Tahira ignited the engine of her car with trembling hands. Blankly she stared at the road ahead. All of this was overwhelming and she felt nausea hit her again and again. Entering the driveway she parked the car outside. Her body didn't stop shaking. She took weak steps to their house. Locking the door she headed to her room and then the washroom. Stripping, she let the hot water fall on her.
"I didn't want this...I didn't...What do I do?" She chocked back a sob. She closed her eyes and was recalled of that maniacs dark black eyes.
"He'll never let me get away. His eyes...those eyes...they spoke it all. How do I get rid of all this!" She whispered shakily.
Getting out of the washroom she changed into her regular sweats and top.
"I won't go to work on thursday. Yes, that's it! Stop being a coward...what's the guarantee that he won't show up the next day?! And he said he has his ways. He'll find me. I definitely don't want him to find where I live. Inform the police? Yes ...this seems good."
She switched on her laptop and searched for the number of the nearest police station. Immediately she picked up her cell phone to dial to them. But then she remembered how it angered him when the security was more alert and how he threatened her not to inform anybody about it.
"Shit...why is this happening to me! What do I do!?"
Suddenly it struck her that its a weekend and Nilay will come home. He always does on weekends.
"I'll talk to him about it. He can help me. He will help me. It is his duty to protect me. I am his wife...aftera..." and she trailed off knowing that in real sense their relationship held no meaning.
"Maybe he can do something. Just talk to him. He is not that insensitive, I know. And we are friends now. He will help. You can do it. Just talk to him." she took a deep breath.
Feeling a little better she went to the kitchen but realised she had lost appetite yet again. Deciding not to eat anything she flopped down on the couch and switched on the television. Every five minutes she would look at the door in anticipation that her husband would come soon. Tired of waiting she fell asleep on the couch itself.
It was seven in the morning when she got up to find that the television was still on. She stretched herself and soon recalled yesterday's events. She ran to the front door and then to the porch. His car was not there. He hadn't come home. Her heart sank. He was her only hope.
And that's how her weekend was spent. Waiting for him. It brought back memories of their wedding night when she kept on waiting for three days and he didn't turn up. Feelings of anger and helplesness took over her. She had never been the one to wallow in self pity and totally opposite of that was exactly happening with her.
"Why are you never there when I have to talk something important with you?! Why do I have to go through all this?! Why ?" She screamed in frustration.
She picked up the phone and finally dialed his number...once..twice..and she didn't remember how many times. He did not respond. She threw the phone on the floor with anger and frustration.
"Please come home Nilay...I am scared" she whispered and felt tears sting her eyes.
Nilay's pov
Guns...bullets....blood...thats how the entire week passed. Now that Uday was in California it was easier to track him down. We were able to catch hold of some of his very good men but the sort of training those guys got, none of them opened up their mouths. Apart from saving the chief's life we were aiming at finding everything about his dirty work. We raided two of his very famous clubs. Saved a few girls who were forced into flesh trade. One of his massive drug deals got destroyed. The only problem was that he was never found on the site.
Only people of lower rank and other trivial men were caught hold of who took the entire blame on them. Working with the government, it was essential to get hold of him red handed. Even after doing so much we were barely able to disrupt five percent of his dark world. We needed enough evidence to arrest him. This young and shrewed mafia had created havoc.
He knew I was following him very well. It hurt my ego to let him escape by an inch the day I got shot.Confident...fearless...calculative...cunning...I found glimpses of me in that young mafia. My hands itched to get to him. That shot on my arm was a score to settle with the asshole.
"Slow down Nilay boy. We'll get him."
Roy spoke out."We have to get him Roy." I talked to my best buddy who worked with me.
"We have to!"
"Working your ass off...huh! Never seen you work this hard! How long has it been since went home?"
"Don't even remember." I shrugged casually typing furiously on my laptop.
I had know Roy since five years now. He was a computer engineer. He wasn't a field agent. But at times he would accompany me to the site of action to look at the technical aspects. Five years back, during a shootout, when I saved him from getting shot thats when both of us became brothers in real sense. He knew me in and out....everthing about me... my fake marriage with Tahira was no exception. This was the only thing in which our opinions clashed. According to him I was wrong in treating her this way and deep at heart I agreed but always shunned away the thoughts. It was him who actually sent me home on weekends and I called it a homely touch!
"How is she?" he asked
"Can't get enough of her!"
"I am not talking about Naisha, Nilay. I am asking about Tahira. How is she?"
"Must be good." He kept quiet.
I worked like a mad person during the day with just one target in mind...Uday. The nights I would spend with Naisha. I didn't get time to go home on the weekend because I had to interrogate one of his men.
It was a thursday when I was informed that Uday was going to make an ammunation deal in one of the warehouses in California. This was my chance to get to that dog. Arrest him and deal with him my way. My men were doing a very good job tracking him down but somehow or the other he always escaped. So this time I decided to follow him. I found an old house close to the warehouse where our entire team and set up was put up.
"No mistakes this time. We want him and we will get him...ALIVE." I was firm and confident. I was starving for him.
"Not this time Uday. You won't get away this time!" I voiced out to myself.
Almost after one hour we saw cars arriving. And out came the dog. He had an entire team of men behind him. This was the no shooting period. I took the camera from my men and took clear pictures of the ammunation boxes being exchanged as an evidence. He took out an AK 47 and and took an aim but did ntot shoot. The truck was loaded with the ammunition and a bag of money was handed to the short guy in front of him. Handing over the camera to one of my men I shouted.
There were gun shots everywhere. He was an excellent shooter and I knew that. Most of his men were killed and a few managed to escape. Corpses slumped to the floor. The shots were fired for almost one hour. Smoke and ashes surrounded the entire area.
A eerie silence was all around. Soon from a smoke cloud a black car sprang out and it was driven by him. He almost run the car over me. If I wasn't alert enough I would have been under it. I fell down on the road rolling to the other side.
"No not this time! You can't get away!"
I got up and ran after his car. It was useless! Till the time I reached my car he was already out! I tried to find out a trail and thats when I spotted his car. But parked outside an hospital.
"Did he get shot? By the look of it he looked absolutely alright!"
Suddenly I spotted him walking hastily through the parking area. Quietly I got down from my car and took out my gun. I couldn't afford to lose him. Almost after ten minutes I saw him. I decided to shoot him in the leg. My finger almost pulled the trigger when I froze. What I saw was beyond imagination.
"Tahira?!" I whispered.

Marriages are made in Heaven (Completed/Unedited)
RomanceHe locked his eyes with hers advancing towards where she was standing . Tahira took baby steps backwards, fear evident in her eyes. All she could sense was lust and greed for her body in his eyes. Soon she found her back hitting the wall. Her heart...