Chapter 9

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Tahiras pov

So that was it. A fresh begining to our new relationship. I decided that there was no point in extending my so called marriage leave and rejoined work.

The first day after marriage was crazy with lots of hugs, congratulations, my room full of flowers and cards, endless mails with 'happy for you's, God bless the new couple' and god knows what not.

I let out a small laugh thinking how ironical all this was. Best wishes for a marriage which will technically keep everybody happy everbody except the couple itself.

Nilays attitude had also changed. Things were working out now. He had control over his anger but also he was always indifferent, like he didn't care.

He now informed me when he wouldn't come home. That's technically all the weekdays. I did get to see him on weekends though. We hardly talked or spent time together. Even if I tried talking on weekends, he would be so formal about everything.

I don't know where does he stay. I mean we had a 'no interefernce' thing to be followed. So that's what was happening.

Maybe he goes to the girl he loves. But then how does she accept him knowing the fact that he is married. I feel like asking him about who she is and is she fine with his fake marriage. Does he stay overnight at his workplace or go to her and....does he have any physical relations with her??

But then I have decided to keep my mouth shut. I was emotionally unstable and all this fake husband wife thing was already consuming a major part of me so him shouting at me or hurting me was the last thing I wanted!

Wierd how prior to marriage I would think about my future with my husband. Us being totally lovestruck.

Having a cute little family with two kids, the first one being a girl definitely. Together, discussing our and eating together. Visiting the most beautiful beaches in the entire world...that has always been my dream!

But now this didn't have any place. Probably this is how life is going to be from now on.

I did know that he is in the army but his exact work was unknown to me. Even today I shudder thinking of that night when he came home bleeding. Yes he is in the army but who comes home with a struck bullet! I was oblivious to his nature of work. I was dying to know what happened that day and was he even safe but after settling stuff with him i decided not to ask him anything . Damn..why did i care for him so much?! I didn't ask and he didn't bother telling me.

My back and his wound healed. The pain went away but the pain and emptiness in my heart was increasing day by day. I felt a lot more lonlier after marriage. Work home thats it. If friends asked me out I refused politely not wanting to go anywhere.

It was friday evening and I was leaving for home. Almost everybody had left but I made it a point to be amongst the last ones to leave taking up all the extra work. Like who would be waiting back home for me! I was just about to leave my room when a new patient arrived.

"Oh! Yes, how can I help you?" I said a little baffled.

"Hello! I'm sorry I just walked in without an appointment. My hurts so much!" He exclaimed.

"We're actually closed. But, I'll take a look."

It was a little wierd because one could enter only if he/she had an appointment and he had none. How did he even manage to get an entry astonished me. I was about to refuse but then I thought he might be in severe pain and it would be unethical to send him back.

"Alright. Come in."

I gestured him to sit on the dental chair for examination. He walked midway to the room and then instead of going towards the dental chair he advanced towards me.

"Excuse me?" before I could say anything he cornered me to the granite slab. I protested by raising my voice and pushing him back. He tightly gripped my hands behind my back with one hand and placing the index finger of his other hand on my lips.

" more word and I'll take you here itself on the slab and you know what you won't be able to do anything. The entire area is empty by now. You shout... use."

My heartrate breathing became uneven.

"Wh..what do you want?" I stuttered.


I tried getting him to loosen his hands which only tightened.

"Come on a date with me. Don't even think of saying a no. I am asking you politely for now but it wont take me much time to force you and believe me you don't have any other option right now."

"You are insane!! Let go off me!"

He chuckled. He was a few inches taller than me. Brown eyes, a perfect face cut and well built.

This man sneaks inside my room to ask me out on a DATE?! This is maddening!

"You think I would? You know you kinda hot right. I saw you, liked you and now you are mine for some time..simple! Say a yes." Closing the little distance between us, his lips came close to mine and his tounge licked my lips. I was taken aback. My head started pounding. I needed air, it was suffocating.

I momentarily closed my eyes, regained composure and then pushed him hard such that he banged himself against the wall.

Grabbing my bag I ran. I reached the elevators and pressed the button like a lunatic. Just my luck it opened and I hit the ground floor.

When the doors were closing I found him approaching the elevators. He stopped folded his arms across his chest leaning against the wall he casually stood there and laughed wickedly!

I ran to the parking lot and fumbling with the keys I started the car. I hit the accelerator not looking back I rushed home..away from him!!

I parked the car. My legs felt weak. I managed to get out of the car and ran inside bolted the door behind me and stood there clutching my chest to slow down my racing heart and pent up breathing.

Just then I saw Nilay and he was looking at me with a questioning and worried look.

"Hey! All good?!"

Marriages are made in Heaven (Completed/Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now