Quinton 26

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That party was a hot damn mess and I enjoyed every second, Gio's cousin Paul messing with Taylor was hilarious and even though he acted like he didn't know Taylor was a dude something about Paul just set alarms off in my head and I had a feeling he knew the truth........ But whatever that was none of my business,  I just know this weekend was going to be even better, Gio's birthday was Friday so we were all going out and then Saturday was the Halloween Party and I couldn't wait I just hoped I got to see Julian sometime this week. Julian had a lot of making up to do after cancelling on me at the last second and from what he was saying to me on the phone last night he was already planning something, but I couldn't think about that right now I was focusing on my classes.... well one class that I wasn't doing to well in and that was my Germanic language course, why I picked that class I'd never know but now I was struggling and had to go to someone to help me........ I pulled up and saw that his car was out front and rolled my eyes, well here goes nothing. I knocked on the door and when it opened I got the wind knocked out of me...............................

"Oh shyt Que, I forgot you were coming over." Carlos said standing in the doorway with nothing on but a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair was glistening, and there were beads of water dripping down his well defined chest. (Don't look at his dick) I had to tell myself, so I focused on a spot on his ear.

"Umm... yeah if you want I can come back in a few minutes." I said nervously and Carlos smirked and it was one of those troublemaker smirks that said he was up to no good.

"Nah it's coo, I was just finishing up a shower, go ahead and sit on the couch while I put some clothes on." He said walking and I glanced at his muscular back and his ass that looked like it was sculpted from marble. I sat on the couch and started pulling my books out when Carlos walked out with some short dark skinned dude, who gave me the evil eye before turning back to Carlos.

"Papi that was amazing....... I'm almost certain I won't be able to sit down for a week but it was worth it." The dude said trying to kiss Carlos who avoided it.

"Come on Marky you know I don't kiss....... but I'll hit you up later." Carlos said as if nothing happened. The dude looked a little hurt but played it off, gave me one last hateful look and walked out the door. "Aight so you ready to get started?" Carlos asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah I got somewhere to be when I leave here............ oh and thanks for fixing my car, it's running better than when I bought it." I said truthfully. Carlos smirked and I had a flash of him fixing my car we wore an old white beater and torn jeans, he was covered in oil spots but honestly he looked...........

"Aight so the German language is sometimes referred to as the language of obedience, when I was younger I had a rottweiler and I used German commands to train him. The way I see it is if the German language was a gay man he'd be an aggressive top, someone who you know is going to break your heart but the dick is good so you fuck with him anyway." Carlos said and I started feeling something...... I'm not sure what it is.

"So how many languages do you speak?" I asked and once again he gave me that troublemaker smirk.

"I speak three but I'm trying to learn a fourth. I speak English, Spanish and German. I'm trying to learn Japanese." He said proudly.

"And do you give all your languages personalities?" I asked laughing and he nodded.

"Yeah I mean that's how I remember which is which, people say French is the language of love but I personally believe there is nothing sexier than Spanish. Case and point: 'Te ves tan condenadamente bien que estoy tentado a follarte hacia el mañana.' Carlos whispered in my ear and I don't know what he said but it honestly made me horny as fuck.

"I........ ummm........ what did you just say?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, right now we're discussing German so let's start with something simple repeat after me: Mein Name ist Quinton." Carlos said and I said it back perfectly. "See that wasn't so hard..... now from here on out I'm going to speak solely in German to see if you can keep up." Carlos said and for the next three hours Carlos taught me a lot.

"Thanks Carlos....... I'll be back Wednesday so we can study some more." I said as he walked me to the door.

"Por favor, deja de llamarme Carlos , ya que hace que mi polla dura." Carlos said in Spanish and I looked at him confused. "I just asked you to stop calling me Carlos." He said but I knew there was more to it, but I wouldn't press him because Julian was waiting for me. I got to the restaurant and looked around for Julian, after looking for five minutes I started to think he stood me up again when I got a text.

JUJU: Back left corner.

I looked over and saw him sitting there wearing all black with a hood on his head. I walked over to him smiling and he gave me a playful wink.

"So you were just going to let me walk around looking stupid?" I said sitting across from him.

"I'm sorry Quinton, you were just looking to damn sexy for me to say something. I'm sorry for cancelling on you but my dad needed help with some stuff......" He said and I looked at him confused.

"You told me that you were helping your cousin move into his house." I said and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Umm nah I could've swore I said I was helping my dad........." He said nervously. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone showing him the text where he clearly stated that he was helping his cousin move. "Damn I must've got my weeks mixed up......... my bad baby, how was your weekend?" He asked changing the subject.

"It was coo........ I hung out with some friends and some of your frat brothers." I said and his eyes got big.

"How do you know any of my frat brothers?" Julian asked nervously.

"My best friend Jeremy is dating Gio, and as his brother and cousins are all 'Ques' right?" I said and I could see the panic in Julian's eyes. "Don't worry I didn't say anything to them." I said and Julian started to relax.

"Yeah I know Gio..... his brother Gavin is my best friend." Julian said quietly. "So..... I decided to stay for the Halloween party, I can go to visit my family some other week....... hell they live an hour away, they can come visit me." I couldn't help but smile.

"What will you be wearing..........." I asked.

"I'll be the one in the purple toga with the gold trim." Julian said smiling. "I'll also be the one not wearing any underwear." Julian said licking his beautiful lips.

"And you're telling me this because." I said coyly.

"Because at some point during the party I plan on taking you up to my room and........ oh fuck." He said looking somewhere behind me. I turned around and saw a group of about six dudes, they were every shade of sexy from light caramel to beautiful onyx the one thing they had in common was their matching royal purple and old gold jackets. "We gotta go....." Julian said getting up and racing out the back exit.

"Wassup Quinton?" Gavin said walking over to my table. I nodded in his direction and his eyes drifted to something on the table, I followed his eyes and saw that Julian had left his phone. "Aight well good seeing you." Gavin said walking away. I grabbed the phone and started to walk away when the phone vibrated in my hand, at first I thought it was Gavin but when I looked down it was from his cousin.

TANK: BlkM 55 500 1hr

I didn't know what was going on but Julian was hiding something and even though we weren't in a relationship, I really liked him and if it what he was doing was what my gut was telling me I was going to have to let him go because that was just something I couldn't deal with......................

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