chapter 5

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Nilay's pov

He wanted distraction. His lips and hands worked relentlessly trying to reach and touch every part of her body.

He thrust harder, faster and aggressively. It was only when he was spent, he got off her and laid by her side and soon dozed off.

Just a few months before when my dad asked me about marriage, I calmly told him about Naisha. About how much I loved her and that she would be my only one but he never agreed.

He had already decided and given a word to Tahira's dad that both of us would get married. Both our parents had a long term association since when we were kids and he was a man of word. He forced his decision on me!

Only if my mom was alive today maybe she would have been able to convnce him! So now if he wants me to get married to this girl, I will, but she will have to put up with me the way I am.

I left Tahira alone that day wanting to get as far as possible. I practically blamed her for all this. If only her family wasn't known to mine!

But why did it hurt me to see her hurt? Why did I recall her grief strikken face again and again?!

I grabbed my car keys and drove to Naisha. When she opened the door I kissed her and she took me to the bedroom where we had sex. It wasn't the first time we had sex but today I was GUILTY. She knew I was a married man now. Not wanting to speak I just dozed off after making love to her.

I woke up around 4 in morning and was about to get up when she held my hand and asked me about my marriage.

I talked to her for almost an hour and she gave me an advice to give Tahira a divorce after a few days. Probably tell my dad that she isn't worth living with.

I knew I couldn't do this. No matter how much I hated his decision but I loved him. He was a heart patient and around 5 months back he had an heart attack on hearing the news of my mother's death. He underwent a major heart surgery. The doctors said that he wouldn't be able to survive another attack and I didn't want him to get upset or unwell because of me.

So I agreed for the marriage.

I always had an extra pair of clothes at Naisha's place. Took a bath, changed my clothes and drove off to work. For me the only way to come out of this mess was to work. I worked like crazy. Stayed in the office trying to track Uday and didn't go home even on the second day after my marriage.

It was 9 at night just when one of my very reliable men gave me an update that Uday was in California itself and they had a trail. It was my only chance to get to that asshole.

Nilay took his gun and inserted it behind him in his jeans. Threw on his leather jacket. He reached his black SUV and drove off to where they had spotted Uday.

I entered the old warehouse. Not wanting him to have a clue of our attack on him I chose only three of my best men from our team.

Hiding behing a huge pillar, I spotted him shaking hands with another guy and handing over to him a black bag . I gave one of my men a signal and he fired a shot.

He hit the man who was taking the bag and the guy dropped dead to the floor. Another shot and another.We kept on shooting and the entire area boomed with voices of gun shots. Most of his men were dead.

I knew he was one no less.

He managed to shoot down one of my men. Unable to control myself i lunged at him. There was no way I was letting him go! He ran out of the warehouse, crossed the road just ahead and sprang to his car. I ran to mine and followed him. Still driving we kept on aiming and shooting at each other, driving madly behind him on the streets of the city.

Just then a car came in front of me and in an attempt to save an accident I lost aim. That's when he took his shot and the bullet hit me in the left arm.

I lost control and my car hit a nearby tree. He drove off at lightning speed.


I banged my fist on the steering wheel. Knowing that he had driven out of site it was useless following him. My arm was paining and the wound bled profusely. I decided to drive home.

Tahira's pov

I got up in the morning. My body felt stiff and my eyes were red and tired from all the crying. I freshened up and walked out of my room. His anger scared me and I didn't know whether it was a good option to get out of my room. But I realised he hadn't come back from wherever he had gone.

Not feeling like eating anything I just drank glass of milk and took a walk on the beach. Te waves were beautiful but they were'nt able to change my mood.

I decided to talk it out with him cooly and to know that what does he plan now. He had no right to spoil my life or for a matter of fact 3 lives. Maybe I could talk out with his dad and try to convince him to let Nilay go to his love.

For a moment I thought of leaving him but then how will my parents be able to hear this news?

Getting a daughter married is one of the biggest dreams parents have.

I knew my mom wont be able to put up with this betrayal and i didn't want to hurt them at all. I didn't know what to do.

I didn't eat the entire day. Even the thought of food made me want to throw up. I knew i wouldn't be okay till I talk it out with him. So I just waited and waited. He didn't come home that night.

I woke up the next day again to find the house empty. I decided to let him take his time and waited again.

The entire day my eyes would wander to the door in hope that I will get to see him. But he didn't turn up. I had a hollow feeling and it seemed like my life was meaningless.

It was around 10 at night and now I was freaking out. Pulling myself together I tried calling him.

Trying regularly for a complete hour I got no answer. And finally his phone was switched off.

What if he had gone..left me alone? What will I tell everybody? What if he doesn't come back? How could he do this? What if something had happened to him?

I calmed down myself and just when I about to go to my room I heard the main door open.

Marriages are made in Heaven (Completed/Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now