Chapter 8 ~ 'Office'

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Garroth's POV
I don't trust her. I did at first but not now. There's just something off. Maybe I should look around, I might find something.

Reena's POV
I was told to wait in the kitchen. I don't like lying! I'm not good at it. I just freak out. I feel bad for Zayliah. She thinks that the three of us are a team. All Boss cares for is herself. I have my reasons to follow her, so does Zayliah. Little does she know that she has been lied to. She's a murder and doesn't even know it. "REENA! SHE LEFT, COME OVER HERE!" Boss yelled. "C-Coming!" I scurried quickly back into the living room. "She thinks that-- What's his name again?" Boss questioned. "Subject 6? His name is L-Laurance..." I replied. "Yeah... Well Zayliah thinks that Laurance will come to find Garroth because apparently there 'Besties'. I have a feeling this is a bad plan.." Boss said. "B-Boss, why aren't you telling Zayliah that your k-killing them? She thinks that she's saving people but in reality she's hurting them" I said. "Because she's too kind for her own good. She's good at helping us but If she knew the truth she would probably get us arrested.... Why do you care anyways?"
"B-Because I feel guilty lying to her..."
"Don't. Every time she comes just leave. Then you won't be lying, I will."
"B-but.... I want to h-help you.."
"I know but you can't be stumbling on your words all the time. You'll blow our cover"
"I'll try Boss!"
"Why don't you give me some information about subject 6?"

Dante's POV
Poor Laurance... He must feel so..... Alone. *Buzz* My phone? I pick up my phone and see Aphmau is calling me.. I answered. "Hey Aph!"
"Didn't he go to your place?"
"YES! We had an idea to track Garroth with Lucinda's witchcraft. As soon as Travis saw where he was, Travis went into a panic and ran out we can't find him!"
"I'll look around for him"
She hung up. Travis.... Panicked? That doesn't sound like him. I got up off the couch but before I could start to look he bursts through the front door. "TRAVIS?!" I scream. "THERES NO TIME!!" He yelled back. He runs over to me and grabs my hand "COME ON!" He commanded. Travis drags me to the car before I could question any of this. I climbed into the passenger seat while he drives. He starts up the car and goes almost speeding. "TRAVIS WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" I Asked. "TO GARROTH!!"
"But he said that he doesn't wa--"
Then there was silence.

Garroth's POV
I looked in her room, Nothing suspicious. Bathroom, Nothing. Living room, Nothing. Her office, Nothing. A few rooms later and still nothing suspicious. What about the basement? Before I could check Zayliah came back in the house. "Hey Garroth!" She greets me. "Hi!" I greet back. "Why were you near the basement?!" She asked cautiously. "Just wanted to know what was down there. I didn't go though.."
"Well it's just my office! Speaking of I need to work on some stuff down there so please don't bother me.."
She walks down to the basement and locks the door. I sit on her lounge and turn on the TV. Maybe I'm over thinking this... The first thing that popped up was the news. "Just now, a crash on *insert street name here* has occurred. A car, not going the speed limit, crashed onto the side of the road. Two men were in the car at the time, one has come out with only a few cuts and bruises while the other is being sent to hospital as we speak. More details on this later."

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now