Giovanni 3

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I watched as Jeremy walked away and then punched Jayden in the arm, his ass talked to damn much but on the other hand Jeremy was trippin he didn't even hear the whole conversation before walking away. Whatever happened in his last relationship must have really fucked him up, normally I wasn't the type of dude who didn't concern myself with other people's problems but there was something in his eyes that couldn't let him just walk out without explaining myself. I walked out the door and saw him walking down the street, what the fuck was I doing, why was I chasing some dude I didn't even know? Jeremy looked back and saw that it was me, rolled his eyes but he still slowed down nonetheless.

"What lie are you going to tell me now? That it wasn't like that? That y'all were just joking? Look Gio I'm good, I really am...... like we can just act like we never met and....." Jeremy said but I put my hand on his shoulder and made him look at me.

"Stop talking..... you're right it wasn't like that but I'm not lying. That was just my boy Jayden talking shyt and nobody I repeat nobody ever listens to him, he's really not the smartest person on campus. But this little attitude you got may have worked in whatever small town you're from but not here, you are too damn cute to be frowning all the time. Let's just take a walk and I can tell some of the reason you shouldn't listen to anything Jayden says....." I said smiling, hoping like hell he gave me a chance.

"First of all I'm not from some small town, I'm from Columbus, Ohio and......." Jeremy stopped and started laughing, I guess the look on my face was funny. "Yeah I know I'm from Buckeye Country but if you won't hold that against me, I won't hold what your friend said against you.... deal?" Jeremy said and I smiled.

"Man I don't know, I mean...... out of every city in the country you had to be from THAT one......... we're not getting off to a good start." I said smiling, Jeremy rolled his eyes and started walking really slowly and I started walking next to him.

"Tell me something about yourself Gio. Do you have any siblings?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah I got an older brother, Gavin he goes here as well. What about you?" I said looking at him out the corner of my eye.

"Nope I'm an only child........ do you have a significant other?" Jeremy asked and I started laughing.

"Nah, I'm single. My last relationship was in my junior year of high school, he..... Aaron wanted more from me than I was willing to give so he hopped on the next dude he met..... and the next dude after that, and after that, and well you get the point. But I have had a few people I've talked to since then but nothing major. Now who was the nigga stupid enough to let you go?" I asked, Jeremy tensed up a little but then relaxed.

"His name is Darius, he goes to Michigan State......... we broke up at the end of summer, some stuff happened and afterwards he broke up with me. But he showed up to the party tonight talking about he wanted to get back with me.... hence the attitude." Jeremy said quietly.

"Well the fact that he goes to Michigan State should tell you he doesn't make the best decisions. So fuck him and the school he goes to....... what's your favorite color?" I asked changing the subject because I could sense how uncomfortable he was.

"I don't really have a favorite......... it changes every other week." Jeremy said laughing. "From what I hear you're favorite color is blue? Is that true?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah there's something special about that color......... If you could meet three celebrities who would they be and why?" I asked.

"Umm....... Michael and Janet Jackson because I love the way they dance, I remember copying all the videos, the last one would be I don't know Chris Brown..... probably because he's sexy and I love watching him move. What about you?" Jeremy asked.

"For me that's easy, number one would be the greatest boxer of all time Muhammad Ali, number two would be the greatest basketball player of all time Michael Jordan, and number three would be Khalil Cunningham, the courage it took for him to come out publicly gave me the courage to do the same." I said truthfully.

"So you picked all athletes....." Jeremy said joking.

"Yeah and you picked all dancers." I said laughing.

"They are more than dancer, they are icons...... well the first two are I'm not sure about Chris yet. So tell me about your friends." Jeremy said.

"Papi is a genius but pretends to be dumb, he thinks the best way to really get to know someone is to make them think you're an idiot because it shows if they'll talk down to you or try to help you. Jayden is an idiot..... he's been the same since we met and I don't think he'll ever change which is the main reason he's my best friend." I said. "What are you're friends like?" I asked.

"I have one best friend her name is Naomi, she's amazing we've been friends since first grade. She goes to UCLA and she's probably the only person who can dance better than me, that I know. If you could be on any television show what would it be." Jeremy asked.

"Supernatural..... hands down the greatest show ever. I've been watching for since the first episode." I said smiling. "You?"

"Since you stole mine I would have to say Glee..... just because I would love to meet Sue Sylvester." Jeremy said and I stopped walking to stare at him. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"Out of all the characters on that show you pick Sue? She's a bitch." I said laughing and Jeremy started laughing as we started walking again.

"True she is but that's why she's a great character, any person that can get real emotion out of someone whether it be good or bad makes for good characters." Jeremy said and I nodded, we spent what felt like minutes talking about everything but when I looked around the sun was coming up and people were just getting their day started.

"Damn I didn't realize how late it was...... or early." I said quietly.

"Yeah I know I don't think I've ever stayed up just talking to someone about the most random things....... it was actually pretty cool." Jeremy said, we stood there quietly looking into each others eyes and I felt the need to kiss him and I could tell he felt the same way because he started to lean forward and just as we were about to kiss..........

"GIO WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU ALL NIGHT NIGGA!" Jayden said pulling up next to me and Jeremy, he parked is car in a no parking zone and got out with Papi right behind him. Jayden walked over to us and grabbed my nuts, then looked back at Papi. "Nope his nuts are still full. You need to change that soon." He said turning towards Jeremy who was trying not to laugh. I pushed Jayden off me and gave him the look to get lost, he winked at me before getting back in the car.

"What did I tell you, he's an idiot." I said quietly.

"He doesn't seem that bad....... umm I should probably get going." Jeremy said sadly.

"Maybe you could ride with us....... I'm pretty sure you don't know your way around campus yet." I said not wanting this night to end.

"I'm good, my friend Quinton will come and get me. Maybe I could get your number so we can finish our talk...... I'm going to make it my life's mission to convince you that lasagna is better than spaghetti." Jeremy said smiling, I gave him my number and he walked into a Starbucks leaving me floating on cloud nine. I walked over to the car and got in, I waited until we were a block away before punching Jayden in the arm.


"Don't hit me, I told him not to get out the car but he doesn't listen." Papi said shaking his head. "So how'd it go?"

"It was coo....... we just talked." I said downplaying what happened because honestly it was something much deeper. "But I will say this..... there's something special about that dude." I said looking at my phone and waiting for the second that Jeremy called me.......................

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