Chapter 45

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The cake she baked was good and yummy but she had lost appetite. She watched tv and read a book to keep herself busy.

Her abdomen was paining more than usual.

"Maybe it was because I ran after Nilay in the morning." She thought.

He called Tahira twice to know if she was doing alright in between and also that he wouldn't be coming.

The day mostly passed by dreading about how she will spend the night alone. For a larger part of the night she couldn't sleep and when she did the nightmares came back.

Terrified she thought of nothing else and hastily entered his room. Slipping inside the bed she hugged a pillow. His familiar masculine scent giving her peace and calming her down.

Even then she slept restlessly.

The next day was no different. Every now and then her gaze swept to the door hoping that he'll come. Sitting on the living room couch with the door locked and the phone held firmly in her hands all she did was pray.

At night like yesterday she climbed into his bed but was awaken by her bad dream. Sweaty she sat up and craved for water.

She headed down to the kitchen. She had just bought the rim of the glass to her lips when...


"Our resources tell us that he's in the extreme southern part of the city. We have certain pictures which confirm of some illegal ongoings there. Though the pictures aren't clear the area seems we guarded by men who are armed."

Nilay nodded looking at the evidence in front of him.

"Of all the people captured Peter was his right hand man. Upon interrogation he admitted that Uday does have a base at this area."


"My instincts tell me that it's him here. What do we do?"

"We hit it."

Roy nodded.

It took him one day to make make a fool proof plan and for that he had to stay in his office.

Nilay barked orders and within the next two hours an full fledged team of his best men was ready.

"We go slow. I want the outer area destroyed first. Shoot down everybody, I don't care but clean sweep the area."

Everybody listened carefully.

"It has to be a quiet affair and it will be done at night. He shouldn't know about it. He should have no place to run to once we hit the core. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir!" The men said unanimously.

At night their cars headed to their destination.

His mind was focused on Uday and his gaze on the road when his phone rang.



Somebody tapped on her shoulder and she whirled around.

"Boo! I'm back!"

Her fingers lost power and the glass down with pieces of glass scattering around.

She felt asphyxiated and squeezed her eyes shut hoping that it was some kind of hallucination.

When she opened her eyes Uday was standing in front of her.

"" She muttered under her breath.

She took an unsteady step backwards and her legs gave way. She fell on her knees. Her palms hit flat on the ground with pieces of glass piercing her skin.

Marriages are made in Heaven (Completed/Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now