Chapter 39 ~ Eating Guts

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{Before i start, I'd like to quickly state that this chapter was written by my good friend, Ty. He's new to wattpad but is amazing at writing stories so im letting him have a crack at this, Thanks ;3}


I'm going to murder that boy! Garroth thought as he went to chase Dante.
"Dante...." He growled.
"What made you think that Laurance and I are dating?"
"Check instagram~" Dante smirked.

Garroth snatched Dante's Phone and went on instagram. Once he saw the post, he was completely enraged.

"Where is Travis?"

Garroth growled and slowly walked to Travis' room like a zombie. When he stood in front of the basement doors, he kicked them open breaking the walls around it. Travis immediately woke in utter shock.


Garroth slowly walked towards him, Travis shaking in fear. Garroth grabbed him by the collar and was ready to punch him in the face before something interrupted him.

"TRAVIS! I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR GUTS OUT, COOK THEM AND SERVE THEM TO KATELYN!" A certain brunette screamed, coming down the stairs.

I assume that means he knows what they did. Garroth thought, putting Travis down.

{Back to me now}

Vylads POV
Once we got back into the car, i kept teasing Zane about that waitress. We arrived at Garroth's house. We were just about to knock when we heard a scream.
"Uhhh..." i questioned.
"Travis." He stated.
Both Zane and i started to laugh.
We knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes before Dante answered the door.
"Hey... Vylad an--  ZANE?!"
"Nice to see you too, Dante." He said entering the house. I sighed at his rudeness and headed in with Dante.
"I didn't expect to see you..." Dante said to Zane.
"Blame him" He said bluntly pointing to me. I smiled awkwardly and sunk into the lounge.
Then we all laughed.

{Next chapter will have a very gruesome scene in it however it will also have something important to the book so it may not be best to ignore it. Also lots of swearing.... sorry nora 😅}

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now