Chapter 61

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"Go on..hit me!"

"You know I will never do that!"

"It hurts...doesn't it? You know what it hurt me as well. Right here." She said jabbing her index finger in his chest.

His eyes softened.

"I want you to stay." He put forth directly.

"Why?! Why now?! Because it didn't work out with Naisha?"

He looked at her curiously.

"Roy told me about it yesterday." She said softly.

It wasn't that she was happy that their relationship had come to an end. She knew he would be hurt and she hated herself for caring about the fact that he would be hurt. She wasn't trying to taunt him. She just wanted a good reason for why he wanted her to stay.

His expression changed from frustration to shock to defeat.

He hadn't told her about Naisha because he knew that after all this if he told her to stay back she would think it was because he couldn't make it work with Naisha. She would never believe the fact that he wanted her and not Naisha by his side way before the truth about Naisha's betrayal came into existence. And this is exactly what happened. He didn't know what to to stop her.

"That's not the reason.."

"Then what is it? Why now? Why after putting relationship..through all this? Why now you suddenly think that I should stay?!"

"Tahira you aren't understanding.."

"Yes I'm not! Make me understand. Why?"

He ran a hand through his hair under frustration. If he told her how he feels at this moment she would never understand! His break up with Naisha will have such influence on his declaration that the basic sanctity of the word 'love' would vanish for her! What was he supposed to do?!

"Oh! I get it! Nobody to sleep with now..right? So I have to fulfill those demands now.."

"Tahira!" He closed the distance between them and grabbed her arm in a wincing grip.

"Don't even try! If I wanted I could have made you submit to me in bed way before. There wasn't any need for me to give you f*cked up reasons for staying back!"

"You're hurting me!"

"The amount of power I hold Tahira..if I wanted I could have let you die the day you were shot or even killed you without anybody knowing! Nobody would have known sh*t about it. I wouldn't have walked with you at every step after whatever happened. I agree I've made mistakes but I'm not running away from them." His grip tightened.

"Nilay! Leave my arm!" She cried out.

She breathed out closing her eyes. Her hand on his she was loosing strength to fight. Her eyes burning with tears threatening to fall.

"So get it straight. You are not going anywhere! Even if I have to tie you to this bed..I will. You. Aren't. Leaving."

He let her go off his punishing embrace through a push causing her to fall on the bed on her butt.

She looked up to him with fear in her eyes.

He had lost his temper yet again and he regretted it. He almost hurt her physically today. He needed to be out of there and that is what he did. Raging with anger he banged the door close and stomped out to the beach.

She didn't know for how long she sat there but her mind kept on replaying what he said. She needed answers. He couldn't just do this! If he was angry she was angry too! She had the right to be!

"You have to talk today Nilay!" Barely able to stand she didn't care about her illness. With difficulty she walked through the sand.

Her temper rising with each step the moment she reached him she held his shoulder and made him face her. Infuriated she grabbed his collars and leveled her gaze with this.

"You will talk to me today! I don't care if you are angry because I'm way angrier."

His hands grabbed her hands to pry them off.

"Stop this nonsense!"

"I'm not letting you leave this place. You have to answer my questions."

"Tahira it's freezing out here! Go back inside!" He said taking a step towards her.

"No!" She stepped away from him.

"Tahira stop it!"

"Why do you care?!"

"You've lost it."

"For what are you doing all this?!"

"Get back inside!"

"Why wouldn't you let me leave!"


"Why?!" She screeched.

Grabbing her upper arms strongly he almost roared with anguish.

"Because I love you dammit!"

She broke herself free and slapped him.

And except for the crashing of the waves and the sound of the wind nothing was heard.

"Stop lying!" She accused him after a few seconds.

She faltered back. But he held her steady by her waist.

He wasn't angry at her outburst. Infact his anger had vanished completely.

"I love you." He spoke gently.

"Don't.." She shook her head.

"Don't play with my emotions Nilay.." She whispered looking at the sand paralysed by shock and bewilderment.

"Look into my eyes Tahira and tell me what do you see? this what you see?"

Her eyes met his and she got lost. For the first time after marriage she saw emotion and vulnerability in them. What was she supposed to make out?!

"No.." She whispered.

Loosening herself she stepped back.

"Don't fool around with me..please." She begged.

He stepped towards her.

"I don't know what to do to make you believe me!"

"My heart is already broken..." She pleaded with him.

He remained calm.

"How can you do this.." She found it hard to breathe.

She got wreckless. Not being able to digest the small piece of information she screamed hysterically.

" are lying!"

She pushed him in the chest.

"I hate you!" She hit him again.

He tried to hold her hands.

"I hate you..hate you!" She sobbed hitting him again.

He closed the distance between them and held her firm.

Defeated her body lost strength.

"I hate you..hate.."

"I..I love you..." She cried out tiredly in his chest.

Solace..that's what he experienced. His heart brimmed with relief and he crashed his lips to hers.

She was his..forever.

Author's Note:-



xoxo Lily<3

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