chapter 8

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Nilay's pov

I didn't know what got me worked up. Maybe the fact that she saved my life despite knowing that I'll always be an ass towards her or the fact that she had an amazing heart.

I scared her. Probably because of me she won't be able to trust any guy in life. She was emotionally weak and I could clearly see that. I hurt her so bad! I was mad because all she was trying was to help and what I did was break her.

I hit the vase on the table and it broke into pieces. Anger consumed me. I took a deep breath and went to take a shower. My wound didn't pain as much as my heart did on recalling her face.

I had to apologise to her.

"You can't do this Nilay. She is nowhere at fault. Stop being mean to her."

I tried to shun away all thoughts and let the cold water spill on my body preventing my wound from getting wet.

I stepped out of the shower and put on a new pair of jeans. Tucking the shirt inside and rolling up the sleeves I stepped outside my room.

I walked towards Tahira's room and knocked lightly on the door. She didn't open nor did she respond.

I waited, knocked again and called her. I got no response and panicked. What if she had done something stupid to harm herself?! I tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Tahira you open the door or else I would open it myself!" he shouted.

I knocked one last time and when she didn't open, I decided to do the same myself by hitting my shoulder with force on the door. The bolt gave way and the door flew open making me stumble inside.

"Probably the entire house would wreck up soon. First the glass, then the vase and now the door."

Tahira's pov

I hated myself for being emotionally weak, for being scared of him and above all for caring for him. I wiped away my tears furiously and tried getting up. That's when pain shot through my lower back causing me to fall back. I cursed under my breath.

"I hate you...I hate you. Wish I had never met you!"

With great difficulty, I managed to get up. I felt dirty and decided to soothe my back with hot water. I stripped and got inside the shower letting hot water soothe my aching back. Closing my eyes I felt tears sting my eyes. There was pain, anger and hurt and I didn't know how to cure it.

After almost an hour of remaining in the shower I moved out and realise I did not get my clothes inside.

"Why does this happen with me?!"

I took the towel and wrapped it around me and stepped outside to find him standing inside the room. My eyes widened.

He eyes were furious. He hastily took steps towards me his eyes never leaving mine. I backed off and just then my foot got caught in the mat below and I lost balance. I was about to hit the ground when I found his strong arms holding me from my waist and lower back and prevent me from falling down.

The contact of his hands with my lower back was so severe that I hissed in pain and clutched his shirt squeezing my eyes and tilting my head down.

"Are you alright?" he asked helping me stand up.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw how close I was to him. His cologne was intoxicating. His fresh breath drove me mad and his lips were almost touching my face. Why was I attracted so m h to him?! I cursed myself !

He asked me again and when I didn't reply he slightly tightened his grip on my back for better support and shook me. That is when the pain became unbearable and I managed to whisper.

" are...hurting me."

He let go immediately as if I was on fire and I clutched the table behind me for support.

"Are you alright? I kept on knocking the door and you didn't answer or open it. What happened?!" he asked soflty with a hint of urgency in his voice.

What happened?! Did he not know what happened.

I glared at him.

NOPE. Don't fall for him Tahira he's mean and heartless, remember? I chanted in my mind.

"I am fine. Please leave." I replied curtly.

His jaw clenched and he fisted his hands.

He composed himself and said "Your it...hurt?" this time worry was evident.

Was he actually worried? But, worry for me?

"I said, I am fine!"

He closed the distance between us and was hovering over me now.

"You are unable to stand and you are telling me that you are fine?!" he said raising his voice.

I cringed and dug my fingers into the table and closed my eyes but he didn't touch me.

"Look I know I have been acting totally insane. It is my fault and I shouldn't have said all that to you. I want to apologise."

I opened my eyes widely. THIS man is practically saying sorry!

Why is he so tough to understand ? One moment he is ruthless and the other he is so gentle! Sometimes he acts like he is totally insensitive and the other sensitive! Argghhh!

"What?!" I blurted out.

He gaze wase intense and on seeing my reaction he was about o turn.

Just then I said "Its alrigtht. Hey, I really need to talk okay. Let's just let go. Both of us know that there is no way out. You did it for your dad and now I am doing it for my parents. I can't see them get hurt. I know you can't accept me as your wife and all that stuff. But we also know that we have to put up with each other. Live in the same house, right? Then why not as ...FRIENDS. I won't interfere in your matters and you do the same with mine. Does that do?" I looked at him with hope in his eyes.

He tensed on hearing this then frowned as if he was thinking something and nodded.

"Cool. We can give it a shot." And he smiled genuinely.

I sighed with relief and smiled softly at him. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be! Unendingly, His eyes roamed on my body for a moment before leaving. It took a minute for me to realize and I blushed realising I was almost naked with just a towel wrapped around me. With my wet hair and uncovered body, I was an open treat to him.

"Wear something, you'll catch a cold." He muttered turning around and I saw his  retreating back.

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