Jeremy 27

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We were supposed to be studying but Gio had other ideas, somehow he ended on top of me sucking and licking on my neck and chest, I really wished he would stop teasing me and get undressed already....... Gio sat up and looked in my eyes smirking obviously pleased with his work, I knew I'd have a bunch of passion marks on my neck and chest and that's probably exactly what he wanted in a sense marking his territory. Earlier today some Que from Michigan State had reached out to Gio about having a sit down with Darius so we could clear the air, honestly I didn't see the point because I had left whatever feelings I had for Darius back in high school but Gio felt it was something we needed to move forward so we were meeting with them tomorrow. Gio kissed me again and went back to looking through his book and now I was frustrated because he got me all excited.

"Is it still too late to cancel? I really don't want to see Darius." I said grabbing my book and opening it.

"Yeah we do....... I want to look in this dudes and let him know flat out that you're mine and I'll be more than willing to fight him for you..... to the death if need be." Gio said smirking. "Nah but seriously I need to let him know I don't appreciate him sending my dude love letters and shyt, even though I'm starting to question our relationship given your horrible choice in movies." Gio said giving me the side eye.

"This coming from the dude who thinks Kill Bill is the greatest action movie of all time....... of all time." I said laughing.

"I stand by that and I'll be willing to fight you to prove my point." Gio said kissing me.

"What is it with you and fighting? I know you're a boxer and everything but not everything has to be a fight." I said and Gio shrugged. "Whatever........ so what are we doing for you're birthday Friday besides going out?" I asked and Gio's face turned serious.

"My mom is cooking me a big dinner, she uhh....... she wants me to invite you over." Gio said and I looked at him confused.

"We're you planning on inviting me or were you going to wait until the last second?" I asked and Gio shook his head.

"Nah I wasn't even going to go, me and my dad more likely than not would only argue and I don't feel like messing up my birthday over something stupid. To be honest I would prefer just to chill with you before we went out." Gio said looking in my eyes and that was all it took for him to be back on top of me pulling at my pants, then the door opened and Matt walked in.

"Don't you got your own spot, I don't wanna come home and see that shyt." Matt said throwing his bag on his bed.

"Fuck you dude, ayy we're going out Friday for my birthday you wanna come with us?" Gio asked punching Matt in the arm.

"It depends on where y'all going, no offense but I'm not trying to go to any gay clubs." Matt said and I rolled my eyes.

"Man you don't know what you're missing, look you're a somewhat attractive dude you don't even gotta speak and people will buy you drinks, it's one of the cheapest ways to get drunk. Besides it's going to be more than dudes there I know you and your girl just broke up so there's a good chance that you might leave with two girls who knows....." Gio said and I could see the wheels turning in Matt's head.

"Aight I'll think about it....." Matt said turning his game on.

"Aight let me know...... baby I gotta get going you wanna walk me out to my car." Gio said pulling me up and handing me my shirt. We got outside and I was starting to wish I had a jacket because it was getting cold..... until Gio wrapped his arms around me. "I told you to put a jacket on but you wanted to be hard-headed." Gio said taking his jacket off and handing it to me.

"It's not that cold." I said lying. "I love you....." I said looking in his eyes.

"I love you too Jeremy........ I would really like for you to stay the night with me." Gio said kissing me.

"I would love to but I have an early class tomorrow and I know messing around with would only make me over sleep." I said smirking.

"Man ain't nobody going to mess with you." Gio said lying through his teeth. "But look I'll call you later, cause your friend looks like he needs to talk to you." He said pointing at Quinton who was walking towards us quickly. "Bye baby." He said kissing me before getting in his car.

"Wassup?" I asked sensing the stress coming off of him.

"I want you to be honest with me Jeremy...... what do you really think of Julian?" Quinton asked. I thought about how much I should really say because there was a lot. "Just be straight I can handle it." Quinton said and I thought fuck it.....

"He's a piece of shyt and I'm sorry for being blunt, I know I barely know him but he just gives off this shady vibe and it has nothing to do with him being a stripper...... I just feel like he's not going to ever be able to be honest with you, I think there's more to him being a stripper than he's letting on..... like that text you said you saw a couple days ago. I'm starting to think that he may be a gigolo......... or escort whatever they call themselves these days." I said and Quinton stood there quietly.

"Umm....... okay thanks Jeremy." Quinton said walking away. I felt bad for being so blunt but Quinton was my boy and I didn't want him to get hurt which Julian probably would do...... I just wished he saw that he has someone who was really interested in him, he just needed to open his eyes and see it...................

The next day after all my classes me and Gio were waiting on Darius to show up, I was already over this day; first I had at least ten people ask me who was sucking on my neck (thanks Gio) because of the hickeys, then my professor called me out in front of my entire First Year Writing Course. So yeah I was over this entire day and the absolute last thing I wanted was to see Darius, but there he was walking through the door with some sexy light skinned dude and Gavin.

"Wassup Gio...... this must be Jeremy, I'm Ezra." The dude said and I nodded slowly.

"Wassup Ezra, I honestly didn't think I'd see you on campus. When I heard you transferred I figured you were done with The University of Michigan." Gio said indifferently, I looked at Gio and Ezra and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that something had happened between those two.......

"Aight so let's let them talk in private." Gavin said to Ezra, who nodded and got up. We sat there in an awkward silence until Gio finally decided to speak.

"Let me start by saying this....... whatever you're feeling for Jeremy, I get it. He's a special dude and I'm lucky to have him as my boyfriend............ but that's the thing he MY boyfriend and I find it extremely disrespectful that you keep calling Jeremy, stalking him on every form of social media, leaving him love letters and shyt. So I'm asking you nicely leave Jeremy alone." Gio said in a voice as calm as a spring rain but in his eyes I saw a hurricane brewing.

"You're right, Jeremy is special I just wished I would've realized it sooner........ I'm not trying come between y'all so I'll back off but I would like to speak to Jeremy alone....... if that's coo with you." Darius asked Gio. Gio looked at me and I shrugged, if this is what it took to get Darius to leave me alone I could give him a few minutes. I nodded and Gio kissed me, got up and walked over to Gavin and Ezra, I turned to Darius and saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Okay so talk......" I said quietly. Darius looked at me for a full thirty seconds before taking a deep breath, I knew this was going to be a difficult conversation for both of us but it was something that needed to be done. I just hoped that we could end this as peacefully as possible without any drama.............................................

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