Quinton 12

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Me and Jeremy sat in his room watching movies with Matt and his girl, once they started kissing a little longer than usual I knew it was time to leave (all that chocolate wasted on that dumb blond). As me and Jeremy walked through campus I couldn't help but thank god for bringing him into my life, though he was my polar opposite; I was more outgoing and he was more laid back we balanced each out perfectly, he was the yin to my yang and the best friend I've ever had. We ended up at the library and as we were sitting there I noticed Carlos creeping through the aisles, pretending that he was looking for a book but I knew that wasn't the case his dumb ass probably couldn't even read without stumbling over words........ I really had a deep dislike for that dude, he was beyond petty like whenever we were in class him and his sidekick made it a point to always sit behind me and Jeremy and make these smart ass comments. Jayden was coo but Carlos......... ugh he just got on my damn nerves. Why was I even thinking about him when I had Julian's sexy ass?

"So please tell me you're not doing anything with Giovanni this weekend because I got two tickets to the show in Detroit that I've heard some good thing about." I said looking at Jeremy who was looking at a text on his phone.

"No as far as I know we don't have anything planned..... but you know that could change." Jeremy said not looking up from his phone, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone. I found Giovanni's number and called him.

"Wassup baby?" He said and I had to laugh.

"Wrong person..... me and Jeremy are going out this weekend so any plans y'all have you might wanna cancel them." I said looking at Jeremy who was giving me the evil eye.

"That's coo, I actually got some stuff to take care with my parents so I wasn't planning anything special...... just don't be out there getting my dude in trouble Que, now put him on the phone." Giovanni said and I passed the phone to Jeremy. They talked for a few more minutes while I finished up my homework.

"Do you think Matt gets down? Because I'm having a really hard time someone that sexy is happy fucking with some dumb bitch that just looks like she can't take dick." I said and Jeremy started laughing.

"Nah I've never once got that vibe from Matt, he's just different. He told me that he went to an mostly white school most of his life so that's where the attraction to white girls come from. But as for him being gay nah I really don't see it." Jeremy said and I just had to shake my head.

"Looks like I'll have to cross Matt off my list and it's too bad to because can get it." I said laughing.

"Man you keep talking about this list you got, how many of these people have you actually been with?" Jeremy asked and normally I'd cuss someone out for saying some shyt like that but I knew there was no malice in his question.

"Well if you must know..... zero. I haven't had sex not once since being on campus which is a tragedy in and of itself, but I know I'm not the only one when are you and Gio going to hop in bed together?" I asked.

"When he's ready and I'm ready....... I thought you had plans with Julian this weekend?" Jeremy asked and I started blushing.

"Oh trust me I'll be seeing Julian this weekend, but if he thinks he's getting a little taste he's sorely mistaken.... the last thing I need is some dude following me around campus like some sick puppy. But if I were Julian would be the first." I said laughing until I heard someone smack there lips behind me, I turned around and saw Carlos walking past us his face turned up in a scowl....... oh well not my problem.

The next day I was sitting in class with Jeremy, when as usual Jayden and Carlos walked in and sat behind us, and as usual I ignored them as they chatted with Jeremy. I tried to ignore them but the topic of having lunch with Gio after class came up and I knew Jeremy would want me to come with him.

"Come on Quinton, its the least you could do I mean you are dragging me to Detroit to do god knows what. You can't leave me alone with the Three Amigos." Jeremy said and I hated that he had a point.

"Ayy Que can a borrow a pencil?" Carlos said leaning forward and whispering in my ear, his cool breath sent shivers down my spine and I think he knew it because he started laughing quietly. "Relax I'll give it back after class."

"Here now could you please stop talking to me?" I asked pissed.

"Thanks punk." He said and it took everything in me not to turn around and cuss him out, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction............

"I heard a rumor going around campus that you got a tattoo on your stomach that says 'PRIDE' is that true Papi?" Jayden asked as we all sat around the table eating, I looked at both of them because I knew there was joke not far behind the comment.

"Yeah it's true that's what I call my dick." Carlos said laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"And why exactly do you call your dick pride?" I asked and instantly regretted it because Jayden couldn't stop laughing.

"I call my dick 'Pride' because niggas have a hard time swallowing it." Carlos said smirking in my direction, I shook my head and went back to eating I wasn't going to entertain him anymore today or this week for that matter. I looked up and Carlos was staring at me but not with his usual scowl, it was like he was trying to figure me out. We stared into each other's eyes and it was weird I didn't feel that same hatred I usually felt. I broke our staring contest as I noticed Julian walking across the cafeteria.....

"Excuse me for a second." I said getting up and walking over to Julian, damn he looked so sexy in his royal purple and old gold shirt. " Wassup Julian?" I said smiling at him, he looked around quicly before pulling me off to the side.

"Wassup Que...... I thought we weren't supposed to meet until this weekend?" He asked looking around nervously.

"We are..... but I saw you and decided to come and speak, is there anything wrong with that?" I asked and Julian smirked.

"Nah sexy..... I was just kinda caught off by you popping up, but what are you doing later I'm trying to come see you." Julian asked stroking my chin.

"Nothing you can come through just call me when you're on your way." I said smiling.

"Aight I'ma definitely do that.... but look I gotta go." Julian said smiling before walking off quickly.  I started walking back over to the table when Carlos walked over to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me outside... the look on his face was nothing but pure rage.

"Who was that nigga you were just talking to?" He asked crossing his arm and looking into my eyes.

"Last time I checked you weren't my damn daddy so I don't have to report to you, second I was talk to my friend None ya' Business..... third what the fuck gives you the right to try and check me about who I'm talking to?" I asked and Carlos jaw tighten.

"Yo you better watch your fucking mouth before I beat your ass." He said the veins in his neck started throbbing and honestly it was kinda sexy.

"Carlos you're not going to touch me and we both know it so get lost before I......"

"DON'T FUCKIN CALL ME CARLOS!!!" He said the way he said his name his Spanish roots came out thick as hell in his accent.

"Or what CARLOS!" I said looking into his eyes challenging him. Carlos face turned a cute shade of red and his eyes flared with rage...... "That's what I thoug......" Before the words were out my mouth he kissed and as soon as our lips touch I got the feeling of putting your tongue on a 9 volt battery, my legs got weak and my vision went blurry before I knew it the kiss was over and Carlos looked even more pissed.

"Yo stay the fuck away from me aight?" He said walking off quickly, I just stood there confused ass fuck. This nigga is the one who came to me and now he's saying stay away from him? What the actual fuck?

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