Chapter 47 ~ Nex VS Wendy - Fight to the death!

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Wendy's POV
After Kaylee left, we came up with a plan. I'll go in through the front and fight through. If i see Sarah or her workers, I tie them up and interrogate. Amare is going to sneak in and find the cell where they are hiding Garroth and possibly others. She will try to set them free. I've gotten on my motorcycle and am heading to the address. I'm kind of annoyed that I'm splitting with Amare. Even if it is for one mission.

I started to close in and saw a white van. I parked in front of it. I stepped off and took of my helmet, letting my blonde hair flow out. I walked over to the people in the van. I saw a girl with short hair and glasses.
"Excuse me, it may be dangerous here. I suggest you and your friends leave." I told the girl. A boy with brown hair and tan skin walked up before the girl could talk.
"Sorry but we need to be here! My best friend is in there!" He shouted.
"Garroth..?" I asked. Maybe we are after the same person.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"Kaylee hired Amare and I to break him out." I giggled.
"What? Garroth told me about her..."
"You should just let me handle this! I'm far more trained to do this!"
"Sorry, but this is Garroth we are talking about!"
"Fine. Then you can help me. BUT YOU DONT GET ANY OF THE MONEY!"
Him and the girl both face palmed.
"If things get dirty though, you should let me handle it, okay?"
He was lying.

We went to the front door. I got my sword out and cut the door open. There were two people at the door. A man with Black hair and Amber eyes. He was wearing a shirt with a dragon on it. The second was a girl. She had white hair with gold strips. Her eyes were glowing purple and she had a gold dress on. They both had weapons. The boy had hand blades and the girl had an axe. I threw my gun at the tan boy, hoping he knows how to use it. He looked at me weird. I gripped my sword and charged at the two. I swung at the boy first, he blocked me with his blade. We clashed our weapons. He had a lot of power coming off him. I went to swing again but he blocked. I kicked his legs to distract him. His grip lossened. I took my blade and swung again, managing to cut his arm. I turned around and put my sword up, blocking the girls axe. It was very heavy and managed to push me back. My blade clashed with hers. Her axe knocked my sword out of my hand and the boy put him foot on it. She was about to through her axe at me but the tan boy shot the gun. It justt scratched her but it got me a chance to grab my sword. The boy had froze for a second. He looked up at the girl.
"Destiny, someone has broken in. They are trying to get to the prisoners. Go!"

Destiny nodded and ran to the prisoners.
"Tanny! Follow her! You too Bluey! Snowy, Glasses, Potato! Find Sarah and Isretiff! Cat ears, go to the van and set up a first aid. FireFist, find anything that could prove them guilty!" I yelled. I held Dragon guy down and let the others leave. He growled at me and swung his weapons. I blocked them.
"Winner gets to kill the loser! Deal?" I asked. He grinned and kicked my jaw. He went to kick me again but i grabbed his leg and flipped him. She stood immediately and threw a blade at me. It hit my shoulder. I pulled it out and dropped it to the floor. I took out my second gun and started to shoot. He deflected them with his blades, bullets went flying. I jumped up onto the wall and pushed myself off to charge. I went to slice him but he used both hands to block and push me back. My feet sled across the ground. I angerly pulled my sword out and dug it into the ground. I kept shooting at him. He blocked every bullet. He's really pissing me off. I ran towards him and kicked him in the gut. I grabbed my gun again and held it to his head. He quickly moved his hands and cut my leg causing me to fall back. I groaned then took my sword from the ground. I was just about to attack him but he started to run the other way. I chased after him, shooting. I eventually lost him.

Amare - Marty__MM__160
Wendy - x_Graceless_x
Nex - NeoShadowTheif
Destiny - Madibobbs101

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