Chapter 16

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Wednesday night when Tahira slept she wished that thursday morning would never come. Her regular attempts of calling Nilay had been futile. He didn't answer or call back. Her only hope had died and on thursday morning she knew she would have to face it alone.

"Just be firm and shove him away. Okay!" she muttered keeping a pepper spray in her bag.

Even though she had filed a complaint to the authorities, the entire day at the hospital her mind was set on that maniac. She could not concentrate anywhere. Everytime somebody knocked on her door she feared that it was him.

The day passed by and he didn't turn up. She recalled that he had come to her only on weekends and not weekdays and probably this time also the same would happen. This meant that she would have time. Time to contact Nilay by any way. Time to tell him that she was in trouble and she needed help.

"You can do can do it." she kept on assuring herself the entire day.

This thought relaxed her a bit and in the evening she packed her stuff to leave. The corridors, the elevator everything seemed wierd to her that day. She hurried to the ground floor and rushed through the main doors to the parking lot. Her feet stopped and unwantingly she had images of their last encounter. Shunning away the scary thoughts she took fast strides to her car. With trembling hands she opened the door and was about to get inside when someone roughly pulled her out of the car and it was him.

She gasped and realised that he was hurt. There was blood coming out from his forehead and his clothes were dirty. She cupped her hands to her mouth and stood rooted to her spot. With a firm tug he untangled her hands from her mouth and closing the little space between them yet again he licked her lips. The difference was that this time his licks were firm, hard and swift clearly displaying the want and lust for her in his eyes. Once, twice, thrice and he didn't stop. She wriggled under his grip and his fingers tightened around her arms. She hissed in pain and tried to push him hard. But obviously he was way stronger than what he had thought. She was about to shout for help when he placed his finger on her lips.

"SShhhh...not a single word." he said in a dangerously low tone biting her ear. And just like that he stopped.

Holding her by the shoulders he took one step behind and slowly took out his gun piercing it in her stomach between their bodies so that nobody could see them. With such less distance between them, and his hushed tones and a dumbfounded Tahira anybody watching would misinterpret them for a couple showing public display of affection easily. Her breathing came hard and fast and she started shivering.

"Let me go!" she said barely above a whisper.

"Ooops! I have a gun! Can I please shoot you??" Her eyes widened in horror.

"Don't be scared babe I just want a date. However, I have work so we can't do it today. I paid you a visit just to make you understand that we aren't done as yet and I'll be seeing you tomorrow. Decide well!" She couldn't utter a word and trembled under his grip.

"Ta-daaa! Another day to decide. Oh! come on...Smile babe its your day!!" He laughed wickedly.

The way he acted made her sick. He was acting like some mad person who was out of his senses. The way he talked..his body language..the roughness he definitely was a maniac.

Roughly he shoved his hand in between the buttons of her shirt feeling her stomach and was about to close the distance between them when just like last time a car arrived. He groaned .

"Uggghhh! Wrong timing! Nevermind. Tomorrow you'll be mine." With that he kissed her cheek and left.

Nilay could'nt believe what he saw and was dumbfounded. His mind played tricks of taking the shot or not but with Tahira there he couldn't. He was confused and decided that more information was required. Nilay drove back to his office and met Roy. Both of them discussed the entire sequence of events and finally Nilay asked him to do a background check on Tahira. Anger consumed him and he was beyond furious. By the look of it he thought that she was involved with him. Maybe even dating him.

Marriages are made in Heaven (Completed/Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now