Chapter 26

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Almost when they were about to reach home Nilay was called back at the office. He parked the car outside and she was about to step out of the car when he held her hand.

"You don't have to do it anymore, Tahira. We can stop here itself."

She looked at him and saw his genuine eyes.

This was it. All she saw at the moment was care and worry for 'her' in 'his' eyes. Sometimes the smallest gestures help you make the biggest decisions of your life. She made hers. Only if she knew that her life was about to change forever.

"Not when we've come this far." She smiled. A smile that faded before reaching her eyes.

His heart melted. How could somebody be this selfless he failed to understand.

"And..just reminding..your dinner is still due." She mocked him playfully. He moved and cupped her face in his hands.

"I won't let anything happen to you Tahira. I promise." With that he kissed her forehead.

Oh! How much she wished it was about her life...she being safe. But it wasn't. All that her heart ached for was him. Him being with her. How was she supposed to tell him that she had fallen hard for him.

She climbed out of the car and closed the door. He guided the steering wheel into the other direction and she knocked on the window. He rolled the screen down and he gave her a questioning look.

"Stay safe." She whispered.

He gave her a brief nod and drove off. It was today that Nilay's heart admitted the long denied truth... she had fallen for him.

So that was it. As promised by Uday, he planned a lavish dinner for her. The time she spent with him was like any normal rich boyfriend would spend with his girlfriend. It was hard for Tahira to imagine that this guy was involved in some of the most brutal crimes anybody could ever believe! Young, approachable, a good sense of humour - he had everything. Why he chose to become a mafia was a mystery for her. It was wierd but for her in a way he resembled Nilay.

Uday stayed there for the entire weekend.

He had a flight back to Vegas late night on Saturday. He texted her saying he wanted to meet her for some time at a nearby beach. She had no other option except to meet him.

The sea was calm and he stood facing the sea. Unsure, she crossed the short span of wooden pathway built amongst the surrounding trees and approached him.


He turned around.

"How are you?"


He was aloof and she tensed a little bit. Also it amused her for he didn't touch her unlike other times when he found it difficult to keep his hands to himself.

Has he figured out? Does he know? She kept on asking herself.

Nilay and his men were spread around the entire are. Even Nilay became more alert on hearing Uday's distant voice through the microphone.

A table with candle lights and rose petals sitting on the table lay a few feet from him. A bottle of champagne and two glasses lay on it.

"Do you want to sit?" he asked.


"So, there's like a small event and I want you to accompany me." He said pouring champagne in her glass. She ignored the fear rising in her body.


"Because I want you to." His reply was curt.

"You want me to walk into a mafia gang, Uday?" She asked trying to think of some reason to deny.

"It's just a party Tahira. A normal party. One of my business associates is throwing it. Don't worry, it'll have security from the government." He smirked at the last sentence.

"Fro..from the government?" she questioned.

"I have other businesses as well. I run oil companies. He's my partner. A very famous business tycoon. Everything is legal. Nothing related to the mafia."

"Why me?"

"What's the harm if I want my woman with me?"

She cringed internally. His woman? When did that happen?

"I..I don't..."

He gave her a challenging look.

"Okay." She let out a sigh.

To her surprise a smile broke out on his face and within seconds she found his lips on hers.

"And here I thought I would have to break your stubborn attitude with anger." He laughed.

"So you were tensed because you thought I wouldn't accompany you?"

"Not that I would have let you do the same. I was just giving you a hard time." He laughed.

She felt sick. But didn't let it show on her face.

"So, it's next weekend. Text me your address. I'll pick you up."



The glass in front to Tahira crashed to pieces. Some glass pieces came flying towards her and instantly she squeezed her eyes shut. Somebody fired a shot. Another shot and it didn't stop.

He ignored her shriek.

In a dash Uday abandoned his chair and closing the little distance between them he pulled her onto the sand. With his body hovering hers he reached behind his back. He took out his gun from behind his jeans and in a bruising grip he held her hand. Swiftly he pulled her to her feet.

She gasped.

Still gripping her hand, he ran towards his car parked across the wooden pathway with her trailing behind him. Once in the covers of the trees he turned around.

"It's the police. We have to get out of here!" He growled angrily.

"Let me go!" she whispered out of shock.

This can't be! With trembling hands she touched her ear in a haste only to find the microphone gone. It fell down somewhere while running. Fear was evident in her eyes. Not because of this random firing but because she was forced to go with him.

A mafia...a don....a rapist.

He didn't hear her in the chaos and dodging the bullets he dragged her to his car.

Author's Note :-

Jeez! What's going to happen now? :p :p

Any gueses?!

Please comment.

xoxo Lily <3

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