Giovanni 8

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My thoughts were dominated by Jeremy, there was something about him that just made me happy but I was also afraid of these feelings I didn't want to move to fast and scare him off. For our first date I took him to a comedy show in Detroit and then dinner, I think he had more fun than I did which is always a good thing, the next day he showed up and we went to the Michigan game. I was really feeling this dudes.... he was funny, smart, sexy, he kept me on my toes and most importantly he was honest, over the next month we spent everyday together and he's told me things about himself that would scare most people but it made me respect him even more. Today we were going on our seventh date and I figured it was time for us to take the next step, I walked around my apartment and looking for my favorite watch but couldn't find it. I walked in Jayden's room looking for my watch, we had a habit of borrowing each others stuff so I figured either him or Papi took it.

"Ayy you seen my watch?" I asked shaking him out his sleep. Jayden rolled over and looked at me pissed, I knew he was still tired for our little run this morning.

"Nah go ask Papi." He said putting his pillow over his head and going back to sleep. I shook my head, how can this dude run track but hate running? I walked into Papi's room and tried not to laugh, Papi was fucking this white dude into oblivion.

"Ayy Papi you seen my watch?" I asked over the dude's loud moans, Papi looked back at me and smirked.

"Nah Gavin was here yesterday he might of took it." I tried to hide my anger because I hated when Gavin took my shyt without asking. "Man stop running and take this dick." Papi said irritated, but never stopping his stroke. I shook my head and walked out, now I had to go over to Gavin's and get my watch back which was going to make me rush to get ready to see Jeremy.

I pulled up to the frat house and braced myself, I hated coming here.... Every time I walked through those doors it was nothing but a bunch of dudes asking me the same thing; are you going to pledge?', it was annoying as fuck. I got out my car and walked up the stairs nodding to the dudes that were sitting on the porch and as stood as I walked in Gavin's best friend Julian walked over to me smiling.

"Wassup Gio are you looking for Gavin?" He asked and I tried to hide my irritation, why the fuck else would I be here? But I nodded slowly and he looked around. "He's up in his room, but I think he's busy..... but you're more than welcome to sit here and wait." Julian said smiling at me. I walked up the stairs and down the long hall to Gavin's room, I was on a schedule and I didn't have time to be waiting around for him to finish whatever it was that he was doing, I knocked on his door and waited.

"Man I told y'all not fuck with me toda....... Gio?" Gavin asked looking at me and I quickly turned my head.

"You couldn't at least put some clothes on before opening your damn door Gav? I was just about to eat and now you've fucked up my appetite." I said looking at the wall.

"HEY GIO!" A girl yelled from behind Gavin and I knew it was his girlfriend Whitney.

"Gio give me a second." Gavin said shutting the door in my face and I started to kick that bitch down but a few seconds later Gavin opened it and let me in. "Wassup little bro?" He asked looking at me, I looked around his room and saw the box to my watch on his dresser.

"I told you about taking my shyt." I said walking over and grabbing it.

"Nigga I bought it, the least you could do is let me wear it every now and then. You drove all the way over here for that?" Gavin asked.

"Yeah me and Jeremy got a date and I needed it." I said looking at him.

"Whitney can you give me and Gio some privacy?" Gavin asked looking at me, Whitney got up, grabbed a robe and walked out the room ass naked and I couldn't lie she had a nice body. "Nice right?" Gavin asked smirking at me.

"It's aight, so what do you want because I'm kinda running late?" I asked.

"So what's going on with you and 'Jeremy'? Are y'all in a relationship or what?" Gavin asked.

"Nah right now we're just dating." I said looking in his eyes.

"What's the difference?" Gavin asked.

"Dating means we're still getting to know each other, hanging out, talking, there's no commitment. But if everything goes right tonight that might change." I said letting my thoughts drift to Jeremy.

"Alright man just be careful." Gavin said pissed and I stood there looking at him. "Gio I'm sorry, you're my little brother and it's my job to look after you,and when I think about your lifestyle choices it pisses me off especially after what happened last time......." Gavin said but I stopped him.

"Gavin I'm good, just let me live my life and quit being so damn protective." I said walking towards the door and I just as I closed the door I heard Gavin mumble 'I can't'......

I got to Jeremy's dorm and saw him standing outside with Quinton and his roommate Matt, damn he looked good in all black. I got out my 69' Chevelle and walked over to Jeremy and seeing how he lit up at the sight of me made me light up, I definitely needed to make him my dude.

"Wassup sexy?" I said pulling him into my arms.

"Wassup....... so you've been keeping this date a secret are you finally going to tell me what we're doing?" Jeremy asked, I just smirked and took his hand in mine. "I guess not, I'll catch y'all later." Jeremy said as I pulled him to my car.

"Your boy Que doesn't really like me much." I said laughing.

"It's not that he doesn't like you, Papi just irritates him to no end." Jeremy said. "But between you and me I think he......" Before he could finish I pressed my lips to his.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist." I said smirking, Jeremy smiled then kissed me and I felt my soul catch on fire.

"Don't apologize, I like kissing you." Jeremy said.

The day I had planned was nothing short of perfect; we started off going to an old school theater and watching Jeremy's favorite movie which was 'Ghost', then we moved on to lunch by the lake where Jeremy found it hilarious that a bird kept stealing my fries. After lunch we went to an amusement park and Jeremy made me ride damn near every ride in the park (I hated roller coasters), we left the park and went to dinner.

"Jeremy...... I need to ask you something. We've been chillin for about a month now and we spend almost everyday together and I'm really feeling you so I think we should take that next step and make it official." I said wondering if he could hear my heart thundering in my chest.

"Gio I like you...... you're funny, smart, sexy. I......" Jeremy said and I felt an emptiness in the pit of my stomach. "I'm just wondering what the hell took you so long?" Jeremy asked smiling.

"Let's get outta here." I said calling the waiter over to the table. We got in my car and I really didn't want the night to end. "So umm...... do you wanna go back to my apartment?" I asked nervously.

"You're apartment? How do you have an apartment, I thought freshmen were supposed to live in the dorms?" Jeremy asked.

"My parents are very important alumni and they have a lot of pull in this school. They didn't want me staying in the dorms and so I managed to get a three bedroom right off campus, I stay there with Jayden and Papi." I said slightly embarrassed.

"And what exactly are we going to at your apartment?" Jeremy asked raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing, we're just going to chill and watch movies..... that's it." I said quickly, Jeremy smirked and and then leaned forward to kiss me.

"I would love to go to your apartment." He said. We got back to my apartment and honestly I was nervous about being alone with him, Jayden and Papi were out partying and this would be the first time I was actually alone with him in a private setting I just hoped like hell we didn't do anything that we'd regret in the morning...........................

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