Chapter 36

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*The following chapter has graphic content. All those uncomfortable with such content or below 18 please do not read read further*

Nilay stood facing the large window of his office. His face taut and in deep thought.

Roy waIked in.

"Did you find out anything?" Nilay asked still with his back towards Roy.

"No. We are trying." Came Roy's solemn reply.

"It's been three f*cking days Roy! What the f*uck are you guys finding?!" He whirled around and shouted.

With two quick strides he closed the distance and held Roy from his collars.

"Nilay! Calm down man! He just dissappeared! We are doing what we can!"

Nilay tightened his grip and spoke through clenched teeth.

"I want her Roy! You better be doing something about it!" He pushed him back leaving his collars.

Roy staggered back gaining his balance. He knew it was best to leave Nilay alone when he was angry. There was no point arguing so he walked out quietly the same way he had come.

Nilay turned back to the window.

He was so close!

Uday was handcuffed inside the car. That stupid promotional phone call distracted him for a few minutes. Next he heard was a gun shot. Uday's hands were free of hand cuffs. He managed to shoot the guy who helped Uday but the coward was too quick to jump out of the car and run away.

Only if he made it a little earlier he would have saved Tahira from being taken. Everything happened so fast in front of his eyes. One moment he saw her fainting and next being carried away by Uday.

He had followed them for a fair amount of distance when his car just vanished. To where, Nilay had no clue.

There was a reason why he had told Tahira that she was done with Uday.

The last time Uday had forced Tahira to go in his car made him realize what a huge mistake he had done by getting her involved into all this.

Her cries from that night were still inpregnated in his mind. Her trembling body holding him tight made guilt slice his heart into pieces.

What was he thinking?! How could he be so insensitive! He knew the dangers involved very well? How could he be blinded by this mission that he shoved her into this dirt!

He closed his eyes and all he saw was her innocent tear striken face.

Resting his hands on the window he bent his head down and blew out a frustrated breath.

"Where are you Tahira..." He


Uday spent the afternoon with Naisha in bed. She was a really good f*ck. She was an expert in satisfying his hunger and calm him down.

It didn't take him more than a few minutes to realize that her life revolved around money. She could easily betray merely for those pieces of paper.

Even before she asked, he had agreed to let her stay with him for his pleasures.

Pouring himself a drink He walked to the balcony and stood there brooding.

It all made sense now. Why most of his deals didn't work out and how Nilay was there exactly on time.

She had been working for him. But he had to give credits to Tahira. She played her part really well.

He took a long sip. His desire for her still hadn't subsided. A smirk formed on his lips. Through Tahira Nilay would pay. He would die every single day.

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