Chapter 21

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"Get inside." He said shoving her into the passenger seat.

Without a single word he took got behind the wheel and drove.

"Can you at least tell me what's wrong?" Tahira kept on pestering him but he didn't speak a word.

So finally she gave up and the drive to the house was exceptionally silent. Once they reached the house she got out of the car and opened the front door to the house. She was about to climb the stairs when he spoke.

"So, you were having fun..huh?" he asked her closing the door.

"Excuse me!" She asked bewildered.

"Enjoyed his company?" he mocked her.

"You are unbelievable!" she said in a shocked tone.

"I am unbelievable? Who was laughing and having a gala time? Me or you?" he said stepping closer.

"And who told me to have fun and laugh and to stay close."

"Oh! So you liked him being close." He said taking another step forward in response to which she took one backward.

"What do you mean?!"

"How close Tahira?" He took another step towards her and now her back hit the wall. She was intimidated by him.

"So it's about him touching me. Isn't it? Get it straight Nilay I am doing it only because you want me to do it. He is a pervert and I am averted to him."

But he didn't listen to what she was saying.

"This close? Did you like him touch you?" There was hardly any gap between the two now.

"Did he touch like this?"

His hand travelled from her bare thigh to the side of her hip and she shivered from his touch. His eyes didn't leave hers and she became mute. He slid his fingers from her hand to her arm and gently stroked her bare skin. Her breaths became short and fast.

"Tell me Tahira." His let his thumb run circles above her collar bone and he liked the smoothness of her skin felt. His eyes were locked with hers and she could see lust clearly. But for her?!

"Does he touch better?" He said and with that he let his fingers touch her lips which forced her to almost claw the wall. Her lips parted in response and she closed her eyes not being able to take out a word from her mouth. His masculine scent was driving her mad and what he did next made her breath hitch. He gave a light tug to her hips forcing her to come closer to him and she let her hands grip his shoulders.

"You looked so hot today." He said huskily. His lips trailed skilful kisses down the length of her neck. For a moment she thought she was dreaming. His lips travelled to her jaw and were now only an inch away from hers. His hot breath fell on them making her shiver with desire. Closing the remaining distance between them he crashed his lips on hers. Her eyes opened wide in shock but she didn't stop him nor did she respond. He moved them softly and slowly against hers as if he wanted to take his time. His eyes were closed and he licked her lower lip asking for permission to enter her mouth. She didn't, instead she made a teeny weeny effort to push him away by placing her small hands on his chest which he in turn grasped lightly and raised above her head. Her chest snuggled against his aroused him. She still didn't respond. So he just continued to kiss her. He was in no hurry. He deepened the kiss. That's when she gave in. Her eyes closed and her lips moved in sync with his. He loosened his grip and rested her hands around his neck. A moan escaped from her throat. He grabbed her head with one hand and the other raised her thigh around his legs. She let her hands slide from his neck to his hair. He tugged at her lower lip and she had just opened her mouth when a honk from a car made her come back to reality. Her eyes flew open and she gave him a hard push such that he stumbled back. Both of them were breathing hard and fast. Another honk and Nilay realised what he was doing. He just stared at her. Without a single word, he left. Nilay spotted a familiar car outside and sat inside.

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