Giovanni 47

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It took me, Jayden and Papi to hold Donny back while Denzel stood there not even trying to defend himself, everyone in our family knew in a one on one fight Denzel could beat Donny no problem by him not even attempting to stop Donny let's me know that Denzel really felt bad about what happened. I looked at Paul and Gavin who were both standing ready as if they were afraid Donny was going to go after them next which would be funny but this isn't a good way to start off dinner. It took some convincing but I finally got Donny to calm down at least for the time being, now I had to convince Papi not to swing on Julian who kept staring at Quinton lustfully. I'm an idiot for thinking this could work but I wanted my family to at least try and work things out and if that meant after everything was said and done they still wanted to go outside and fight I wasn't going to stop them. I looked over at Jeremy and felt guilty about the conversation we had earlier, was I pissed that he went behind my back? Hell yeah..... but I understand his reasoning for doing it.

"Donny I didn't come here to fight with you..... but if that's what you wanna do then I'll gladly stepped outside with you and we can shoot the ones." Denzel said calmly. "But I really would like to talk to you first."

"Y'all ready to eat because I'm hungry." Donny said looking at me and ignoring Denzel. Everyone walked in the kitchen and started making their plates, but I was watching Donny closely because I knew he had a lot of animosity towards Gavin, Denzel and Paul. We sat down and Papi made a big production out of making Quinton sit on his lap and fed him, most likely to make Julian jealous.

"So...... Denzel how does it feel to see your brother for the first time in over a year?" Jayden asked smiling. Denzel didn't say anything he just kept eating his macaroni. We sat there quietly until everyone was done eating when I finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Ayy can y'all give us a few minutes alone?" I said looking at Jayden, Papi, Quinton, Julian and Jeremy. They got the message loud and clear and started walking towards the back except for Julian who said something about making a phone call and walked out the front door, and Jeremy who sat there looking at me. "Come here." I said quietly.

"Gio I....." I quickly cut him off by kissing him because I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"It's coo Jeremy, just give us a few minutes and I'll come and get you when it's over." I said and he nodded before walking back to my room. "Aight so let's air this out." I said looking at my family.

"I don't have shyt to say to any of them, the only reason I came here is to tell you in front of them is to get as far away from them as possible." Donny said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Donnell that's not fair..... look you know I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have any other option but you kinda forced my hand." Denzel said seriously.

"I would've.... he's always been soft and he needed his ass whooped. If he would've done like he was told then we wouldn't be having this issue now." Paul said leaning against the wall.

"FUCK YOU PAUL! WHY DON'T YOU GO SUCK SOME MORE TRANNY DICK!" Donny yelled and I heard Jayden and Papi start laughing from the back. "See this is exactly what I'm talking about Gio, the second you make your own decision they'll turn on you. I know how close you and Gavin are, I thought me and Denzel were just as close..... but I found out the hard way that family don't mean shyt to them and as far as I'm concerned, you're my only family." Donny said looking at me.

"Donnell you gotta look at it from our side, dad......" Denzel started to say but was cut off by Donny laughing.

"Yeah Donte...... and Chris..... and Gavin Senior...... one of these days you'll see that they don't give a damn about us they never have all they care about is upholding the traditions of a second rate fraternity. Gio we both know you don't want to be a Que and mark my words the second you don't pledge consider yourself out the family because that's just how fucked up they are." Donny said grabbing his coat. "Gio if you need anything you know how to reach me." He said walking out the door, I threw some shoes and chased after him.

"Hold up Donny I thought you came here to make things right with them, not to cuss them out and leave." I said looking at him.

"Gio I'ma be real.... seeing Denzel was hard as fuck, because regardless of everything that's still my brother and I love that nigga. But I'm not going to let them dudes control my life just like they're trying to control yours." Donny said.

"Then tell them niggas how you feel Donny don't just walk away because that doesn't solve anything." I said seriously.

"You don't get it Gio....... but you will. Look I gotta get back on the road, tell Denzel if he wants to talk then he'll have to come to Chicago, next time I visit I hope it'll be a little less chaotic. Just remember that offer is still on the table whenever you want it." Donny said getting in his car. I stood there for a while after his car was long gone and Denzel came to get me.

"I regret my part in what happened, the only reason I fought Donny was because he was being disrespectful to our dad. But looking back on it I should've handled it better, never expected our dad to have Gavin and Paul jump in....." Denzel said quietly.

"Donny's hurting right now but he said if you wanted to talk, you know where he's at." I said looking at him.

"Next weekend I'll go down there..... if you come with me." Denzel said and I nodded, I looked up at the sky as it started to snow. "Let's go inside and see what they're talking about." He said walking away, when we got back inside everyone was standing around talking.

"Way to go Gio, in your misguided attempt to make things better you ended up making things worse..... bravo." Paul said sarcastically.

"Paul shut the fuck up." Denzel said forcefully and Paul looked like he was about to say something but decided against. "Gavin wassup man you haven't said anything the whole time we've been here." Denzel said turning to Gavin.

"Yo Papi why the fuck do you keep staring at me?" Julian said looking at Papi, who had his arms wrapped around Quinton's waist.

"I think the better question is why you keep staring at MY dude, I thought you got the point when he told you to kick rocks." Papi said not backing down. "I'm still trying to figure out why you're even here. Like I get why Gavin, Paul and Denzel are here but you....... I'm just confused."

"Because I wanted to see if Quinton still tasted my dick on his tongue." Julian said and I had to grabbed Papi because he was about to take Julian's head off his shoulders and Jayden had to grab Quinton.

"Man y'all ain't about to be fighting in here, Papi chill out." I said looking at him. "I think it's best if we call it a night because most of us have class in the morning." I said Denzel and Paul walked out with Julian right behind them the only person left was Gavin.

"Gio I...... forget it." Gavin said walking out the door.

"That was probably the most fun I've had all weekend." Jayden said smiling, I shook my head and told Jeremy to follow me back into my room.  

"Sorry for getting mad earlier, but sometimes I can't tell you every little thing but I promise it's nothing too serious just some things we needed to discuss........" I said laying next to him.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you and talking to Darius..... I nosy by nature so I like to get to the bottom of things. Next time I'll try to show some restraint." Jeremy said.

"I love you." I said kissing his neck, we laid there quietly for the longest time; Donny's words playing in the back of my mind did I really want to be in school or did I want to start pursuing other options...... I knew one thing IF I did decided to leave I wanted Jeremy to come with me, but would he?....................................................

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