Chapter 9 ~ Danger

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Dante's POV
All I remember is driving with Travis. We were speeding and.... Lights out. My heads throbbing with pain. I can't see, everything is blurry. I could hear sirens. When my vision starts to clear I see that I'm in the car still but we're upside down. The whole drivers side has a huge dent and the windscreen is shattered. I can feel a piece of glass in my arm. I look over to Travis. He's covered in blood, bruises and dirt. His arm looked out of his socket. He wasn't awake. I tried to call to him but I couldn't speak. Then I blacked out again.

I struggled to open my eyes. I hear panicked whispers to quiet for me to hear. I feel a sharp pain in my arm which causes me to jolt forward and snap back to reality. I'm in my bed. Laurance, Aphmau, Katelyn, Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan surrounding me. "Dante~Kun! Your awake!" Kawaii~chan squealed. "Calm down" Aphmau said. "Dante what's the last thing you remember?" Lucinda asked. "Aphmau called me..... Travis bursting through the door.... He was panicking..... Pulled me into the car.... Something about Garroth in danger..... Then a loud screech...... And I woke up here..." I explained. "You and Travis were in a car crash." Katelyn says bluntly. I looked over to Laurance. He looked sort of panicked. "What kind of danger is Garroth in?! If it was bad enough for Travis to go crazy.... I could only imagine..." Laurance said. "I can't remember exactly but it had to do with who he was staying with.." I explained. "Where's Travis?!" I asked. "He's..... In the hospital......" Aphmau said. "What!?" I questioned. "Like I said before, you two were in a car crash. You were very lucky that your were not hurt that bad." Katelyn said.

Garroth's POV
That car..... It looked like.....No! That was Dante and Travis! I need to contact them! I don't get reception here.... I'll leave a note saying that I went to find reception since she doesn't want to be bothered. I wrote the note and took a bus. When I noticed I started to get bars I got off. That trip was much longer than expected.

Laurance's POV
What danger is Garroth in?! I need to find him now more than ever. Than the home phone rang. "I'll get it!" I said. I rush over to the ringing phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Laurance, it's me..." Wait... That's Garroth! "GARROTH!!" I screamed at him. Everyone in the room stares at me. "Calm down" he said in a soothing voice. "How can I be calm? Garroth..... Your in danger"

Goodbye My Love~ A Garrance/Laurroth FFWhere stories live. Discover now