Chapter 31

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Waking up to an empty bed the next morning made Tahira sigh in disappointment. Her hand traced the bedsheet touching all the places where Nilay had slept next to her saturday night.

Biting her lip she bit back a smile and headed to her cupboard. The moment she opened it her eyes landed on his shirt which he made her wear on the night of the storm.

She had intended to return it back to him but now feeling the crisp material as she held it in her hands she decided to keep it with her. Bringing it close to her face she inhaled his distinct masculine scent which did things to her. Things she was never able to understand.

She took a shower and wrapped in a towel stood in front of the mirror. Her cheeks were blushing!

"What's wrong with me?! For no reason!" She spoke to herself.

She got dressed and headed downstairs. He was standing at the door talking on phone. He turned around and gestured her to sit.

When he was done talking she gave him a questioning look.

"Won't I get breakfast today?" He asked with a smile.

She furrowed her brows and stood up.

"What's going on?" She questioned.

"I'm hungry that's exactly what's going on."

"How would you like your egg sir?" She said giving him a sly smile.

"Sunny side up please!" He played along with her.

"And some toast?"

"Please don't burn them." To which her eyes widened.

"Oh that's the only way I've learnt to make them!" She said holding her hand to her chest.

"Well then I guess I'll have to put up with it!"

She just shook her head giggling.

Once done they sat opposite each other eating.

"Where are your specs? Started wearing contacts?"

"No. They fell somewhere on the night of the storm." She said sheepishly.

"You had just one pair?"

"The other fell down day before yesterday!"

He nodded his head.

"So it seems like we're done with Mr. Mafia!"


"You don't have to do it any more." He smiled.

"You caught him?!"


"Then why?"

"Why? Aren't you happy that you don't have to involve yourself?"

"No I mean I just wanted to know the reason."

"Don't bother yourself. If he comes this Thursday just tell him that you will be there at that event. I'll handle the rest."

"Nilay bu.."

"That's enough Tahira. You have nothing to do with him now. No contact..nothing."

She just didn't respond. She couldn't comprehend what he said.

"But I want you to continue your sessions with Mike. You should know self defense. Just in case I'm not there." He said standing up.

"You owe me an explanation."

"No I don't. I said do not trouble yourself." With that he got up and left.

She stood there gaping at the door.

Marriages are made in Heaven (Completed/Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now