Chapter 42

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It was as if Uday had an entire army spread throughout Cali. One trail led to another and it seemed never ending!

Nilay and his team had been working hard enough. Even after attacking and capturing God knows how many clubs and warehouses it seemed like the rat still had dug holes deeper somewhere.

Like a hawk Nilay needed just one clue and immediately under his surveillance places were attacked, men were killed and girls were rescued.


After working for the entire day every night faithfully he would go to Tahira and then return to work in the morning. Men had been guarding her room and the separate medical wing. Her security was of ace importance to him. He was informed of every single ongoing at the hospital. Almost an entire week and she had been unconcious. It was the second week she opened her eyes.

Like all the other nights he sat on the couch with the laptop on his lap on the side of her bed looking at her. She was out hard.

He got up and now sat himself opposite her on the side of the bed. John had been taking good care of her. His treatment was showing result. Her bruises were healing and colour returning to her once pale body.

John came in and looked at him. With his back towards him Nilay asked.

"How's she been doing?"

"Much better. The blood levels are normal, no fever, the gun shot wound is healing well and so is her entire body. She's a fighter." He smiled.

Kissing her forehead Nilay got up and both of them headed to John's room.

"What about the nightmares?"

"Still there. The intensity has decreased though. She doesn't scream that bad. It's more of a quiet affair now. It's depends on how well she copes up with them."

"Thanks." Was all Nilay could say.

"For what?"

"For coming in and treating her. If not you I would have never been able to go out in search of that b*stard knowing that's she's all alone here in the hospital."

"If I were in her place she would have done the same or probably much more. I don't want anybody to thank me."

Things had sorted out between them. John didn't know what exactly went wrong between Tahira and Nilay but he was sure that Nilay cared about her...a lot. He had seen the frustration, worry and pain in his eyes every time he would go near her or whenever he was told about her nightmares.

"She's up know..." John said.

Nilay knew what he meant. He didn't say anything and started heading towards the door.

"She's been asking about you." He continued before Nilay left.

"She wants to meet you Nilay."

"Meet me?" Nilay out a humorless laugh.

"She still wants to see that one person who ruined her life? That one person who failed her?" Nilay gritted her teeth.

"You were the first person she asked for when she got up. Every one has to go through failiures in life Nilay and...."

"Yes I failed! I failed in the most important exam of my life. I . I got my wife r*ped...I couldn't protect her. How can she even tolerate the look of such a person?!" He said throwing away the pen stand on John's table.

The truth was that he had used her as a bait to reach his prey. Today he didn't have the courage to stand upto her. He couldn't face her without guilt! He had been avoiding to visit her during the day when she was up.

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