Chapter 56

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"He'll never leave us..will he?" Holding him tightly she spoke in his chest.

"Look at me."

Her gaze ascended to meet his.

"He's dead. We're done with him forever." Closing her eyes she burried her face back in his chest.

She didn't know how to respond. To actually be happy or to lament the death of a human being?

They were ushered to the hospital in Peru. After a complete checkup it was clarified that she and her baby were perfectly fine. The cuts on her wrist were looked after.

Nilay on the other hand got the stiches on his head redone. The gash on his shoulder was catered to and so was the burn on his back.

"When is dad coming?" She asked him on the plane.

He was tired of lying. He wanted things to sort out soon now. He had made up his mind to confess his feelings to her.

"He's not."


"Tahira, Uday had escaped so it wasn't safe for you to stay there. I had to get you back to Cali. Obviously you wouldn't have come otherwise so I made that up. But I didn't see all this coming. He still took you."

"You lied to me?! You could gave told me the truth!" Her voice rose.

"So that you spent sleepless nights? I've seen that fear in your eyes Tahira!" He retorted back.

"I'm going back tomorrow!"

He just sighed. He didn't have the energy to fight with her right now.

They didn't really come to know about the rest of the plane ride back to California because they slept through most of it. Everybody was exhausted and rest was needed.

Once awake she thought about what had happened.

It had been so tough for her to move on but she was doing just fine. Maybe not very good but she was still moving on.
Then why did he have to come back in her life?!

So this was it? It was over for them two as well? Obviously! He was in love with Naisha and she didn't want to stay as the 'other woman' in their life.

Moreover the real reason he had asked her to come was for her safety, because he thought she was his responsibility...a burden more appropriately. Not because he really wanted her to come back. So she decided there and then. She had to move to DC!


They reached back home at night. After taking a shower and changing into comfortable pyjamas and a t-shirt she cooked some food. He sat besides her on the table. He was hungry. It always made her happy when he ate the food she cooked. She ignored the sting in her eyes.

He looked up from the plate at her.

"This is really good!" He smiled.

"Tahira! You've not eaten anything!"

"Yeah I..I'm eating.."

"Are you not feeling well?" He asked leaving his spoon. Concern etched over his face.

"No I'm fine. That medicine John gave, its good."

"Then why aren't you eating?"

She didn't say anything.

"Eat up." He told her sternly. Once she was done she spoke again.

"Nilay..I want to go back tomorrow."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow Tahira." He said getting up.


"I want John to check you up once. He's out of town. When he comes back day after tomorrow you can leave."

Cleaning his plate he left for his room.

She sat there for a few minutes. Her brain had stopped working. Finally she got up and headed to her room.

It was while crossing his room she saw. He wasn't even able to raise his arm to remove his shirt. Grimacing in pain he managed to get rid of the cloth. Her eyes travelled to the ugly burn on his back from the log that fell on him.

As if her feet had a mind of their own she walked towards him. She raised her hand and lightly touched the area around it.

He stiffened on her touch and gripped the table in front of him with both his hands. Closing his eyes he let out a sigh and let her trace the mark.

"Does it hurt?" She whispered.

Not as much as when Uday took her or just now when she told him that she wants to leave. This was much more agonizing that these f*cked up bruises.

"A little." He said with his back still towards her.

"I'll put that ointment." She said picking up the tube from the table.

He winced a little when she applied it on the wound.

"Sleep. You must be tired." He said once she finished applying it.

Late at night restless she wasn't able to sleep. Quietly she got up and headed to his room.

He was sleeping shirtless on his unhurt side. Trying not to disturb him she slipped inside.

Looking at her husband's wounded form regret filled her. She just stared at his cut eyebrow and the wounded shoulder.

Why did she have to be so stubborn!

Sensing somebody's presence immediately he opened his eyes.

"Tahira? Did you have a bad dream?" He asked panicking.

"I'm sorry.." Her voice cracked.

He frowned.

He saw a tear trickle down her smooth skin.

"For what?!"

"If I hadn't been so pushy the other day, this wouldn't have happened. Th...they hurt you so badly.." She hiccuped.

"No!" He said bringing her close to him.

"It's all my fault!" She cried.

"Tahira! If all this didn't happen we would never been able to get rid of him. Atleast we were able to kill him!" He comprehended with his woman.

Eyes red and nose running she looked at him.

"It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself."

Gulping in she lifted an unsteady hand and her fingers fleeted softly over the cut on his eyebrow.

He wiped away her tears and pulled her closer to him. She let him.

As if her touch would take away his pain she brushed her thumb over his eyebrow and the cut lip.

Both of them just lay staring at each other feeling complete, with a new surge of happiness budding inside.

She thought she can't leave him like this! He was there for her so isn't it her duty to stay with him now?

A few minutes later he spoke..

"Come out to dinner with me."

Author's Note:-


xoxo Lily <3

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