Chapter 44

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A fortnight since they had returned from the hospital. He stayed home and did all that was needed. Spent time with her, cooked, ate with her.

There was no way he was leaving her alone till she recovered completely.

He knew she loved her job and he had taken care of that too. A medical certificate was sent to her office informing that she had met with an accident and would join once she recovers.

They had started talking but still there was some kind of wall between them.

Her wounds were healing. But the one on the stomach was taking time. She still had pain. He had allowed her to do small household chores and that's it.

Nilay still saw the hesitation in her eyes when he would stand too close to her or touch her absentmindedly so he made it a point to maintain distance.

The nights began by him sleeping on the sofa next to her bed and it ended with him holding her body close to his in bed due to the nightmares.

Never once did she cry or break down in front of him. It was only at times of her nightmares that he saw how vulnerable she was.

Holding her close to him every night he swore to himself.

"You will pay for this Uday! Start counting your days."


Saturday morning Tahira got up happy for some unknown reason. The bed was empty so obviously Nilay was up.

After taking a shower she headed downstairs and started the process of baking a cake. She put the tin with the batter in it and smiled.

Nilay was getting ready when his phone rang.

"We found him." Roy said.

Nilay's hand tightened on the phone and his jaw tensed.

"I'm coming."


"Get an entire team of guys to spread around my house. Tell them to dress up in casuals. She shouldn't be bothered by their presence. I don't want any loop holes with her security. Instruct them well. Nobody will knock or come inside unless absolutely necessary."


His only concern was Tahira. Will she be able to stay alone? Will she be able to manage?

He climbed down the stairs.

"Good morning!" She beamed.

"I baked a..." She looked up at his tense face.

Dread filling her for she knew something was wrong. Stepping forward she questioned.

"What's wrong?" She merely whispered.

He came upto her, an arm apart.

"I have some work. I have to leave for some time."

The truth was that he had no clue about how many days he'd be gone.

"Okay." She responded her face paled.

She had made peace with the fact that he wouldn't talk about what had happened. No matter how much she wanted to know if he was doing all this under pressure she kept quiet.

Was she still loathsome to him? Will he tell her to leave once everything was alright?

Even today she felt there were times when he was aloof but she couldn't help it.

Every day she would pray...

"Please talk to me Nilay..tell me it's not what I think..."

Her feelings were messed up. She didn't want any man near her but she also didn't want him to leave. Even when he touched her she wanted to get away though she knew he wouldn't harm her. She didn't know what was happening to her.

Every night when he held her in his arms she prayed for it to be real. He was in love with somebody else.

Was she selfish to ask for his love?

It was those little moments when he would leave the room to talk on phone or even go to the kitchen that panic would grip her. The rhythmic tick tock of the clock or even the pitter patter of the rain outside would start bothering her. She would feel suffocated and it seemed as if the walls were caving in on her.

Him being with her gave her the strength to come out of it. She knew he had work to do and wouldn't be there to baby sit her every time. He would have to go.

So now when that time had come why was she chickening out? Why didn't she prepare herself for this possibility?

"Will you be alright?" He questioned.

Despite her fear she nodded.

How much he wanted to touch her and take her fear away but he controlled himself.

"I'll try coming back early. Don't step out of the house and keep it locked."

She merely nodded.

"Don't go out. Okay?" He repeated.


He started moving towards the door.

"Please don't go...please..." She spoke mentally.

The door closed.

Unable to get hold of her feelings she ran out after him. He was about to shut the door of the car when he saw her.

Slowly he got out of the car frowning.

Breathing hard and fast she stood in front of him.

She flung her body at him and hugged him with full force burying the side of her face in his chest.

When he made no effort to hug her back realization dawned upon her. Immediately she created distance with her hands still resting on his chest.

"So...sorry..." She spoke in between her pants. Raising her head she met his eyes and her arms began to retreat.

It was then that he seized her wrist and forcefully pulled her body flush against him crushing her in his tight grip.

And just like like the huge void in her life vanished temporarily. She felt complete.

He scooped her up and headed back inside and placed her on the couch in the living room.

"Whe..when will you be back?" She spoke not being able to control the tear that slid down slowly.

"I'll not be gone for long." He tried reassuring her rubbing his thumb over her cheek softly.

She met his eyes.

"Stay safe."

He smiled and finally left.

Author's note:- he getting all lovey dovey towards her?

So finally they found Uday! What will happen to Naisha? What will happen next?

Any guesses?

Also tell me about this chapter!


xoxo Lily<3

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