Chapter 12

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Tahira's pov

I banged the front door close and literally rushed to my room locking it. I rested my head against the cold wall. My heart beat loud and fast and I felt my cheeks heat up.His touch..that touch was all I could remember. What was happening to me. How can I get attracted to him despite knowing what he has done?! I walked to the side window. He had lowered the music and was still washing. Every step he took every move he made..made my heart beat faster. I crossed my hands across my chest and leaned against the window. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I always felt like he wasn't bad at heart and sometimes I felt he cared. How he would get mad at me, shout at me and then how he made efforts to make up. If he wasn't a nice man why would I see that guilt in his eyes everytime. That worried expression on seeing my pale gently he picked me up when I he stroked my face asking me are you alright..and then how he got the pizza knowing that I hadn't eaten.

Then the softness in his eyes when he talked about his mother and asked about my family. The way he cupped my face assuring that he knew how to take care of himself. I just couldn't bring myself to hate him!

Just then I realised what I was thinking. This is the present... right here...right now and this is how it will be in the future. He will never accept me no matter what happens. I was recalled of the bitterness I saw for myself in his eyes on our wedding night. He loves somebody else not me. Forget about love probably he doesn't even consider me as a friend. I found a tear trickle down my face. Laughing humorlessly, I brushed it off.

Starting to feel cold, I decided to get rid of my wet clothes. I entered the shower and closed my eyes letting the water fall all over me. As soon as I closed my eyes flashbacks of that guy replayed. I gasped and opened my eyes. I had totally forgotten about what had happened yesterday. Admist all my other problems some sick maniac would definitely be the last person I would want to deal with! Anger took over me. How dare he do that! And the way he...touched me...licked my lips..I felt violated and disgusted!

I rubbed my lips and everywhere he touched furiously to get rid of the feeling. Just the mere thought of it made me tremble. I decided that I would tell the security to be extra cautious. Also I would confront the management and ask how did he manage to enter without an appointment. Its really wierd that with such tight security that guy managed to make it to my room.

"The clinic was actually failing to provide security to its employees let aside the patients. I have to report about this!"

Sighing I put the water off and got dressed. I hadn't seen John after that incident and I had to make up by meeting him for . I put on a casual pair of jeans and a tucked in a check shirt. Some lip gloss ,the usual pair of ballet flats and my glasses completed my look. Make up had always been a huge no no for me because technically I sucked at doing it!

I looked at the clock and it was almost 10:30.

"Jeeez! All that thing in the garden took up a lot of time and no wonder I am hungry!"

I left my wet hair open and headed down towards the kitchen . Deciding to cook an omlette for myself I took out two eggs. Just then Nilay entered...shirtless.

I couldn't help looking at his toned physique. He looked hot with beads of water running on his torso. The way he ran his hand through his wet hair left me gawking.

"You can admit it." he said


"That you find me hot." he smirked.

I blushed and knew where this was heading to instead I asked "Do you want to eat?"

"Sure thing. I am starving! I'll be back in 15!" he smiled genuinely.

He came back exactly after 15 min dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a plain T-shirt. Like always looking good. So typical of him...punctual as hell!!

I had just put the omlette on the plate and my luck the toasts were also ready.

"Thanks!" he said after I handed him the plate.

He took a bite "This is just awesome!How do you cook so well? You cook just like mom!"

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So you going somewhere?" he asked.

"Yep! I have to meet John. Didn't get time to thank him after that night. Will have to make up" I said casually.

"What night?"

"The night you were shot." I said slowly and then realised "Oh! I totally forgot I didn't tell you his name...John...he did evrything." I almost whispered the last part knowing that I was lying. I didn't want him to feel burdened about the fact that I saved his life!

"Oh! Can I have his number? I would like to thank him personally too!"

"Sure." and I gave him his number.

"Will you not eat?" He questioned.

I realised I totally forgot about the food in my plate. Seeing him eat..seeing him happy...just made my hunger vanish!

"Yep. I am eating." I said sitting opposite him on the table.

"Since when do you have those on?" He pointed to my glasses.

" Round 6-7 years I guess."

"So you can't see without them."

"I mean my eyes aren't very weak and I can see without the glasses. But due to my know so much studying and all I had head aches because of the strain. So I went for an examination and the doctor suggested that I should put them on regularly."

"Hmmm...never thought about lenses?"

"I am too clumsy with them." I sighed.

"Expected" he laughed.

"Excuse me!"

"That you are fidgety and clumsy! Your nervousness takes a huge part of you Tahira! Like when you have to talk to me you would start playing with you hands and your 'ummmms' and 'oohhhs' tell me that you are nervous and that's almost always! Are you like that with everybody or just me?!"

I started fidgeting with my hands again. So he dose notice me.

"With you." I blurted out.

"No I's just that...with everyb..."

"But why? Do I scare you Tahira?" he said leaving his fork.

Shit ..shit..shit...I didn't want to answer this! I closed my eyes and turned my head down.

"I asked you something."

"No." I whispered

"Louder." he said.

I bit my lower lip ""

"So that's a yes. Hey, I know I lose cool at times. But I don't mean to scare you at all! "

"Always." I managed to say and his eyes widened.

"Okay..always!" he sighed.

"I'll try to stay calm in future."  he said softly and I smiled.

"Thanks. Friends?" I said getting up and extending my hand towards him.

Without a second thought he took my small hand in his big one. He laughed at my childish act and said "Friends, Tahira!"

"So do you want to tell me what happened the other day when you fainted?" he questioned.

I froze. I definitely didn't want to bother him with all my worries. He already had a lot to look after...his job..his dad..and her. I can't be so selfish and decided I would deal with it myself.

"I am good!" I smiled and he nodded.

He got up and grabbed his car keys.

"I won't be home for a few days. You have my number. Call me if you need anything. Take care of yourself Tahira." I nodded and he left.

My lips adorned a sad smile. He left but that I didn't care right now..all I cared about was that he was friends with me and that he cared.

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