Papi 20

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I needed to get out the house, knowing Gio they'd probably be going at it for a while and I didn't want to be around that shyt. Don't get be wrong I was happy for my bro, it was about time he got some ass but I still didn't want to hear it now I know how he felt whenever me or Jayden brought some home. I got my stuff and walked out the door trying to decide where I should go, I could go hang out with my boy Drew but that usually led to sex and I just wasn't feeling it right now. I decided to go to my parents house since it's been a couple weeks since I last checked on them, I caught the two buses from campus and shook my head at the fact that I was back in my old neighborhood. This was one place I hated coming back to not because it was a bad place to live but because I had a lot of bad memories here, I walked down the street until I saw my parents house and instantly recognized my little brother Angelo and his friends sitting on the porch. Damn did these niggas ever go home? I thought to myself as I walked up the driveway.

"Wassup Papi?" Angelo said jumping up and pulling me into a hug and I couldn't help but notice the smell of weed on his clothes. I took a step back and looked at him before turning and looking all three of his friends in their eyes letting them know how pissed I was. Once they got the messages they all slowly started walking away telling Angelo they'll see him tomorrow.

"I told you about that smoking shyt Angelo." I said looking in his eyes.

"Bro I needed it........ you just don't know what I've been going through these last few weeks." Angelo said and I sat on the porch and waited for him to explain. "Aight so two weeks ago my side chick told me she was pregnant and......"

"Come on bro we talked about this........ what do you think I bought you them condoms for decoration? Damn you can't be that stupid." I said pissed, my little brother was 17 and in no way ready for a kid.

"Shyt happens, sometimes I get so caught up in the mood that I forget. You can't tell me that you've never went inside some nigga raw and if you do I'll call bullshyt." Angelo said and I shook my head, one thing I NEVER had to worry about was unexpected pregnancy. "But that's not the worst of it......... Simone is pregnant too, I just found out earlier today." Angelo said not meeting my eyes and I wanted to cave his chest in, how stupid do you have to be to get your girlfriend and side chick pregnant at the same time.

"Do mom and dad know?" I asked.

"Dad does about Kayla not Simone.......... and I haven't worked up the courage to tell mom yet, you know how she gets." He said and I could only imagine, my mom was super Catholic and didn't believe in sex before marriage.

"Aight here's what you should do....... sell me your car." I said looking at him.

"WHAT!? You know how long it took for me to save up for that? It's my pride and joy........." Angelo said looking at his cherry red Camaro in the driveway.

"Look you got two kids on the way and I'm trying to put some money in your pockets. I'll make payments every month that way you can start getting saving up some money to buy you a new car and stuff for your kids." I said.

"Why can't you just give me the money, shyt if you got it like that why do I have to sell my car?" Angelo asked pouting.

"Because the second you told me that you got Simone and Kayla pregnant you became an adult in my eyes and you gotta start making adult decisions. You're about to have two mouths to feed little bro and one kid is expensive now double that I'm telling you this is the best offer you'll get." I said, Angelo was quiet for about ten minutes and I knew he was trying not to cry and I hated being do hard on him but he wasn't a kid anymore and I couldn't pull my punches.

"Aight man........" Angelo said pissed. "I'll have dad take me to get the title switched over in your name later this week. "But Papi I really want you to be there when I tell mom............" He said sounding like a kid, but I agreed because I would leave my little brother hanging......

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