Chapter 25 ~ The Drive

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Garroth's POV
Work was finally over and I had went to pick up Travis because he had left his keys at home. I pulled up at his work and texted him telling him I'm here, and after ten minutes of waiting he knocked on the car window. I rolled it down and stared at him. "Lemme in." He demanded in a silly voice. "What took you so long?"
"Sorry... Jaehee called me..."
"Fine geez...." I unlocked the car and he swiftly got in and slammed the door. "Are you okay Travis?"
"Pretended I never said anything..."
"The thing I said."
"Ok I guess..."
I couldn't help but to think about Zayliah.... so... she was Travis' cousin.... what made him loose trust in her?..... and what was she going to do to me exactly.... I think it had something to do with DNA but not even she knew what it was for.... and who is the person she works for? Gah! Too many questions.... but what is her boss going to do to her and Reena once she finds out about them knowing all this stuff? Are they going to get hurt...? Would that be my fault? And to think this all happened because I ran away..... which there was no point in doing seeing as I just came back..... why did I stay?
Why am I here right now? "Garroth?"
"Yes Travis?"
"Why did you leave...?"
"Garroth? Why? Did something happen?"
"Are you going to answer me?!"
"I was afraid."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not..... stable."
"Garroth.... I'm confused..."
"Never mind"
"It doesn't matter now...."
"Are you planning on leaving again...?"
We didn't speak for the rest of the drive.

Reena's POV
I called him. I couldn't stand it. I needed to make sure he was okay.... but no reply......

I waited for him to call back..... nothing.....
please... don't be hurt.....

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now