Chapter 1 ~ The diary entry

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7th April 2016
This is getting way out of hand. He is getting way out of hand... I need to do something before he hurts someone. As long as I am here.... he will be too. If I really want my friends to be safe, there is only one thing left to do. I've tried potions and spells but nothing will work. If I leave.... he will too, right? It's not like I have any other choice, if I stay everyone will be in danger..... but is it worth it? Yes. If it keeps them safe. Where will I go..? I'll wing it. As long as it's far away from here.... I don't think I'll be able to look them in the face and tell them I'm leaving... I might write a note perhaps. I'll really miss everyone, especially Laurance.... if only I got the chance to tell him the truth. I'm nothing but a liar.... I'm sorry. Goodbye, My love.


Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now