I was drowning in it..... I heard stuff about all of them; Gio's dad, Gavin, Denzel, Paul, Gio's uncles and other cousins hell even his grandma was talking about his grandpa and his bedroom issues, I don't know if it was because they were a little tipsy or they always acted like this but whatever it was I could see myself coming over here every holiday. When it was almost time to eat Gio came and pulled me away, even though I would've preferred to stay in here but I could tell he was missing me; we got outside and walked over to Jayden, Papi and Gavin where they were discussing a trip during winter break.

"How was it? The weren't too hard on you were they?" Gio asked and all I could do was smirk. "Judging by your smile you were having a good time. Y'all still trying to figure this trip out?" Gio asked Gavin.

"Yeah we got room for two more people, it's going to be the five of us, Whitney, Julian and his girl, my boy Steve and his girl, and whoever these two bums are bringing so we're just trying to figure out who the last two spots are going to." Gavin said but I tuned him out something he said struck a cord with me..... Julian and his girl. I kept my face neutral though, I didn't want Gavin to know that I already knew Julian but I would definitely do some more digging.

"Baby why not invite Quinton? I'm pretty sure he'd wanna come." Gio said kissing my neck, I glanced at Papi and noticed his jawline tighten. Before I could answer Gio's cousin Nikolas walked over smirking.

"Wassup Nik." Gavin said dappin him up. "Ayy Nik for winter brek we're getting a cabin you wanna........" Gio's grip on my hand tighten and he stopped Gavin mid-sentence.

"No........ hell no, if he's coming I won't go." Gio said giving Nikolas a death stare, Nikolas smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Why not Gio? We barely get a chance to see this nigga since they moved to Alabama. Whatever beef y'all two got maybe this trip would help y'all squash it." Gavin said, I looked at Jayden and Papi hiping the could understand Gio's anger but even they looked confused.

"Nah I'm good....... baby let's go eat so we can get the fuck outta here." Gio said pulling me away. We got up to Gio's old room and he slammed the door. "I really fuckin hate that nigga." Gio said kicking a box full of boxing trophies.

"Gio are you alright?" I asked looking around the room and noticing how different it was from the rest of the house.

"I'm fine I'm just not feeling this party, I just wanna get back to the crib and start getting ready for the club." Gio said sitting on his bed. "Come're man." He said pulling me over to him, I stood between his legs and he started kissing my stomach.

"Do you really think we should be doing this with a house full of people." I asked running my fingers through his dreads.

"We're not doing anything..... I'm just enjoying the taste of you skin." Gio said grabbing my ass tightly. Just when he started to pull my shirt over my head there was a quiet knock on the door. "Fuck....... come in." Gio said standing up.

"Hey Gio......" An older woman said walking into the room, I think it was his mom's sister.

"Wassup Aunt Bonnie?" Gio said bracing himself for a showdown.

"I was just coming to let you know it's time to eat..... and I was wondering if Nikolas could go out with y'all tonight. We're trying to have a girls night and I know he doesn't want to be around your uncles." She said quietly.

"Why can't he chill with Gavin, I don't think he'd enjoy coming to a gay club." Gio said but there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Gavin has to go help get stuff ready for his Halloween Party tomorrow...... please Gio?" She asked and Gio's expression turned dark.

"I'll get back to you after dinner." Gio said quietly. "Let's go eat." Gio said pulling me away..... again.

Dinner went as smoothly as possible, when we were finished Gio rushed me out the house so we didn't have to speak to his aunt, but she caught us in the driveway and Gio reluctantly agreed  but I knew he wasn't happy about it. We stopped by my dorm and picked up Matt and Quinton before heading back to Gio's when we got there Papi, Jayden and Nikolas were all drinking.

"Gio... what happened between you and Nikolas, why do you hate him so much." I asked pulling him off to the side.

"Jeremy...... I can't say...... if anyone figured out what happened between us t could split my family apart because Gavin would lose his mind especially after......... but it's cool he's only here for a couple days then he's going back to Alabama." Gio said kissing me. "For now I'm about to start the pre-game." I stood back and watched as Gio started taking shots, I looked over at Nikolas and he was smirking in my direction... something happened between them and whatever it was it wasn't good...............

As we were in the club me and Quinton were sitting at the table while everyone was on the floor dancing, even Matt had found two lesbians to dance with. We sat there talking when something when Gavin's statement came to the forefront of my mind.

"So.......... I heard from Gavin that Julian has a girlfriend." I said quietly and Quinton's face controted with rage.

"I'm over that nigga....... he's just not worth the headache." Quinton said sadly, I felt bad for Quinton but what kind of friend would I be if I let him keep messing with someone who may or may not have been in a relationship. Quinton was staring off in the distance and I followed his eyes and they were focused on Papi and Gio who were talking to some dudes. "Let's go be nosy." Quinton said getting up and taking the long way so that we ended up behind Gio and Papi.

".......... All I know is Gio you better not be going home with anybody tonight." One of the dudes said and I started to go off but Quinton told me to wait and see what Gio did.

"I'm definitely going home with my boyfriend..... who's around here somewhere." Gio said and I smirked.

"Why would you come out with your boyfriend? That doesn't make any sense, the reason people come out is to meet people and possible go home with them and TBH I don't give a fuck about your boyfriend I just want some dick." The dude said and I got pissed.

"I came out to have a good time, but it's not like I have to explain myself to y'all." Gio said and I detected some anger in his voice.

"Gio come on let's dance." I said deciding to let my presence be felt, I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck. Gio kissed me and looked at the two dudes.

"Quinton let's go dance." Papi said.

"QUINTON! Ain't that the niggas name you called out when I was sucking your dick." One of the dudes said and I had to do a double take. Even Quinton looked shocked.

"Curtis...... chill out man." Papi said.

"NAH I SHOULD BEAT BOTH OF Y'ALLS ASSES!" The dude Curtis yelled and I noticed Quinton getting ready, so naturally I started getting ready in case they tried something.

"Try me if you want to, I haven't been in a fight in a couple months but trust me I'm not worried about you or your boy." Quinton said calmly.

"Que, baby chill......." Papi whispered to Quinton and he started to relax a little. "Look we're just trying to have a good time so we're just going to go."  

"You know what  I think Curtis? I think we should start swinging." The other dude said and before they had a chance to act me and Quinton started beating both of their asses and that was all I remembered..............................................

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